Redaction Guidelines
Please download the styleguide for specific book series here: CSP (pdf file), CSP (Word file).Basically, authors can send their manuscripts directly to the Publishing House as Word- and PDF files . In many cases the manuscript can be published this way.
As most manuscripts are generated in DIN A4 and the completed book is published in DIN A5, the Publishing House minimizes the manuscript to half its size. This can mean that the text (or footnotes, cutlines, table contents) needs to be formatted bigger beforehand, so that it is still readable after the minimization. Thus the page breaks can also be shifted once again. These changes can be done by the author himself or can be carried out by the Publishing House with costs. Peer review, layout, lectorate etc. can be arranged by the Publishing House as well. If the author authorizes the Publishing House, the costs count is about 20-25 € per hour. In general e.g. the re-formatting of a complete book takes 4 to 5 hours for the employees of the Publishing House, that are doing this daily, with the help of these guidelines. After each extensive change the author needs to look through the page proof completely once again and then release it.
When a book is published in a series, a standardized series-outlook is recommended. This partially requires greater re-formatting. The following guidelines should help to reach this uniformity. Single series can also differ from these standard guidelines.
Basically, the manuscript can be formatted in DIN A4 or DIN A5. If it is formatted in DIN A4, a page margin of 3 cm (DIN A5: 2 cm) should be adjusted (also the headers need to be 3 cm (2 cm) away from the margin and 20 points (DIN A5 14 points) away from the text). The text in Times New Roman should be formatted with a size of 14,5 points (DIN A5 10 points) and footnotes in 12 points (9 points) and citations 1,4 cm (1 cm) indented to left and right. (The numbers for DIN A5 can be calculated by dividing all point and cm values each by 1,415.) The headers should contain page numbers outside and no dash. They should be consistent to the left on straight pages and should contain a chapter lemma variably for each chapter to the right. This is only possible, if you insert a "paragraph change next page" after each chapter. The table of contents should be labelled with "contents" and enlist headlines only up to the 3rd level. Furthermore, it should solely be indented by 2 spaces (also e.g. "1." then a tabulator with 0,5 cm, then the chapter headline, then 0,5 cm indentation, 1.1, tabulator with 1 cm, then the sub-chapter headline. Also, the third level should only be indented like the second level, meaning 1.1.1 should commence on the same height like 1.1. Samples are available at the Publishing House and are willingly explained personally too.
Part 1: Format references
West German University Press, formerly University Press Bochum. Format references for your manuscript.Please use either the old or the new orthography and stick to it consistently, so that additional costs can be avoided.
The paths' information are given due to MS Word 2010 and deviate depending on the individual Word version.
Please fix the following format:
DIN A4, page measures:
under the function „Pagelayout“ -> „Create page“ please insert:Rider „Page margins“: above 3 cm, below 3 cm, inside 3 cm, outside 3 cm, ‚Pages‘: Several pages: Standard; Rider „Paper“: DIN A4: 21 cm x 29,7 cm (upright); Rider „Layout“: Paragraph start New Page, ‚Headers and Footers‘: equal/unequal differently, first page differently, distance from page margin: Header 3 cm, Footer 3 cm.
Please consider that the headers can only be defined chapter-wise in a different way, if you insert a paragraph change between the chapters (Pagelayout-> Breaks-> Paragraph Breaks-> Next Page). Besides, not all sections are listed in the table of contents. By giving the formatting deviations (standard cp. running text) the individual sections are as follows:IMPRESSUM
Is inserted by the Publishing House and does not appear in the table of contents.Cover (the front page is counted as U1, the inner face of the front page as U2, the back page as U4, the inner face of the back page as U3 as well as the narrow back of the book)
There is an unprinted prefix and appendix sheet each, thereafter
1. Page: Half-title with series indication.
2. Page: Left empty
3. Page: Main title. Book title 20 pt, bold; Subtitle 20 pt, meagre.
4. Page: Impressum.
--- Paragraph change (Next page) ; Page numbers visible in header (the first visible page number is 5) ---
(This page does not appear in the table of contents.)Blank line
Blank line
Date, Name (writing in italics, arrangement to the right).
---Page change---
(This page does not appear in the table of contents.)Blank line
If there is a subtitle 14.5 pt, then 1 blank line.
--- Page change (next page) ---
(Cross reference-> insert index)comprises the headlines of the chapters and sub-chapters as well as the bibliography, the table and drawing list (if available) Deviations in the headline format: „Contents“ then 2 blank lines; Deviating from the running text in the index: Indentation right 1 cm, line distance precisely 22 pt (if applicable adapt, if the table of contents will fit into 1 or 2 pages); furthermore:
Chapter headlines: Extra indentation inverted 0,85 cm;
Sub-chapter headline 1. level: Indentation left 0,32 cm, extra indentation inverted 0,47 cm; sub-chapter headline 2. level: Indentation left 0,85 cm, extra indentation inverted 0,85 cm; sub-chapter headline 3. level: Indentation left 1,27, extra indentation inverted 1,27 cm.
The table of contents mostly automatically makes these indentations by itself, but they should be checked. Before saving the data for the last time, do not forget to refresh all fields!
--- Paragraph change (next page) ---
TEXT: Formatting cp. section below.
--- Paragraph change (next page) ---
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Entries paragraph after 12 pt.
--- Paragraph change (next page) ---
TABLE LIST: Entries deviating from the running text alignment left;
--- Paragraph change (next page) ---
DRAWING LIST: Entries deviating from the running text alignment left.
--- Paragraph change (next page) ---
PUBLISHERS' INFORMATION (is inserted by the Publishing House; page numbers not visible)
are set after the impressum with: Insert-> Header and Footer-> Header-> Edit header. Then go to Page Number-> Page Start-> Simple Number 3 (= above outside), then format on page numbers, set check mark at „start“ and insert „5“. Page numbers are Times New Roman 10 pt. Now theHEADER
can be formatted: Set the check mark in „Header and footer tools“ at „Differenciate between equal unequal pages“ and if applicable extract at „First page differently“. The page numbers always appear outside in the layout.Then please go through all footnotes and deactivate at all uneven headers using the function „Connect to previous header“, at the even headers it should stay in place, since „Title of the Book“ (if too long: Lemma) will be continuously listed there. In a second run, please give chapter by chapter "the chapter number and the short chapter heading" (this means the Arab counted main chapters) in the page header and remove "the same as the previous" from the page headers of the following sections. This page header label is separated by a tab of the page number, so that this is aligned with the text design and formatted as follows: With the A4 page header font Times New Roman 12 pt, (A5 would be 9 pt) format frame bottom line pt 0.25, on odd pages set the tab to right-aligned 10 cm, (for A4 that would be 14.25 cm) spacing after 28 pt (line spacing, with straight sides tab set to left-alligned 10 cm (In A4 14.25 cm).
Font Times New Roman 14.5 pt (in A5 it would be 10 pt); justified alignment, extra indent on the first line 1 cm (in A5 0.7 cm), paragraph line spacing 17 pt (in A5 12 pt, in other rows in A4: single). Highlighting is never bold or underlined, it is in italics.HEADINGS
Font Arial 20 pt (in A5 14 pt) bold; left-alignment, paragraph before 20 pt (in A5 14 pt), after 10 pt (in A5 7 pt), single line spacing; paragraphs are not separated. (Sub-headings Times New Roman 18 pt (in A5 12 pt)) automatic numbering (using numbering function) chapter headings are Arabic numerals, sub-chapter headings are numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals separated by points and have an extra indent of 1.75 cm accordingly (in A5 1.25 cm ). Between the body text and a new sub-chapter heading 1 blank line is left.Layout: main chapters always start on odd pages (section break odd page).
Corresponding lettering from the body text format varies as follows: bold font; left-alignment, extra indent of 2.2 cm, paragraph before 6 pt, after 18 pt. The table text is also: Font 12 pt (in A5 9 pt), left-alignment.It is not possible to split tables up over multiple pages.
Please make sure that Word basically functions on various versions of Windows, Word versions and with different printers (page and line change).
Therefore, it is important to take care with proofs especially to those with changed page and line breaks.
The most important thing is the printer driver. Print on an inkjet printer, the characters are coarser and it does not fit as many letters in a row.
Therefore, at home you must install the same printer as the one we use. You can simply go to start Control Panel Printer> Add a printer, install "Adobe Acrobat" (if you have the free Acrobat Reader, it corresponds to Acrobat PDF Writer).
This printer must be installed in Word if you want to see the text at home as it will appear printed.
Please bring your manuscript in the following formats with you:
a) a hard copy in A4 (or in A5);
b) the files in Word document format (* doc) and PDF (*. pdf).
All versions of Word are welcome. Please specify which version you have worked with.
Please use only standard fonts like Times New Roman, in exceptional cases, e.g. during call logs use New Courier or Arial, certain book series use different fonts (e.g. CSP, BGCA and EJSin use the Garamond font).
If you do not have Word, please use the following ways:
c) a file in pdf or ps format.
If you have used for example (LA) TEX to write your file you can create a pdf. Print out the file as a pdf-file and bring it to us on a CD. In any case, we also need to secure the original TEX file. In Word, you can also create a PostScript file when you install a PostScript printer (you only need to install the driver, you do not need to install the printer) and then select "Print to file". You will receive a prn file (or directly a ps-file), which you can then rename ps. You can convert ps to pdf using Adobe Acrobat and we can also do this for you. Please make sure that the graphics are saved in Word and are embedded therein. Color graphics are not the true color when saved as a PDF from Word. So if you use color graphics, you have to "print to file" the Word file first (please make sure that you have installed a PostScript printer, even if you do not physically have this printer) save as * prn file and give us this prn file. In some cases, you can also give original photos or digital image files to the publishing house, we then scan these in for 20 € plus VAT per graphic in a 4-color format and convert them into this format and store the corresponding pages from Corel Draw as pdf-files. If you directly give us graphic files, please give us 1-2 MB jpg files. Unfortunately we cannot use graphics that you have scanned from books, because they are already rasterized and with the new rasterization in the new hard copy it will form a pattern of interference (a ´Moire´ pattern).
When using graphics, please ensure that you either own the copyright or obtain copyright permission. Should this authorization be accompanied by conditions (e.g. mention of names in the imprint, list of figures or directly below the image), please let us know.
From Word 2000 onwards it is possible to only link the graphics, as a result we lack the graphics later.
Please provide us with any necessary additional non-standard fonts as * .ttf files.
If you have questions please contact us at
Notes on writing style and citation for the book series "Culture, society, psyche" (West German University Press).We follow the guidelines for the manuscript design of DGPs (2007).
1. Advice for text design
Abbreviations: Please use sparingly. Also note that between a full stop and letter, a space appears e. g. (also applies to Frankfurt a. M. and abbreviated names such as C. G. Jung).
Quotation marks: they should be used consistently ("").
Single quotation marks ('): To be used for quotations within quotations and for improper uses of words. Please be sure to use genuine quotation marks, do not use accents.
Omissions in quotations: omissions, changes or insertions by the author in quotes should always be marked with square brackets [].
Hyphen / dash: Please do not confuse - and – with each other.
Foreign words: German common foreign words are italicized and written in the notation of the language, in English, for example klein.
Gender: Please use gender sensitive language. Several options: spokesperson, spokeswoman, spokesman: but please uniformly in the text.
Highlighting: Only use italics please, no underlining or bold words (e.g for particularly highlighted terms.)
Spelling: Use the new spelling (except in quotations, in which the old spelling was used).
Set of points in quotations: If an entire sentence is quoted or the last sentence of a longer quotation is quoted in full, it belongs to the set point in the quotation. In all other cases, it goes behind the final quotation marks and the list of sources.
Examples: "The theory is complete." (Name, year, page)
Because according to Schmidt, the theory is »complete« without additional assumptions (name, year, page).
Headings, numbering: Numbering of headings should be avoided if possible since they impede rather than facilitate orientation (especially for very small structured work).Text internal links can be replaced by a shortened form of the heading and / or references to the page number.
Numbers: From 10 onwards, numbers should be written as digits, up to 10 are written as digits. Exception: Multiple numbers in a sentence, e.g. 5 of 35 test subjects. Other exceptions: Mathematical representations, representation of units of measure such as 5 l.
2. Advice for references
In the text:
(Benjamin, 1978, p. 12)
Benjamin (1978)
or with several names (Meyer & Müller, 1982, p. 23)
Other cases:
Mentioning several works:
(Benjamin, 1978, 1982)
Mentioning several names in brackets, sorted alphabetically:
(Benjamin 1978, 1982; Meyer & Muller, 2000; Schmidt et al, 1997.)
Date of the first edition:
(Benjamin, 1950/1982)
Book has not yet been published:
Benjamin (in press)
The convention "et al." should only be used if there are more than three authors present.
In the bibliography:
Please indicate the literature used according to the following convention:
General advice:
- Even with English or with other language titles abbreviations for the German words Herausgeber (publisher) (Hrsg.), Seite (page) (S.), etc. should be used (exception: et al).
- "et al." may be used from the 7th author onwards. If individual authors are represented with multiple titles in the bibliography, the author's name should be abbreviated with either Ders./Dies. or with an em dash (--) .
- The bibliography should be in alphabetical order; several works of an author are in chronological order from old to recent publications. The essays of an author go after his individual publications.
Name, first name(s) as initials (year). Title. Place: Publisher.
e.g.: Jauss, H. R. (1991). Aesthetic experience and literary hermeneutics. Frankfurt a. M .: Suhrkamp.
In case of multiple authorship or editorship:
Maturana, H. & Varela, F. (1980). Autopoiesis and Cognition. Boston: Dordrecht.
Maturana, H., Smith, M. & Varela, F. (1980). Autopoiesis and Cognition. Boston: Dordrecht.
Essays in anthology:
Name, initial of first name(s) (year). Article title. In the first name name (Hrsg.), Title of the book (S. xxx-xxx). Place: Publisher.
e.g.: Stiegler, B. (1989). The Industrial Real-time. In F. Kittler & GC Tholen (Hrsg.), Arsenals of the soul (S. 203-210). Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Name, initial of first name(s) (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, xx. xxx-xxx.
e.g.: Landweer, H. (1993). Challenge Foucault. The philosopher, 4, 45-64.
Schmidt, M. (2000). Tips and Tricks. Accessed on 20.7.2000,
Please note that with the formatting, Internet addresses are not automatically converted to (blue, underlined) hyperlinks, but remain as normal body-text written in black.
If author is available, then the title shifts to the position of the name:
Regression Analysis (2014). Accessed on 22.03.2014,