Floristic Letters (ISSN 0934-456X) with supplements (ISSN 0938-9091)

Journal for Floristic Geobotany, Population Biology and Taxonomy Official institution of the NetPhyD (Hg.)

Floristic Letters 45./46. volume (2011/2012) - double book

45/46 (2011/2012), ISBN 978-3-89966-389-1, Bochum: European University Press 2012, 128 pages, 19 Euros

  • ADOLPHI, K., KASPEREK, G., DICKORÉ, W.B. & KREMER, B. P.,Offering extensive appearance of Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastrus orbiculatus) on abandoned railway land in Neuwied (Rhineland-Palatinate), pp 1-14
  • ADOLPHI, K. & SUMSER, H., An occurrence of Dicentra eximia (Miniature Heart flower) in the royal forest in Cologne p 15-20
  • BOMBLE, F. W., Taxonomy of Rosa brilonensis and similar types in the Aachen region p 21-31
  • BRENNENSTUHL, G., Overgrowing of Euphorbia myrsinites in Altmark Salzwedel (Saxony-Anhalt) pp 32-36
  • BRÜCK, J., CASPARI, ST. & SPäTER, A., Distribution maps of vascular plants in Germany - consolidation of heterogeneous data dissemination by means of a correction application on the Internet p 37-49
  • GEHLKEN, B.,The propagation of impatiens glandulifera in forests on the edge of the Solling (Southern Lower Saxony), pp 50-59
  • HETSCH, W., Occurence of Carex umbrosa in the eastern district of Göttingen pages 60-61
  • HOHLA, M., Glyceria grandis grandis var (American plume grass.) - A new addition to the flora of Austria p 62-70 grandis var.
  • JUNGHANS, TH., some wild ornamental and useful plants in Borkum (East Frisian Islands, Lower Saxony) pp 71-78
  • MANTHEY, P., RAABE, U. & SCHUMACHER, W., The branchy's Lily (Anthericum ramosum) - new for North Rhine-Westphalia p 79-85
  • SCHMIDT, O., REICHERT, H. & SCHAUBEL, K.,First record of Beckmannia syzigachne (American Double Oat Grass or Baikal - Caterpillar Dieting, Poaceae) in Rhineland-Palatinate p 86-99
  • SCHUMACHER, W., About occurrence of Danthonia decumbens subsp. decipiens in the calcareous grasslands of the Eifel p 100-105
  • TILLICH, H. J., Discoveries, confirmations and loss of vascular plants in Southern Westerwald p 106-117, reviews p 118-127

  • 44 (2010), ISBN 978-3-89966-379-2, Bochum: European University Press 2010, 176 pages, 19 Euro

    43 (2009), ISBN 978-3-89966-359-4, Bochum: European University Press 2009, 96 pages, 19 Euro

    42 (2008), ISBN 978-3-89966-298-6, Bochum: European University Press 2008, 211 pages, 19 Euro

  • DICKORÉ, W. B. & al., Discoveries, confirmations and losses in the flora of Göttingen (southern Lower Saxony), pp 5-59
  • FUCHS, R. & KEIL, P., The phytogeographical significance of forests in the western Ruhr (North Rhine-Westphalia), pp 60-76
  • GARVE, E. & ZACHARIAS, D., A finding of Chorispora tenella in southern Lower Saxony, pp 77-82
  • WEBER, H. E., A new Rubus species with montane distribution in Westphalia, pp 83-92
  • BÖHLING, N., Three plant species new to Germany, pp 93-100
  • DIERSCHKE, H., Harz, the Black Forest and the Vosges - is there a sub-alpine vegetation level in the low mountains ?, p 101-118
  • SCHMITT, T., Mikroarealophyten in Majorca - diversity and vulnerability. An amendment to an article by Henning Haeupler, pp 119-132
  • HOLLENBACH, M. & al., Fire ecology and management of Eucalyptus loxophleba woodlands in Western Australia, pp. 133-153
  • KÜHN, I., The floristic mapping - a hot topic, pp 154-165
  • GAUSMANN, P. & al.,H. Haeupler supervised dissertations and theses from the Ruhr area and the surrounding area, p 166-190
  • GAUSMANN, P., Bibliography Henning Haeupler, pp 191-200
  • Reviews, pp 201-211

  • 41 (2007), ISBN 978-3-89966-290-0, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2007, 112 Seiten, 13 Euro
    40 (2006), ISBN 978-3-89966-264-1, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2006, 148 Seiten, 13 Euro
    39 (2005), ISBN 978-3-89966-177-4, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2005, 121 Seiten, 13 Euro
    38 (2004), ISBN 978-3-89966-014-2, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2004, 144 Seiten, 11 Euro
    37 (2003), ISBN 978-3-89966-007-4, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2003, 114 Seiten, 11 Euro

    Earlier Editions

  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Band 38-1, 38-2, ISSN 0934-456X, Haeupler, Henning: Floristische Rundbriefe - Zeitschrift für floristische Geobotanik, Populationsökologie und Systematik, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2004, 144 S., ISBN 9783899660142, 11,00 Euro
  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Band 37-1, 37-2, ISSN 0934-456X, Haeupler, Henning: Floristische Rundbriefe - Zeitschrift für floristische Geobotanik, Populationsökologie und Systematik, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2003, 114 S., ISBN 9783899660074, 11,00 Euro
  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Band 36-1, 36-2, ISSN 0934-456X, Haeupler, Henning: Floristische Rundbriefe - Zeitschrift für floristische Geobotanik, Populationsökologie und Systematik, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2007, 124 S., ISBN 9783899662641, 11,00 Euro
  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Band 36-1, 36-2, ISSN 0934-456X, Haeupler, Henning: Floristische Rundbriefe - Zeitschrift für floristische Geobotanik, Populationsökologie und Systematik, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2002, 124 S., ISBN 9783899661200, 11,00 Euro


  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Beihefte, Band 16, ISSN 0938-9091, Haeupler, Henning: Floristische Rundbriefe, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2007, 206 S., ISBN 9783899662405, Euro
  • Reihe Floristische Rundbriefe, Beihefte, Band 7, ISSN 0938-9091, Haeupler, Henning / Loos, Götz Heinrich / Sarazin, Andreas / Surkus, Bertil: Geobotanische Untersuchungen zum Vergleich von gentechnisch verändertem und „konventionellem„ Raps – Methoden und Ergebnisse einer ersten Studienphase für ein Konzept zu einem Langzeitmonitoring gentechnisch veränderter Pflanzen, Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2003, 142 S., ISBN 9783899660098, 5,50 Euro Ältere Ausgaben sind beim Verlag erhältlich.

    Die Buchreihe ist direkt beim Verlag erhältlich unter Telefon 0800 7013600 (gebührenfrei) universitäts-buchhandlung gmbh, querenburger höhe 281, 44801 bochum, fax 0234 701230, fon 701360, email In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz können Sie das Buch auch über den Buchhandel beziehen. Darüber hinaus ist die Reihe über und im Ausland über lieferbar [in Vorbereitung].
    Beschreibung der Reihe:


    FLORISTIC NEWSLETTERS published scientific papers and short contributions about the identification, distribution, taxonomy, biology and population dynamics, as well as nature conservation aspects of vascular plants and other plant groups (mosses, lichens, macroalgae) in Germany and Central Europe. Particularly desired are clues to determine confusable taxa, even in a vegetative state, as well as from emerging or developing families. Methodically further work on floristic mapping and the use and evaluation of floristic, phytosociological, plant-geographical and biological databases are also very welcome. If you want to write and submit manuscripts for FLORISTIC NEWSLETTERS, please consider the following essential rules:

    Manuscripts in German or English (* .doc) in a font manager preferably as a Word document in the form of a continuous text file without formatting, submitted with page and line numbering, wide edge and 1.5 times the line spacing. The receipt of the file is confirmed, and the manuscript is forwarded for review to usually 1-2 evaluators. Correspondence regarding receipt, review and acceptance of the manuscript is intended, unless otherwise desired, to the first author.

    The title page of each manuscript entry should include: title; Authors (with the advertised name and surname); Summary (in German); Abstract (in English, with English translation of the title); Keywords (German); Keywords (English). Please do not repeat terms from the title in the keywords. The scientific name of the plant in the title and in the keywords appear usually without author citation. The synopsis and abstract (no more than 150 words) should be informative and not a summary.

    The text can be divided by numbered headings (1., 2., 2.1., 2.2., Etc.). Acknowledgments, literature and addresses of the author (with e-mail addresses) at the end of the manuscript are not numbered. The scientific name of whatever rank, name of syntaxa and foreign language terms are put in italics.

    The nomenclature of scientific names of plants depends on current standard lists such as BUTTLER & HAND (2008) for vascular plants, Koperski & al. (2000) for mosses and SCHOLZ (2000) for lichens. Deviations should be noted and provided the source is acknowledged.

    Author names of taxa and syntaxa appear with normal font and only once, if necessary, and then usually at the first mention in the text. CAPITALS can only be used for personal names in bibliographic data: (WISSKIRCHEN & Haeupler 1998) or: "... after WISSKIRCHEN & Haeupler (1998) ...", or more than two authors KRETZSCHMAR & al. (2007).

    Quotations in bibliographies should be sorted alphabetically and also the author's name should always appear and be written out repeatedly. The bibliographic citations are to be formulated by the following examples: GAUSMANN, P., KEIL, P. LOOS, GH 2007: naturalization tendencies of turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) in urban-industrial pioneer forests of the Ruhr area. Florist. Newsletters 40: 31-39. HENKER, H. 2002: Rosa L. - Rose. - In: HUNTER, EJ & WERNER, K. (ed.), Rothmaler, Excursion flora of Germany, 4, Vascular plants: Critical volume. 9th ed. pp 351-360. Spektrum Academic Press; Heidelberg, Berlin. KORNECK, D., SCHNITTLER, M., VOLLMER, I. 1996: Red List of ferns and flowering plants (Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta) in Germany. - In: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (eds.), Red Lists of threatened plants in Germany. Series Vegetation Science 28: 21-187. More on 3rd cover page (inside cover) KRETZSCHMAR, H., ECCARIUS, W., DIETRICH, H. 2007:The Orchid Genera Anacamptis, Orchis, Neotinea. Phylogeny, taxonomy, morphology, biology, distribution, ecology and hybridization. - EchinoMedia Press; Bürgel. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation 2008: FloraWeb: data and information on wild plants and vegetation in Germany. [4.8.2008]

    Tables should be numbered consecutively (Tab. 1, etc.) and be given a heading. Figures such as drawings or photos are also consecutively numbered (Fig. 1, etc.).The submitted version for evaluation can be included at the end in the Word file, otherwise submit as separate graphics files. Please use black and white, no shades of gray for drawings and diagrams and submit as bitmap files (600 dpi), photos, preferably * .jpg format. Good quality color photos can also be accepted for publication, if deemed appropriate. With plant or specimen photos, think about the scale bars which remain useful with reduction. The maximum size for printing pictures including their labels is 11 x 16 cm. Table headings and figure headings should be formulated in German and English and summarized at the end of the text and included in the file.They must be understandable to consult even without the text. For photos the photographer and date should be mentioned. References in the text refer to Fig. 1, Tab. 1, etc.

    Locality data of plants should include a date, an ordnance survey map and quadrant number, in addtion minutes fields, Gauß-Krüger coordinates or UTM coordinates could be given.For documented plant findings, the following needs to be given: collector and collective number, the date including the collection and in which Herbarium the specimen was deposited.

    After acceptance of the manuscript, its formatting and printing,the first author will receive a set of proofs with a request for careful proofreading and speedy return.


    Floristic Newsletters 42 (2008) 31.8.2009
    Editorship: Prof. Dr. Erwin Bergmeier, Dr. Ingolf Kühn
    Editor: NetPhyD, Centre for Biodocumentation (ZfB), Branch of the State Agency for environmental protection and industrial safety(LUA), Am Bergwerk Reden 11, D-66578 Schiffweiler
    Submissions: Prof. Dr. Erwin Bergmeier, Department of Vegetation analysis and Phytodiversity, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for Plant Science, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Lower Karspüle 2, D-37073 Göttingen, E-Mail:; oder Dr. Ingolf Kühn, Helmholtz-Centre for environmental research – UFZ, Department of Biocoenology, Theodor-Lieser-Street. 4, D-06120 Halle, E-Mail:
    Frequency of publication: Annually
    Editing, printing, publishing: European University Press Berlin, Bochum, London, Munich, Paris.
    ISSN of the series: 0934-456X
    The German National Library – CIP-unit recording. A title data record for this publication is available from the German National Library.
    The Floristic Newsletters are available through the editor, the publishing house or the bookstore. For pdf files of articles or whole issues, institutional and individual subscription and international shipping rates please contact the European University Press,