European University Press: PEER Reviewed Journals EJSin, EJCS, BGCA, FlorLett
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European Journal of Sinology |
European Journal of Chinese Studies |
Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft). Bulletin of the German China Association |
Floristische Rundbriefe (Floristic Letters) |
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EJSin 11 (2020) |
EJCS 3 (2020) |
BGCA 64 (2020) |
FlorLett 54 (2020) |
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EJSin 10 (2019) |
EJCS 2 (2019) |
BGCA 63 (2019) |
FlorLett 53 (2019) |
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EJCS 1 (2018) |
BGCA 62 (2018) |
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BGCA 61 (2017) |
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European Journal of Sinology [English] ISSN 2190-085X, Online ISSN 2510-2761, since 2010, annually, peer reviewed
Editorial Board: Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China and University Witten/Germany; Luigi Moccia, University Rome III/Italy; Stefan Messmann, Central European University/Hungary; Joël Bellassen, Paris University/France; Lutz Bieg, University Cologne/Germany; Claudia von Collani, University Wuerzburg/Germany; Hermann Halbeisen, University Cologne/Germany; Harald Holz, University Muenster/Germany; Frank Kraushaar, University of Latvia/Latvia; Peter Kupfer, University Mainz/Germany; Wolfgang Ommerborn, Ruhr University Bochum/Germany; Gregor Paul, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany; Karl-Heinz Pohl, University Trier/Germany; Guido Rappe, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany; Maurizio Scarpari, Foscari University Venice/Italy; Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, University Goettingen/Germany; Harro von Senger, University Freiburg/Germany; Helmolt Vittinghoff, University Cologne/Germany; Licia D. Kim, Utah Valley University/USA; Tianwei You, Nanking University/China.
This is a double blind peer reviewed annual journal on traditional China, Website: Submission Guidelines: Please orient yourself at the existing form and quotation style, the copy editors will format your paper. Submission Guidelines: Please orient yourself at the existing form and quotation style, the copy editors will format your paper.
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2020 pdf for download"
Editorial and Reports EJSin 11 (2020) 1-6;
Dong Haipeng, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences/China. " The Image Types and Artistic Features of the Chinese Zodiac in Tang Dynasty" EJSin 11 (2020) 7-19;
Abstract: The society of Tang Dynasty popularizes the faith in Chinese zodiac with much recorded literature as well as plenty of images about the Chinese zodiac in the relics of Tang Dynasty. Based on a large amount of data, the images of the Chinese zodiac in the Tang Dynasty include various types of pottery figures, murals, and artifacts of zodiac animals. And they have their artistic characteristics.
Key words: Tang Dynasty, Chinese zodiac images, artistic characteristics.
Pu Anguo 濮安國. Shengxiao wenyang 生肖紋樣. Beijing: Zhongguo qinggongye chubanshe, 2000.
Wang Jun 王俊. Zhongguo gudai shengxiao wenhua 中國古代生肖文化. Beijing: Zhongguo shangye chubanshe, 2017.
Wu Yucheng 吳裕成. Shier shengxiao 十二生肖. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui chubanshe, 2006.
Zheng Jun 鄭軍. Zhongguo shier shengxiao zhuangshi tudian 中國十二生肖裝飾圖典. Guangzhou: Lingnan meishu chubanshe, 1998.
Zheng Jun. Shier shengxiao zhuangshi sheji 十二生肖裝飾設計. Beijing: Renmin meishu chubanshe, 2011.
Zhao Botao 趙伯陶. Zhonghua minsu shier shengxiao 中華民俗十二生肖. Beijing: Qixiang chubanshe, 2013.
Ling Xiaoqiao, Arizona State University/USA. " A Turn to Debauchery in Reading The Western Wing " EJSin 11 (2020) 20-39;
Abstract: The anonymous Retrieved History of Hailing, printed between 1606 and 1627, is a Chinese vernacular novella on the despotic Jurchen ruler King Hailing (1122–1161). The story proper follows the Official History of the Jin Dynasty to lay out the framework of the narrative: Hailing and his consorts’ indulgence in licentious behaviors. Fleshing out the historical outline are anecdotes in vernacular storytelling interspersed with textual fragments drawn from all levels of textual traditions, from Classics to ballads and vulgar repartee. The construction of the foreign body of Hailing as that of ultimate otherness and debauchery compels precisely with the story’s staging of its own conceptualization as a mode of reading The Western Wing. At the top of the printed pages of Retrieved History of Hailing are eyebrow commentaries cited exclusively from the iconic romantic play The Western Wing, arguably the most popular reading matter in late imperial China with dozens of editions from the seventeenth century onward. Functioning very much as a mediating figure, the eyebrow commentary engages the novella in its discursive moments of reading the play, so much so that the hierarchy of the book page in its spatial layout may be fully reversed, as the text proper presents itself to be commentary on the play evoked by the commentary. The foreign body of debauchery therefore finds its most productive modalities in staging writing as a means of unearthing buried possibilities of reading, while contributing much to the reading tradition of The Western Wing.
Key words: Retrieved History of Hailing, The Western Wing, vernacular fiction, history of reading, fiction commentary.
Bourdieu, Pierre, Outline of a Theory of Practice (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977)
Bourdieu, Pierre, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984)
Carlitz, Katherine, “Printing as Performance: Literati Playwright-publishers of the Late Ming,” in Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, edited by Cynthia Brokaw and Kai-wing Chow (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005), pp. 267–303.
Chan Hing-ho 陳慶浩 and Wang Chiu-Kui eds., The Retrieved History of Hailing with Illustrations and Commentary 出像批評海陵佚史, Collected Treasures of “In Thoughts, There is Nothing Deviant” 思無邪匯寶 series, (Taipei: Encyclopedia Britannica, 1995). All the citations in this paper are from this modern typeset edition.
Chen Bangtai 陳邦泰, Jizhizhai 繼志齋 edition 1598
Chen Xuyao 陳旭耀, Xiancun Ming kan Xixiang ji zonglu 現存明刊《西廂記》綜錄 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007).
Feng Menglong, “King Hailing of Jin Dies from Indulgence in Lust” “Jin Hailing zongyu wangshen” 金海陵縱慾亡身, Stories to Awaken the World 醒世恆言1627
Guben xiqu congkan chuji 古本戲曲叢刊初集 (Shanghai: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1954)
Guo Yingde 郭英德, Ming Qing chuanqi zonglu 明清傳奇綜錄 (Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 1997)
He, Yuming “Introduction,” in idem., Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013), pp. 1–16
He, Yuming, Home and the World: Editing the “Glorious Ming” in Woodblock-Printed Books of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Asia Center, 2013)
Hegel, Robert E. , “Niche Marketing for Late Imperial Fiction,” in Brokaw and Chow, eds, Printing and Book Culture in Late Imperial China, pp. 235–66.
Idema, Wilt. “ ‘Blasé Literati:’ Lü T’ien-ch’eng and the Lifestyle of the Chiang-nan Elite in the Final Decades of the Wan-li Period,” in Robert van Gulik, Erotic
Colour Prints of the Ming Period With an Essay on Chinese Sex Life From the Han to the Chʼing Dynasty, B.C. 206-A.D. 1644 [Leiden: Brill, 2004]
Jiang Xingyu 蔣星煜, Ming kanben Xixiang ji yanjiu 明刊本《西廂記》研究 (Beijing: Zhongguo xiju chubanshe, 1982)
Jiang Xingyu 蔣星煜, Xixiang ji de wenxian xue yanjiu 《西廂記》的文獻學研究 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1997)
Jin Shengtan’s Sixth Genius Book is the quintessential example of a literary critic’s dissection of the play as an aesthetic artifact.
Ling Hon Lam, “The Matriarch’s Private Ear: Performance, Reading, Censorship, and the Fabrication of Interiority in ‘the Story of the Stone,’” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 65.2 (2005)
Lynn, Richard, trans., The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted By Wang Bi (New York: Columbia University Press, 1994)
Mao Jin 毛晉 (1599–1659), Liushi zhong qu 六十種曲 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1958), vol. 3
Rolston, David, Traditional Chinese Fiction and Fiction Commentary: Reading and Writing Between the Lines (Stanford Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1997)
Sieber, Patricia, Theaters of Desire: Authors, Readers, and the Reproduction of Early Chinese Song-drama, 1300-2000 (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003)
Sun Chongtao and Huang Shizhong 黃仕忠, annotated and collated, Fengyue jinnang jianjiao 風月錦囊箋校 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000), juan 1
Sun Chongtao 孫崇涛, Fengyue jinnang kaoshi 風月錦囊考釋 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2000)
Wakeman, Frederic, The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in Seventeenth-century China (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985)
Wang Chiu-Kui 王秋桂, Shanben xiqu congkan 善本戲曲叢刊, ser. 4 (Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 1987)
Wang, Richard, Ming Erotic Novellas: Genre, Consumption and Religiosity in Cultural Practice (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 2011)
West, Stephen H. and Wilt L. Idema, eds. and trans., The Story of the Western Wing (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995)
Yang Chaoying 楊朝英, New Sounds at the Court and Beyond and Poetry Set to Music in the Peaceful and Prosperous Time 朝野新聲太平樂府, Sibu congkan edition, 7.8a
Zhou Xishan 周錫山, comp., Xixiang ji zhushi huiping 《西廂記》註釋彙評 (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2013), vol. 1
Zhou Xishan 周錫山, “Dianjiao fanli he shuoming,” in Xixiang ji zhushi huiping 《西廂記》註釋彙評 (Shanghai: Shanghai renmin chubanshe, 2013), vol. 1., pp. 247–57.
Stefan Messmann, Central European University/Hungary. " Kehila in Kaifeng" EJSin 11 (2020) 40-64;
Abstract: There is no exact record of where the Jews came from and how many of them settled in Kaifeng. According to the Babylonian Talmud, the Jews settled along the Silk Road as early as the 4th century. According to the Jesuit missionary, Gozani, their number in Kaifeng the 18th century was two to three thousand. The Chinese emperor greeted the Jews enthusiastically. The period of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was the Golden Age of the Kaifeng Jews. They began to adopt Chinese names and more and more of them passed the imperial examination, in addition, they adopted some elements of Confucianism without completely subordinating themselves to Confucianism. The relationship between the Chinese and the Jews, especially Jews and the Chinese authorities, was good and the Jews were treated with tolerance. However, the relationship between the Jews and Muslims was not always smooth. The decline of Kaifeng Jews coincides with the decline of Kaifeng and the Ming dynasty. It happened not only for political and military reasons, but for economic reasons as well. Between 1840 and 1850, the Kaifeng synagogue fell to ruins, as a result of the Taiping Rebellion, the Boxer Uprising, and the subsequent wars and civil wars, Kaifeng Jewry virtually disappeared.
Key words: Kaifeng, foot binding, Sasson, Silk Road, synagogue, Kehila, Golden Age of the Kaifeng Jews, Hebrew-Persian language, beth din, Yeshiva, Kashrut, Ming dynasty, Taiping and Boxer rebellions.
Baker, Hugh D. R. (1979). Chinese Family and Kinship, Columbia University Press
Chen Yuan. (1980). A Study of the Israelite Religion in Kaifeng, in: The Academic Theses of Chen Yuan. Vol. I. Beijing
Dehergne, Joseph. (1980). – Donald D. Leslie : Juifs de Chine. Rome
Ebry, Patricia Buckley. (1996). China. Frankfurt/Main
Fan Hong. (1997). Footbinding, Feminism, and Freedom. The Liberation of Women’s Body in Modern China. London
Gallagher, Louis J. (1953). China in the Sixteenth Century. Journal of Matteo Ricci, NY
Arbel, Rachel. "The Chinese Saga of a Viennese Doctor: The Story of Jakob Rosenfeld". Museum of the Jewish People.
Malek, Roman. (2000). From Kaifeng to Shanghai: Jews in China (in German). Routledge
Messmer, Matthias. (2011). Jewish Wayfarers in Modern China: Tragedy and Splendor. Lexington Books
N.N. (2015). "Austrian Jewish doctor Jakob Rosenfeld". China Internet Information Center
N.N. (2006). "Jewish doctor turned 'Buddha savior' under Mao". Ynet. Agence France-Presse
Kristeva, Julia. (1974). Die Chinesinnen. Die Rolle der Frau in China. München
Leslie, Donald D. (1971). Kaifeng Jews Community, in: Kublin, Hyman: Jews in Old China. NY
Leslie, Donald. (1975). The Survival of the Chinese Jews. Leiden
Mendelsohn, Sidney. (1920). The Jews in Asia. London
Meskill, John (ed.). (1973). An Introduction to Chinese Civilisation. NY
Messmann, Stefan. (2005). Krüppelfüßchen der Chinesinnen – Sinnlichkeit oder männliche Dominanz? Bochum
Ocko, Jonathan K. (1991). Women, Property, and Law, in: Watson, Rubie S. and Ebry, Patricia Buckley (eds.), Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society. Berkeley
Plant, Steven. (2012). Amazing Saga of Two-Gun Cohen, in: Jewish, 30 August 2012 [reg. Cohen]
Pollack, Michael. (1980). Mandarins, Jews, and Missionaries. Philadelphia
Rabinowitz, L. (1948). Jewish Merchant Adventure: A Study oft the Radanits. London
Shnidman, Ronen. (2019-08-12). "How a Jewish doctor helped form backbone of revolutionary China's medical system". The Times of Israel.
Wang Yisha. (1984). Spring and Autumn of the Chinese Jews, Ocean Press
White, Williams D. (1942). Chinese Jews. Toronto
Xu Xin. (1985). Beverly Friend: Legends of the Chinese Jews. NJ
Xu Xin. (2003). The Jews of Kaifeng. China. History, Culture, and Religion, NJ
Zhou, Qinyang. (2018). Interaction Between the Chinese and the Jewish Refugies During World War II, in: Penn History Review, Vol. 25, Issue 2, p. 50-81 [reg. Rosenfeld].
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China. " Passion in the Red Chamber Dreams: Connecting readers across boundaries of time and culture through human emotions " EJSin 11 (2020) 65-94;
Abstract: In this paper, proofs are collected for the hypothesis, that the international success of the Red Chamber Dreams comes from the culturally-independent human feeling of “passion”, which is shared by readers across time and space. Passion is what has made the novel Red Chamber Dreams so successful and what still makes it so attractive: the passion of the first love between hero and heroine, who grow up in the favor of the Emperor in a paradise-like garden. The novel fascinates by describing the nuances between physical and platonic love, breaking the taboos of homosexuality and sexual fantasies. The author himself was driven by passion: he felt personal responsibility that the paradise-like garden was lost, and felt a necessity to document and eternalize his own love and life in many facets. Only the novel allowed him to represent the China of that time, with its manners and customs, clothing and kitchen, mentality and belief, but also corruption and degeneration in many aspects and in many walks of life - from the luxurious imperial court to the sometimes precarious situation of slaves and beggars. Passionately, the first readers discussed the manuscripts with the author. The passion of its readers made the novel the symbol of Chinese culture, a cult, the most widely read novel of all time in China and the fourth most read novel in the world. With passion, early translators and reviewers as well as generations of scholars of letters have digged deep into the novel. No other work of literature has been studied at so many universities. This paper explores the question of what triggers this passion about and within this novel.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, passion, sexuality, desire, love.
Cahill, James. Chinese Erotic Painting (2012). Digital publication. Web: http://jamescahill. info/illustrated-writings/chinese-erotic-painting. Last access: 12/1/2019.
Huang, Martin W. Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Cambridge, Mass. and London: Harvard University Press, 2001:176-205.
McMahon, Keith. Polygamy and Sublime Passion: Sexuality in China on the Verge of Modernity. University of Hawaii Press, 2010.
Wang, Hansi Lo. “In ‘Red Chamber,’ A Love Triangle For The Ages.” NPR. 2012.
Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler; Chinese-German bilingual edition
Woesler, Martin. “Being Explicit About the Implicit – John Minford’s Translation of the last Forty Chapters of The Story of the Stone with a Field Study on two Sexually Arousing Scenes”. Hong lou meng xue kan 6 (2011): 274-289
Woesler, Martin. “The Impact of Cao Xueqin and the Red Chamber Dreams in Europe”. Hong lou meng xue kan 5 (2015): 229–246
Woesler, Martin. “The Waves of the ‘Stone’ – Early Reception of Chinese Literature in the West with the core of Instrumentalization and Exotization of the disseminated Red Chamber Dreams”. Studies of Caoxueqin 1 (2016): 118–127
Woesler, Martin. (2010a). “History of the Translations of the title Red Chamber Dreams and a new Finding”. Monograph for the Studies of Hongloumeng Translation & Communication Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia 3 (2010): 66-88 (Chinese)
Woesler, Martin. (2019). “Things Unspoken in the Red Chamber Dreams” European Journal of Sinology 10:95-111
Woesler, Martin. (2010b). “ ‘To Amuse the Beaux and Belles’ The Early Western Reception of the Hongloumeng”. Journal of Sino-Western Communications 2 (2010.12) 2:81-107
Yu, Anthony, C. Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton University Press, 2001.
Ole Döring, Hunan Normal University/China. " Cultural Reading of Bioethics in China – From Comparative Studies Towards a Cultivated Bioethics " EJSin 11 (2020) 95-124;
Abstract: This article explores the problematic usage of comparative methods in the context of cross-cultural bioethics. Cultures are understood as contingent and collective clusters, symbols of meaning stabilized over time that are presented through descriptive expressions. Thus they cannot serve as sources of normative validity, without committing the Natural Fallacy. However, comparative methodology can be valid and instructive, when it employs comparison, together with other methods, in a sophisticated manner, to learn about options to advance practice and theory, and an improved basis of ethical understanding. The proper way to manage this work is identified as cooperation across relevant disciplinary and methodological perspectives, as an open but structured process. Some pilot studies are referred to as illustration.
Key words: Bioethics, comparative studies, cultivated bioethics, Kant, Spengler
References: Döring, Ole. 2003. “China’s struggle for practical regulations in medical ethics”. In Nature Reviews Genetics 4: 233 -239.
Döring, Ole. 2004a: „Was bedeutet ‚ethische Verständigung zwischen Kulturen‘? Ein philosophischer Problemzugang am Beispiel der Auseinandersetzung mit der Forschung an menschlichen Embryonen in China”.In: Weltanschauliche Offenheit in der Bioethik. Edited by E. Baumann, A. Brink, A. May, P. Schröder, und C. Schutzeichel. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot. 179-212.
Döring, Ole. 2004b: Chinas Bioethik verstehen. Ergebnisse, Analysen und Überlegungen aus einem Forschungsprojekt zur kulturell aufgeklärten Bioethik. Hamburg: Abera.
Döring, Ole. 2006b. “Was kann eine kulturell aufgeklärte Bioethik leisten? Ein Blick auf die Deutung des Lebensanfangs und traditionelle Werte im modernen China”. In Biomedizin im Kontext. Beiträge aus dem Institut Mensch, Ethik und Wissenschaft. Edited by Sigrid Graumann, and Katrin Grüber. 33-50. Berlin: LIT.
Döring, Ole. 2006c. “Der Umgang mit Kultur in der Bioethik in China: Traditionsbewußtsein zwischen Mythos und Pragmatismus”. In: Kulturübergreifende Bioethik. Zwischen globaler Herausforderung und regionaler Perspektive. Edited by Thomas Eich & Thomas Sören Hoffmann. 57-82 Freiburg/München: Karl Alber.
Döring, Ole. 2006a: “Culture and Bioethics in the Debate on the Ethics of Human Cloning in China”. In Cross-Cultural Issues in Bioethics. The Example of Human Cloning. Edited by Heiner Roetz. 77-105. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi.
Döring, Ole. 2008a. “Kulturübergreifende Bioethik und Good Governance”. In Gibt es eine universale Bioethik? Edited by Nikola Biller-Andorno, Annette Schulz-Baldes, and Peter Schaber. . 73-80. Paderborn: Mentis.
Döring, Ole. 2008b. “Social Darwinism, Liberal Eugenics, and the Example of Bioethics in China”. In Re-ethnicizing the Minds? Cultural Revival in Contemporary Thought. Edited by Thorsten Botz-Bornstein, and Jürgen Hengelbrock.137-148. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi.
Döring, Ole. 2014. „Assessing Ethics in an Emerging Bio-Technology Field. The Cases of Medical Stem-Cell Research and Genetic Screening in China”; In: Hebakova, L.; Hennen, L.; Michalek, T.; Nierling, L.; Scherz, C. (ed.), Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions; Prague 2014: 329-336
Döring, Ole. 2015. „Cheng als das stimmige Ganze der Integrität. Ein Interpretationsvorschlag zur Ethik“. In Auf Augenhöhe. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Heiner Roetz. Edited by Wolfgang Behr, Licia Di Giacinto, Ole Döring, Christine Moll-Murata. 39-62 München: Iudicium.
Eich, Thomas. 2005. Islam und Bioethik. Eine kritische Analyse der modernen Diskussion im islamischen Recht. Heidelberg: Reichert Verlag.
Eich, Thomas, and Hoffmann, Thomas S. (eds.) 2006. Kulturübergreifende Bioethik. Zwischen globaler Herausforderung und regionaler Perspektive. 57-82. Freiburg/München: Karl Alber.
Faden, Ruth R. and Beauchamp, Tom L. 1986. A History and Theory of Informed Consent. New York: Oxford University Press.
Graumann, Sigrid, and Lindemann, Gesa. 2009. „Medizin als gesellschaftliche Praxis, sozialwissenschaftliche Empirie und ethische Reflektion: ein Vorschlag für eine soziologisch aufgeklärte Medizinethik“. In: Ethik in der Medizin 21 (3): 235–246.
Grunwald, Armin. 2000. Handeln und Planen. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
Grunwald, Armin. 2012. Technikzukünfte als Medium von Zukunftsdebatten und Technikgestaltung. Karlsruhe: KIT.
Ilkilic, Ilhan. 2009. “Coming to Grips with Genetic Exceptionalism: Roots and Reach of an Explanatory Model”. in: Medicine Studies, an International Journal for History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine & Allied Sciences 2009 (2): 131-142.
Kant, Immanuel. 1781. Kritik der reinen Vernunft. Berlin: Königlich Preussische Akademie.
Kroeber, Alfred Luis & Kluckhohn, Clyde. 1967: Culture. A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. New York: Vintage Books.
Koch, Tom. 2012. Thieves of Virtue When Bioethics Stole Medicine, Cambridge: MIT Press
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Reviews, Events and Index EJSin 11 (2020) 125-126
2019 pdf for download"
Hans Lenk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany. " Ancient and Modern Practical Ethics of Humanity: Concrete Humanity from Mencius to Schweitzer" EJSin 10 (2019) 7-27;
Abstract: The general idea of being humane towards other humans, the ideal of an all-encompassing humanity was developed much earlier in ancient Chinese philosophy than in the middle stoic tradition (Panaitios) in the West.
Key words: Humanity, Chinese Philosophy, Middle Stoic Philosophy.
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Harald Holz, Ruhr University Bochum/Wilhelms University Münster (retired)/Germany. " Figurism and Ideological Colonialism" EJSin 10 (2019) 28-32;
Abstract: By the way of a reverse commentary one could, of course, from the critical level of the biblical science of the century only the whole undertake of these Jesuits denominate a hazardous venture. This group of mainly French missionaries on presupposed on the one hand on the other a very elaborate speculative theory of one of the most difficult topics of the Christian belief as the tertium comparationis with some common pieces of common wisdom on the other as it is handed down to the posterity by ’normal’ people.- Of cours,e it would not be fair if one would hint at the immense intellectual work having been done during the last two centuries on the battlefields of the Old and New Testament. The history of the origins of the central and fundamental Christian Dogmas, so e. g. of the divinity of Christ, in particular, then with respect at our special theme, of the trinity – and the influence of neoplatonic thought at the same time i. e. of between the end of the first and the fourth century. Or also of the divinity of the church itself in its essence which is, again, impossible to handle rationally without having discussions on the ‘HolySpirit’.- So there would have been a lot of hidden mantraps in the future.- It may have been a lucky chance that this undertaking was not successful at the end.
Key words: History of the early New Testament, Divinity of Christ, History of the Trinitarian dogma.
Baumgartner, Konrad (ed.). (2009). Trinität. Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 10:239-262
Holz, Harald. (2018). Werkausgabe 16:458 - 579 (Collect. Papers, vol. 16., Translation Latin – German).
Schwöbel, Christoph. (1998). Trinität als Rahmentheorie, in: Zeitschrift für dialektische Theologie 14:131-152.
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Wulf-Uwe an der Heiden, University of Witten/Herdecke/Germany. " The Silk Road: Connections and Interactions between Chinese and European Philosophy" EJSin 10 (2019) 33-50;
Abstract: Across several thousand years there have been strong and inseparable cultural connections between Asia and Europe. The article gives a brief description of coincidences, differences and exchanges with emphasis on philosophy. The influence of Confucianism, Daoism and Buddhism onto the Western World and, in the opposite direction, the influence of classical philosophical positions in Europe like Rationalism, Empiricism and Idealism onto the Eastern World is discussed.
Key words: Buddhism, Chinese gardens, Confucianism, Daoism, Empiricism, Goethe, Heidegger Heraklitus, Hesse, Humboldt, Idealism, Jesuits, Laozi, Leibniz, Malebranche, Nietzsche, Pythagoras, Rationalism, Richthofen, Schliemann, Schopenhauer, Silk Road, Wagner, Whitehead, Wolff, Yi Jing, Zen.
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Margaret Chu, Royal Commonwealth Society in Hong Kong/China. " Past, Present & Future: Storytelling, Recitation and Repetition in Popular Education in the Yang Zheng Lei Bian" EJSin 10 (2019) 51-94;
Abstract: The Confucian pedagogical approach had always focused on practice. No less was its ethics and philosophical enquiry in general. At the WACS Conference in August 2017, a conceptual discussion on the work as a hybrid text for the education of the ordinary folk was delivered. This paper endeavours to illustrate how historical figures were employed to guide, motivate and inspire simple folks. The strategy of mixing literary genres in the entries matches the variegated accounts selected from the ancient sages of Yu and King Wen of Zhou through the Song dynasty. They make for an interesting read echoing mainstream Confucian values, some culturally and temporally bound, a few even relevant to our cyber age. In the Yang Zheng Lei Bian, the five chapters, chapters eight to twelve, classified under the titles “Filiality,” “Brotherliness,” “Clan Harmony,” “Good Deeds” and “Diligence” are the focal point of our discussion of Zhang Bo-xing’s pedagogical approach in utilizing biographical anecdotes of historical figures in the nurturing of country folks in Confucian values. It underpins his conviction to integrate all and sundry into the larger family of guo (country) by showing them how it was possible to do so since it has been done so throughout the ages.
Key words: early Qing, Zhang Boxing, Yang Zheng Lei Bian, Neo-Confucianism, popular education, self-education primer, pedagogy, history and memory, recitation and imagination, repetition and vicarious experience, story-telling and national identity, progess.
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(Qing) Zhu Bai-lu, Zhi Jia Ge Yan, in ibid, pp.1-18 (page numbering confusing).
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China. " Things Unspoken in the Red Chamber Dreams " EJSin 10 (2019) 95-111;
Abstract: Chinese literary works are often influenced by censorship, be it by others or by the author himself. In China and the West there are different traditions of decency. With the Red Chamber Dreams, we have a novel of rich subtlety, but luckily we also have a novel at hand that comes with a hemerneutical tradition only comparable to the bible. So we have more products of scholarly discourse about the question, what this novel expresses directly and what it tries to keep secret. There are various manuscript versions, handwritten advices of relatives / confidants before publication, an army of scholars who try to interpret every aspect of the novel, some trying to situate it in real life etc. Here we are interested in the question, according to the manuscript comments in the novel, which biographical facts may be revealed in the novel, which must remain unspoken and why. Reasons are sought in taboos (like suicide), in the protection of real persons, in the avoidance of lese majeste etc. The author seems to be aware of the concealment and seems to play with it, if he chooses the protagonist name Zhen Shiyin 甄 士隱, homophonous with 真 事 隐 "The true facts are hidden". All these precautions (perhaps narrative strategies) could not prevent the temporary ban on the novel. One of the main interpretation schools of the Dream is the Decryption School (索隐派, literally: School of the Search for the Hidden), whose assignment of novel elements to contemporary reality is more rewarding to us than its conspiracy and puzzles theories. Special attention should also be given to morally ethical reasons to keep silent: While the novel explains why it is not a romance novel (usually with some pornographic descriptions), John Minford translates two sexually charged scenes that remain unspoken in the Chinese original, for the Western Readers almost extravagantly vivid.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, tradition of decency, deciphering school, indirectness.
Craig, F. I. S. K. "The Alterity of Chinese Literature in its Critical Contexts." Chinese Literature, Essays, Articles, Reviews 2.1 (1980): 87.
Eifring, Halvor, ed. Love and emotions in traditional Chinese literature. Vol. 63. Brill, 2004.
Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler; Chinese-German bilingual edition
Woesler, Martin. “Being Explicit About the Implicit – John Minford’s Translation of the last Forty Chapters of The Story of the Stone with a Field Study on two Sexually Arousing Scenes”. Hong lou meng xue kan 6 (2011): 274-289
Woesler, Martin. “The Impact of Cao Xueqin and the Red Chamber Dreams in Europe”. Hong lou meng xue kan 5 (2015): 229–246
Woesler, Martin. “The Waves of the ‚Stone’ – Early Reception of Chinese Literature in the West with the core of Instrumentalization and Exotization of the disseminated Red Chamber Dreams”. Studies of Caoxueqin 1 (2016): 118–127
Woesler, Martin. (2010a). “History of the Translations of the title Red Chamber Dreams and a new Finding”. Monograph for the Studies of Hongloumeng Translation & Communication Acta Linguistica et Litteraturaria Sinica Occidentalia 3 (2010): 66-88 (Chinese)
Woesler, Martin. (2010b). “ ’To Amuse the Beaux and Belles’ The Early Western Reception of the Hongloumeng”. Journal of Sino-Western Communications 2 (2010.12) 2:81-107
Xi, Fei, and Han Guang. "Cultural Impacts on Indirectness in English Writings of Chinese ESL/EFL Learners." Intercultural Communication Studies 16.1 (2007): 176.
Yan, G. O. N. G. "An Aesthetic Probe into the Characteristics of Literary Language." Legend Biography Literary Journal Selection 4 (2011): 8.
Reviews, Events and Index EJSin 10 (2019) 112-113
2018 pdf for download
Editoral and Reports EJSin 9 (2018) 1-7;
Martin Woesler, University Witten/Germany. "From Ethnocentrism and Exoticism to Universalism and Dialogue: the General Trend of Chinese Studies in the West" EJSin 9 (2018) 9-21;
Abstract: “Chinese Studies” (Sinology, Chinakunde, Études Chinoises etc.) in general from its origins until today sees a main trend from ethnocentrism and exoticism to universalism and dialogue. Undergoing historical periods of Chinoisérie and then China-bashing during imperialist and colonialist times, Chinese Studies at universities and in associations like the German China Association has established a more objective view on China. Ethnocentrism is still existing among Western sinologists today and has to be fought. Still, the contemporary trends globalization, digitalization and travel freedom offer the current generation of sinologists so far unseen possibilities of international cooperation, promising extremely fruitful especially between distant cultures like China and the West.
Key words: Ethnocentrism, Exoticism, Universalism, Chinese Studies, German China Association, universal values, Gregor Paul, cooperation, China and the West
Brook, Timothy. "Curious Land: Jesuit Accommodation and the Origins of Sinology." (1986): 1066-1068.
Canaris, Daniel Philip. "The Discovery of the True Confucius: The Image of China in the Thought of Giambattista Vico and its Significance for Jesuit Accommodationism." (2016).
Chaves, Jonathan. "Inculturation versus Evangelization: Are Contemporary Values Causing Us to Misinterpret the 16–18th Century Jesuit Missionaries?." Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 22 (2000): 56-60.
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Dirlik, Arif. "Chinese history and the question of Orientalism." History and Theory (1996): 96-118.
Miike, Yoshitaka. "An anatomy of Eurocentrism in communication scholarship: The role of Asiacentricity in de-Westernizing theory and research." China Media Research 6.1 (2010): 1-12.
Pomeranz, Kenneth. The great divergence: China, Europe, and the making of the modern world economy. Princeton University Press, 2009.
The Art of Misreading: “An Analysis of the Jesuit ‘Fables’ in Late Ming China.” Translating China (Bristol: Multilingual Matters), 2009.
Pan Nana 潘娜娜. Historical Investigation of the concept of 'Eurocentrism' "“欧洲中心论” 概念的历史考察." Shandong Social Sciences 山东社会科学 5 (2012): 007.
#Wang Lixin 王立新. "“文化侵略” 与 “文化帝国主义”: 美国传教士在华活动两种评价范式辨析." 历史研究 3 (2002): 98-109.
#Chen Liwang 陈立柱. "西方中心主义的初步反省." 史学理论研究 2.5 (2005): 2.
Thomas Weyrauch, Gießen/Germany. "Taiwanese Parties and the Cross-Strait Relations" EJSin 9 (2018) 23-27;
Abstract: For decades, the Zhongguo Guomindang (Chinese Nationalist Party) initially determined the policy exclusively on the Chinese mainland. As of 1950, this exclusive role was limited to the island of Taiwan, which had been returned five years earlier from the colonial rule of Japan. Civil rights with regard to the founding of new parties remained limited until 1986. Since then, Taiwan has experienced a boom of young parties, whose number exceeds 300. At the same time, the polarization between Taiwanese-nativist and pro-unification parties is obvious, which influences not only the Cross-Strait relations, but also limits Taiwan´s international space.
Key words: Taiwanese Parties, Zhongguo Guomindang, Democratic Progressive Party, cross-strait relations, independency, souvereignty, democracy, multi-party system
References: none.
Erkki Viitasaari, Helsinki University/Finland. "Standing their Grounds among Giants – National Identity in National or Equivalent Museums in Hong Kong, Macao and Singapore" EJSin 9 (2018) 29-58;
Abstract: In Hong Kong and Macao a deconstruction of colonial identity or ‘mainlandization’ is taking place. Shifting from colonial identity toward SAR identity needs to be backed by a common history that emphasises the special, but predominantly Chinese, features of the regions. Singapore’s ambitious and mostly successful nation-building project also has its flaws. Museums of the 21st century interact with increasingly educated guests who have access to a large amount of information. National museums strive to fulfil their missions of creating a feeling of unity for the locals and a desired international image for visitors. In this paper I will scratch the surface of issues related to how these three areas distinguish themselves in a larger Chinese/Southeast Asian context. Macao and Hong Kong differ culturally from their overwhelming neighbour. Similarly, Singapore with its Chinese-dominated population stands out between Malaysia and Indonesia. The presentation will discuss the characteristics of national or comparable museums and shed light on theories behind both nationalism, the driving force behind such institutions, and the exhibitions themselves. Also, the identity that museums want to construct and emphasise will receive attention.
Key words: Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, East Asia, Southeast Asia, museology, national museums, nationalism, nation-building, national identity, colonial history
Anderson, Benedict. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso.
Aronsson, Peter. 2011. “Explaining National Museums: Exploring Comparative Approaches to the Study of National Museums.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 29–54. London: Routledge.
Aronsson, Peter. 2012. National Museums Making Histories in a Diverse Europe. Accessed July 14, 2017.
Barr, Michael D. and Zlatko Skrbiš. 2008. Constructing Singapore – Elitism, Ethnicity and the Nation-Building Project. Copenhagen: NIAS Press.
Carroll, John M. 2007. A Concise History of Hong Kong. Plymouth: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
Carter, Jennifer. 2011. “Narrative and Imagination : Remaking National History at the
Musée des Monuments Franc̨ais, Paris.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 88–104. London: Routledge.
Cheng, Christina Miu Bing. 1999. Macau – A Cultural Janus. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Diamond, Jared. 2012. The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? New York: The Penguin Group.
Dobbins, James, Jones, Seth G., Crane, Keith & Beth Cole DeGrasse. 2007. The Beginner’s
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Heumann Gurian, Elaine. 2006. Civilizing the Museum: The Collected Writings of Elaine Heumann Gurian. New York: Routledge.
Hippel, Karin von. 2000. A Renewed Commitment to Nation Building. The Washington Quarterly Vol. 23, No. 1, 95–112.
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Kemper, Steven. 1999. “The Nation Consumed: Buying and Believing in Sri Lanka.” In Consuming Ethnicity and Nationalism: Asian Experiences, edited by Kosaku Yoshino, 29–47. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press.
Knell, Simon J. 2011. “National Museums and the National Imagination.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 3–28. London: Routledge.
László, János. 2014. Historical Tales and National Identity: An Introduction to Narrative Social Psychology. London: Routledge.
Lederach, John Paul. 2005. The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Leong, Laurence Wai-Teng. 1997. “Commodifying Ethnicity: State and Ethnic Tourism in Singapore.” In Tourism, Ethnicity, and the State in Asian and Pacific Societies, edited by Michel Picard and Robert E. Wood, 71–98. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
Levitt, Peggy. 2015. Artefacts and Allegiances: How Museums Put the Nation and the World on Display. Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
Ostler, Nicholas. 2010. The Last Lingua Franca: English Until the Return of Babel. New York: Walker Publishing Company, Inc.
Özkirimli, Umut. 2005. Contemporary Debates of Nationalism: A Critical Engagement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Stokes-Rees, Emily. 2011. “Recounting History: Constructing a National Narrative in the Hong Kong Museum of History.” In National Museums: New Studies From Around the World, edited by Simon J. Knell, et al., 339–354. London: Routledge.
Tse, Thomas Kwan-choi. 2014. Constructing Chinese Identity in Post-Colonial Hong Kong: A Discursive Analysis of the Official Nation-Building Project. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism Vol. 14, No. 1, 188–206.
Turnbull, C.M. 1989. A History of Singapore 1819-1988, Second Edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Worth, Valentine. 2000. “Geoffrey Sonnabend’s ‘Obliscence: Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter.” In Museums and Memory, edited by Susan A. Crane, 81–92. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Yoshino, Kosaku. 1999. “Rethinking Theories of Nationalism: Japan’s Nationalism in a Marketplace Perspective.” In Consuming Ethnicity and Nationalism: Asian Experiences, edited by Kosaku Yoshino, 8–28. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press.
Sara Landa, Freiburg/Germany. "Poetry, Politics and Revolutions: German Transformations of Mao Zedong’s Poetry (1950s–1970s)"EJSin 9 (2018) 59-86;
Abstract: Chinese poetry has been read and transformed by German poets for centuries, with a shift towards sociopolitical poetry since the early 20th century. In many cases the authors also used the biographical material to create idealized images of the Chinese poets for identificatory purposes. Therefore it is hardly surprising that the poetry of Mao Zedong fascinated German left-wing writers, not only as an example of revolutionary Chinese poetry but also as a self-commentary on Mao’s life. First versions appeared in the early 1950s, including those of Bertolt Brecht and the Czech-German writer F.C. Weiskopf who had served as a diplomat in Beijing. After the 1957 publication of Mao’s poetry, a new wave of interest in Mao Zedong’s poetry swept the GDR, which soon came to an end with the Sino-soviet split. However, thanks to the sinologist Joachim Schickel, whose work was quite popular in left-wing writers’ circles in West Germany, Mao again came to be perceived as a model of a poet-revolutionary. Yet as soon as the Mao-fever started receding, parodistic and ironic reactions to Mao’s poetry and its usage in the Mao-cult were published. The paper would thus like to explore how German writers (directly and indirectly) transformed Mao Zedongs poetry, thereby creating various images of the poet-revolutionary Mao which are closely linked to historical and cultural developments in China, Germany and Chinese-German relations.
Key words: Mao Zedong, poetry, reception, ideology, translation/transformation
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Poon Ming Kay, Chinese University of Hong Kong/China. "New Findings in the Relationship between Shiji and Hanshu" EJSin 9 (2018) 87-102;
Abstract: Sima Qian’s司馬遷 Shiji史記 records the history from the Five Emperors五帝 to the Emperor Wu of Han漢武帝 with 526,500 words. Ban Gu’s Hanshu only records the history of Western Han西漢 with 800,000 words. With the period from the beginning of Emperor Gaozu漢高祖 of Han to Emperor Wu of Han, Shiji and Hanshu recorded the history of Han dynasty by using the same materials, i.e. 61 chapters of Hanshu are transcribed from Shiji. After the emergence of Shiji, only a few scholars put concentration on this book. Besides, Shiji was regarded as a book that slandered the Han government due to its sublime words with deep meaning. The situation of Hanshu is totally different from Shiji. Shiji and Hanshu have many parallel passages but one is dyslogistic and the other one is eulogistic. This paper examines the relationship between Shiji and Hanshu, according to the parallel passages, to discuss the style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used in Hanshu, and also to demonstrate the spirit of Hanshu and its submerged meaning.
Key words: Shiji, Hanshu, parallel passages, Han dynasty
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Zhu Dongrun, Zhongguo Zhuanxuwenxue Zhi Bianqian, Shanghai: Fudan University Publishing House, 2016.
Reviews, Events and Index EJSin 9 (2018) 103-106
2017 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports. "Quo vadis, Sinology?" EJSin 8 (2017) 1-36;
Pavlova Alena Dmitrievna, Teachers’ Training University Moscow/Russia. "Sentence-final particles as a universal linguistic category: particles in Slavic and Chinese languages" EJSin 8 (2017) 37-47;
Abstract: Sentence-final particles or modal particles or utterance particles are always named as something very specific of Chinese language (Mandarin and dialects). Due to different typology of languages there are several ways (lexicology, intonation, particles) how to express its' communicative and grammatical functions in translation, and that cause difficulties for learners, requiring them for deep understanding of two languages (especially its’ latent semantics and an attitude of the speaker to the situation). And that’s why particles shouldn’t be learnt by heart, they should be assimilated. Based on previous studies on particles in Slavic languages (Nikolaeva 1985, Bauer 1972, Starodumova 2002) and on diachronic language materials and synchronic data of Mandarin Chinese and dialects (Southern Min and Cantonese) we’ve found out that SPF in Chinese languages in comparison with the same phenomenon in typologically different languages such as Russian (as a Slavic language) show similar patterns in its’ core characteristics: position, function, symbol (phonetically); and differences in usage and semantic, all these lead us to better understanding of the SPF as a universal linguistic category.
Key words: sentence-final particle, modal particle, phrasal particle, Chinese language, Russian language
#孙锡信 “近代汉语语气词” 语文出版社, 1999.
#齐沪扬 “语气词与语气系统”, 安徽敎育出版社, 2002.
Bauer J Sintactica slavica, Brno,1972.
Nikolaeva T.M. The Functions of Particles in a Statement: Based on the Slavic languages. Moscow, 1985.
Kurdiumov V.A. Idea and Form. Principles of Predicational Conception of Language, Moscow, 1999.
Pavlova A.D. On the Problem of Classification of Phrasal Particles in Southern Min (Min Nan) Dialect of the Chinese Language,Vestnik MGPU #1, Moscow, 2016.
Starodumova E.A. Russian particles, Vladivostok, 2002.
Eva Shan Chou, Baruch College/USA. "Adaptations of Lu Xun’s 傷逝 ‘Regret for the Past’ for Film and Stage" EJSin 8 (2017) 49-64;
Abstract: In 1981, three adaptions were made of Lu Xuns short story “Regret for the Past”: a film, a song-drama, and a ballet. The theme of ill-fated love has always resonated in works of art, a perennial favorite in traditional literary forms through all the varieties of output possible under shifting political and commercial conditions. In terms of Lu Xun’s works, the theme of defiant and ill-fated love updates better than, for example, Xianglin Sao’s equally sad story from “New Year’s Sacrifice,” whose story is both more culture bound and more historically specific.
Key words: Lu Xun, “Regret for the Past”, adaption, film, song-drama/dance-drama, ballet
References: none.
Martin Woesler, University Witten/Germany 吳漠汀. "World Citizen Lu Xun: Critical Reception of European Culture by Lu Xun with the Examples of Nazi Cultural Politics and of the Nobel Prize" EJSin 8 (2017) 65-90;
Abstract: Lu Xun was well aware of global politics in culture, as proven by documents discovered a few years ago. Three days after the book burning in Berlin on May 10, 1933, Lu Xun, as a Member of the Executive Board of the “China League for Civil Rights,” protested the “brutal terror and reaction” of Nazi Germany. Lu Xun took action and submitted an official protest to the German Consulate in Shanghai, which was taken seriously by the Nazi diplomats. He protested the racist suppression of Jewish authors while his own piece of world literature, “A Madman’s Diary” (1918), would have been considered “degenerate art” if published in Germany. In June 1933, he proved his in-depth understanding of Nazi crimes, especially the book-burning, humiliation and deportation of writers, in two essays.
Key words: none.
Bruun, Ole, and Michael Jacobsen. Human rights and Asian values: Contesting national identities and cultural representations in Asia. Vol. 6. Psychology Press, 2000.
Chen, Jinxing. “The Rise and Fall of the China League for Civil Rights”, in: China Review Vol. 6, No. 2, Special Issue on: WTO and China's Financial Development (Fall 2006), pp. 121-147.
Davies, Gloria. Lu Xun’s Revolution, Harvard University Press 2012.
Denton, Kirk. Lu Xun Biography, MCLC Resource Center 2002.
Foster, Paul B. “The Ironic Inflation of Chinese National Character: Lu Xun’s International Reputation, Romain Rolland’s Critique of ‘The True Story of Ah Q,’ and the Nobel Prize”, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, 13.1 (Spring, 2001).
Kettelhut, Silvia. Geschäfte übernommen: Deutsches Konsulat, Shanghai, Impressionen aus 150 Jahren, Shanghai 2006.
Kollbach, Marion. Lu Xun, Zeitgenosse. Vol. 1. Leibniz-Gesellschaft Fur Kulturellen Austausch, 1979, 223 pp.
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Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
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Sutton, Donald. “Consuming Counterrevolution: The Ritual and Culture of Cannibalism in Wuxuan, Guangxi, China, May to July 1968.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 37, No. 1: pgs. 136- 172.
Tu, Wei-ming. “Destructive Will and Ideological Holocaust: Maoism as a Source of Social Suffering in China.” In Kleinman, Das, and Lock, eds. Social Suffering. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997.
Xiao Jiansheng. Zhongguo wenming de fansi [Revisiting Chinese History]. Hong Kong: New Century Press, 2009.
Yang, Mayfair Mei-hui. Gifts, Favors, and Banquets- The Art of Social Relationships in China. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.
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Zheng Yi. Hongse jinian bei [Scarlet Memorial]. Taipei: China Television System Publications, 1993.
Zizek, Slavoj. The Sublime Object of Ideology. London: Verso, 1989.
Index" EJSin 8 (2017) 113 – 114
2016 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports" EJSin 7 (2016) 1-9;
Tanweer Muhammed, Government City College, Chittagong/Bangladesh. "On the Relations between China and Bangladesh in the Turko-Afghan Period (1203-1538)" EJSin 7 (2016) 11-38;
Abstract: The systematic study of local or regional history is comparatively recent in India and Bangladesh. It is now generally agreed that without proper study of local and regional history, no correct study of national history is possible. Local and regional histories, though undoubtedly a part of national histories, have their own political, economic, social, cultural and religious characteristics. China-Bangladesh relations are, in general, regarded as stable in scholarly literature, and the causes of this stability are often inadequately explained by overemphasizing the geopolitics of bilateral relations. Nonetheless, the geo-economics of China-Bangladesh relations are as significant as the geopolitics of the relations – for both the current state of affairs in bilateral relations and their future. This article focuses on China-Bangladesh relations from the 1st century AD to the Turko-Afghan Period (1203–1538 AD). Primarily from a geopolitical and geo-economic perspective, it explores the implications of political and economic relations for bilateral economic relations, in particular, between China and Bangladesh, and, for bilateral relations in general between the two states.
Keywords: China, Bangladesh, geopolitical relations, economic, trade, silk road, South-east Asia
Allsen, Thomas T. Commodity and exchange in the Mongol empire: A cultural history of Islamic textiles (Cambridge, 1997). Culture and Conquest in Mongol Eurasia (Cambridge UP, 2001).
Ali, Mohammad Mohar. History Of The Muslims of Bengal. 1985, Imam Muhammad IbnSa`udIslamic University. Vol-1
Ching-Long, Wu. “A Study of References to the Philippines in Chinese Sources from Earliest Times of the Ming Dynasty” (Quezon City: 1959)
Clark, Hugh. Community, trade and networks: Southern Fujian province from the third to the thirteenth century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991).,
Crawford, John. History of the Indian Archipelago (London: 1820), Volume II,
Dampier, William. A new Voyage Round the World (The Argonaut Press, London: 1927)
Das, Sarat Chandra. Journey To Lhasa & Central Tibet. 1st Edition: John Murray (England) 1902. KessingerPublishing.
Darlymple, Alexander. A Full and Clear Proof that the Spaniards can have no Claim it to Balambangan; and Willi of Gais.
Dawson, Christopher. [ed. ], Mission to Asia (formerly published as The Mongol Mission) (U Toronto Press, 1980). In addition to Carpini and Rubruck, contains the letters of John of Montecorvino and other documents.
Deng, Wang. Maritime sector, institutions and sea power of premodern China (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1999)
Drake, Frencis. The World Encompassed, (Printed for the Hakluyt Society, London:1854).
Elizabeth, Endicott-West. ‘The Yüan government and society’, in The Cambridge history of China: Vol. 6 – Alien regimes and border states, 907–1368, ed. Herbert Franke and Denis Twitchett, pp. 599–60
Fatemi, S.Q. Islam comes to Malaysia ( Singapore:1963 )
Francis, Balducci Pegolotti. “merchant handbook” is available in partial translation in Yule and Cordier, Cathay, Vol. III, pp. 137–173, and excerpted on the web.
Gibb, H. A. R.. The travels of Ibn Battuta A. D. 1325–1354 (London: The Hakluyt Society, 1994). Refer to vol. IV
Gungwu, Wang. “The Nanhai Trade: A Study of the Early History of Chinese Trade in the South China Sea,” JMBRAS, Vol. XXXI, Part 2,No.182.
Johannes Willi of Gais. The Early Relations of England with Borneo to 1805 (Langensalza: 1922),
Karim, Abdul. Social History of the Muslims in Bengal, (Down To A. D 1538), Baitush Sharaf Islamic Research Institute, Chittagong. 1985. p-250.
Larner, John. Marco Polo and the Discovery of the World (Yale UP, 1999).
Lopez, Robert Sabatino. "China Silk in Europe in the Yuan Period," Journal of the American Oriental Society, 72/2 (1952),.
Lauren, Arnold. Princely Gifts and Papal Treasures: The Franciscan Mission to China and its Influence on the Art of the West, 1250–1350 (Desiderata Pr., 1999). An elegantly produced study which brings together fascinating material on artistic exchange and also serves as an excellent introduction to the Franciscan mission
Majul, Cesar Adib. “Chinese Relationship with the Sultanate of Sulu,” The Chinese in the Philippines. 1570–1770 (Historical Conservation Society, Manila: 1966),
Majul, Cesar Adib. “Muslims in the Philippines”, second edition, Published for the Asian center. By the University of the Philippines Press, Quezon city, 1973.
Meilink, Roelofsz. M.A.P.: Asian Trade and European Influence in the Indonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630 (The Hague: 1962)
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“Odoric of Pordenone's travels” are translated by Henry Yule and Henri Cordier, Cathay and the Way Thither, Being a Collection of Medieval Notices of China, Vol. II (Hakluyt Society, 1916).
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Olschki, Leonardo. Marco Polo's Asia: An Introduction to His "Description of the World" Called "Il Milione" (UCalif. Pr., 1960). A systematic examination of what Marco did and did not get right.
Phillips, J. R. S. The Medieval Expansion of Europe (Oxford UP, 1988).
Polo, Marco. The Travels, tr. Ronald Latham (Penguin, 1958).
Rachewilz, Igor de. "Marco Polo Went to China," ZentralasiatischeStudien 27 (1997),
Raffles, Thomas Stamford. The History of Java (London: 1880), Second Edition.
Rauf, M.A. “A brief History of Islam (with special reference to Malaya)” Kuala Lumpur: 1964
Ray, Haraprasad. Trade and trade routes between India and China, c. 140 B. C. –A. D. 1500 (Kolkata: Progressive Publishers, 2003);
Ray, Haraprasad. Chinese sources of South Asian history in translation: Data for study of India-China relations through history (Kolkata: Asiatic Society, 2004).
Reid,Anthony. Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce, vols:2 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1988–93
Rossabi, Morris. Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times (UCalif. Pr., 1988). A very readable synthesis by a noted scholar of the Silk Road and Mongol history.
Saleeby, Najeeb. The History of Sulu. Manila:1908.
Sen, Tansen. “Buddhism, diplomacy and trade: The realignment of Sino-Indian relations 600–1400” (Honolulu: Association for Asian Studies, University of Hawai’i Press, 2003)
Sen, Tansen. “Maritime contacts between China and the Cola Kingdom (A. D. 850–1279)’, in Mariners, merchants and oceans: Studies in maritime History”, ed. K. S. Mathew (Delhi: Manohar, 1995),
Sen, Tansen. “Maritime Interactions between China and India: Coastal India and the Ascendancy of Chinese Maritime Power in the Indian Ocean”. Journal of Central Eurasian Studies, Volume 2 (May 2011): 41–82 © 2011 Center for Central Eurasian Studies.
Spence, Jonathan D. The Chan's Great Continent: China in Western Minds (Norton,1998). By an inspiring historian of China, explores China in the western imagination from Marco Polo to Italo Calvino in the late 20th century.
Schrieke, Bettram. “Ruler and Realm in Early Java,” Indonesian Sociological Studies (The Hague: 1957), Part 2,.
Scott, Edmund. “The Description of Java Major,” The Voyage of Sir Henry Middleton to the Moluccas, 1604–1606. (The Hakluyt Society, Second Series, No. 88, London: 1943)
“The Earliest Mohammedan Missionaries in Mindanao and Sulu,” Moro Ethnography, Voll.II (Bayer Collection, 1906)
“The Glorious Age of Exploration” (part of The Encyclopedia of Discovery and Exploration) (Doubleday, 1973).
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, tr. and ed. C. W. R. D. Moseley (Penguin, 1983).
Tibbetts, G. R. “Early Muslim Traders in South-East Asia,” JMBRAS, Vol. XXX, Part 1, No. 177, 1957,
Wade, Geoff. An Early Age of Commerce in Southeast Asia, 900–1300 CE, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 40 (2), pp 221–265 June 2009. Printed in the United Kingdom, ©2009 The National University of Singapore.
Wood. Frances. “ Did Marco Polo Go to China?” (Westview, 1996).
John H. Feng, University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen/China. "Other than the Political and the Institutional: The Lu Zhengxiang Collection at St. Andrew’s Abbey, Bruges, Belgium and Its Historical ignificance and Value" EJSin 7 (2016) 39-66;
Abstract: In December 2015, Academia Sinica in Taipei signed a cooperative agreement with St. Andrew’s Abbey (Sint-Andriesabdij Zevenkerken) to digitize Lu Zhengxiang’s (Lou Tseng-tsiang, 1871-1949) collection and set up an exclusive database. After briefly comparing Lu’s own memoir and two biographies, this article concludes that there are still unexplored and under-explored areas about his life and career. This collection can help us fill these lacunae. It is indeed of unique significance and worth our greater attention. Apart from political and institutional histories, Christianity seems to be a potential topic. We can expect that in the near future, researchers will have an excellent e-source to further explore the history of cultural exchanges between China and Europe.
Keywords: Lu Zhengxiang (Lou Tseng-tsiang), Chinese Catholic, Christianity in China, Sino-Vatican relations
#Cao Rulin曹汝霖,《一生之回忆》,香港:春秋杂志社,1966。
#Hu Xinding et al胡心顶等,《弱国外长陆征祥:献给辛亥革命一百周年》,北京:世界知识出版社,2011。
#Huang Zunyan黄尊严,“也论陆征祥在巴黎和会中作用”,《历史档案》,第4期(2003),97-102页。
#Lu Zhengxiang陆征祥,王眉译,《回忆与随想:从民国外交总长到比利时》,上海:上海远东出版社,2016。
#Luo Guang罗光,《陆征祥传》,台北:台湾商务印书馆,1967。
#Shi Jianguo石建国,《外交总长陆征祥》,福州:福建教育出版社,2015。
#Tang Qihua唐启华,“清末民初中国对海牙保和会之参与(1899-1917)”,Zhengzhi Daxue Lishi Xuebao 《政治大学历史学报》,第23期(2005),45-90页。
Hans Ruin, Södertörn University, Stockholm/Sweden. "Rituals of death, ancestrality, and the formation of historical consciousness – comparative philosophical reflections on the Analects of Confucius" EJSin 7 (2016) 67-81;
Abstract: In the Analects, Confucius is quoted to identify Tzu-kung as a “sacrificial vase of jade”. This shows that Confucius was very conscious of history and the cult of the dead. Compared with theoretical concerns elicited from Hegel and from Philosophical Hermeneutics, this needs to be placed into the context of “traditionality”. The ancestral rites have, by the time of Confucius, become metonymic for the question of the relation to tradition and to the past as such. The subject of learning, the learnt subject, is someone capable of living in a balanced relation to time and to history. It is a subject who has made him- or herself into a receptacle of the forces of the past, so as to live with and towards them in a way that permits him or her to act in the present. In short, it is a temporally defined subjectivity.
Key words: Confucius, Analects, Cult of the dead, ancestrality, historical consciousness, traditionality
Book of Songs, transl Arthur Waley (London: Allen & Unwin, 1937).
Chin, Annping: Confucius (Yale UP, 2006),
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Web References:
Wang Gui 王瑰, Hubei University/China and ELTE/Hungary. "Word Building and Formation of Chinese Neologisms 汉语新词的构建与生成" EJSin 7 (2016) 83-97;
Abstract: Chinese neologisms are ever-increasing with the rapid development of social, scientific and technological development. They play a crucial role in today’s Chinese society and culture. Therefore, to study Chinese neologisms is of great significance and value. In view of its significance, the author tries to describe the distinctive features of Chinese neologisms in the areas of syllable, structure and affix, followed by the formation and sources of neologisms. Last but not least, the author also analyzes the mechanism and puts forward the Hypothesis of Socio-psycho-linguistic Need for Neologisms.
Key words: Chinese Neologisms, Word Building, Formation
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Index" EJSin 7 (2016) 99-101
European Journal of Chinese Studies [English] ISSN 2626-9694, E-ISSN 2626-9708, since 2018
Editorial Board: Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China and University Witten/Germany; Luigi Moccia, University Rome III/Italy; Stefan Messmann, Central European University/Hungary; Joël Bellassen, Paris University/France; Lutz Bieg, University Cologne/Germany; Claudia von Collani, University Wuerzburg/Germany; Hermann Halbeisen, University Cologne/Germany; Harald Holz, University Muenster/Germany; Frank Kraushaar, University of Latvia/Latvia; Peter Kupfer, University Mainz/Germany; Wolfgang Ommerborn, Ruhr University Bochum/Germany; Gregor Paul, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany; Karl-Heinz Pohl, University Trier/Germany; Guido Rappe, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany; Maurizio Scarpari, Foscari University Venice/Italy; Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, University Goettingen/Germany; Harro von Senger, University Freiburg/Germany; Helmolt Vittinghoff, University Cologne/Germany; Licia D. Kim, Utah Valley University/USA; Tianwei You, Nanking University/China.
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2020 pdf for download"
Editorial and Reports EJCS 3 (2020) 1-6;
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China. " What we can learn from China: Why not 70% of the Germans will get infected by COVID-19 and why the pandemic can not only be slowed down, but stopped " EJCS 3 (2020) 7-29;
Abstract: In this article, it is derived from the experience of earlier pandemics and of the SARS pandemics in China (SARS 1, SARS-CoV-2) and Korea (SARS-CoV-2), that not 70% of the people have to get infected to stop the pandemic in Germany and other countries, but that the pandemic can be restrained by strict contact ban policies and stopped in many countries by vaccination in summer 2021. China has mastered the pandemic better than European countries and the US. This is attributed to the stricter implementation of measures, which does not seem possible in countries with larger individuality and civil rights of individual citizens (cf. the “Swedish Model”). What can we learn from China? What does it change in the competition of society systems?
Key words: Stopping the pandemic, time horizon, post-pandemic, quarantine, contact ban.
Berliner Zeitung (2020). „70 Prozent der Deutschen werden Corona bekommen“. Berliner Zeitung (1.3.2020), online:, accessed on March 29, 2020.
„Corona-Virus-Karte. Infektionen Deutschland, weltweit“. Morgenpost https://interaktiv., accessed on March 29, 2020.
Die Welt (2020). deutschland/video206489421/Merkel-zu-Corona-60-bis-70-Prozent-der-Bevoelkerung-koennten-infiziert-werden.html, (March 12, 2020), accessed on March 29, 2020.
Die Zeit (2020). politik/ausland/2020-03/covid-19-grossbritannien-herdenimmunitaet-virusbekaempfung, (15.3.2020). accessed on March 29, 2020.
Escher, Manuel. (2020). „Immunität durch Infektionen“ Der Standard (14.3.2020),, visited March 29, 2020.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (2020.) online politik/inland/hilfslieferungen-laesst-europa-italien-im-stich-16693137.html, (March 24, 2020), accessed on March 29, 2020.
Imperial College. (2020). “COVID-19 NPI modeling“, 16.3.2020
Johns Hopkins University „Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)“ https://, accessed on March 29, 2020
„Grippewelle war tödlichste in 30 Jahren“ Ärzteblatt (20.9.2019), online: https://www., accessed on March 29, 2020
New York Times (2020). https://www.nytimes. com/2020/03/18/business/coronavirus-ventilator-shortage.html, accessed on March 29, 2020
Robert Koch-Institut (2020). „Nationales Referenzzentrum für Masern, Mumps, Röteln“. https://, accessed on March 29, 2020
Rhodes, A. (2012). Rhodes, A.; Ferdinande, P.; Flaatten, H.; Guidet, B.; Metnitz, P. G.; Moreno, R. P. (2012-10-01). "The variability of critical care bed numbers in Europe". Intensive Care Medicine. 38 (10): 1647–1653. doi:10.1007/s00134-012-2627-8. ISSN 1432-1238. PMID 22777516
Society of Critical Care Medicine (2020). Critical-Care-Statistics, visited March 29, 2020
Tagesspiegel (2020). wissen/wie-viele-haben-sich-mit-sars-cov-2-angesteckt-warum-statistiker-von-222-000-infizierten-in-deutschland-ausgehen/ 25699430.html, visited April 11, 2020.
Woesler, Martin. (2020a) Corona – A Reflection During the Pandemic. Woesler, Martin and Hans-Martin Sass (Hg.) (2020) Medicine and Ethics in Times of Corona, Lit Press 2020, ISBN 978-3-643-91320-3, 448 pp., pp. 1-2
Woesler, Martin. (2020b) Responsibility and Ethics in Times of Corona, Woesler, Martin and Hans-Martin Sass (Hg.) (2020) Medicine and Ethics in Times of Corona, Lit
Press 2020, ISBN 978-3-643-91320-3, 448 pp., pp. 45-62
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Stefan Messmann, Central European University (retired)/Hungary. " The Past in the Present" EJCS 3 (2020) 31-36;
Abstract: The present is usually different from the past, especially for political and ideological reasons and the habits and customs are changing. This was the case in the socialist countries. However, there are some exceptions. That is the case in today’s China, where many rules, habits and customs from the imperial times still exist in some form. Such cases are, e.g., the consideration about Confucius, hukou (i.e. household registration), classification of ethnic groups, rise and fall of prominent leaders, and concubinage.
Key words: Confucius, Cultural Revolution, Four Olds and Four News, Western Zhou erea, Han Fei, Shi Huangdi, legists, hukou, ethnic groups, Deng Xiaoping, Zunyi Conference, Great Leap Forward, Zhu Enlai, Open door policy, Han Yu, Su Shi, and concubinage.
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Thomas Weyrauch, Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (retired)/Germany. " China’s Civil Code and Civil Rights" EJCS 3 (2020) 37-42;
Abstract: Between the demise of republican law in Mainland China and the emergence of a Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, 71 years passed. Although the Civil Code strengthens the personal rights of citizens, they are still curtailed by the CCP-dominated state at the same time.
Key words: civil code, civil rights, deprivation of liberties, Qing-dynasty, Republic of China
Brox, Hans / Walker, Wolf-Dietrich: Allgemeiner Teil des BGB. 34th ed., Munich: Vahlen 2010.
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Gray, Whitmore / Stults, Raymond: Civil Code of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Law School 1965.
Huang, Philip C.: Chinese Civil Justice, Past and Present. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield 2010.
Lei, Chen: 100 Years of Chinese Property Law: Looking back and thinking foreward, in: Lei, pp. 88.
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Wang, Zhu: On the Constitutionality of Compiling a Civil Code of China. A Process Map for Legislation Born out of Pragmatism. Wiesbaden: Springer 2020.
Fan Ka-wai, City University of Hong Kong/China. " Speaking and Recalling Bitterness in the Anti-schistosomiasis Campaign of Hubei Province in the 1960s" EJCS 3 (2020) 43-62;
Abstract: On the basis of the archives of Hubei Province, This article discusses a new promotional method termed “speaking and recalling bitterness” used in the anti-schistosomiasis campaign in 1963–1964. The anti-schistosomiasis campaign was a nationwide public health campaign that started in the 1950s but was interrupted during the Great Leap Forward period (1960–1962). In 1963, the People’s Republic of China revived this campaign in the 9th national meeting for preventing schistosomiasis in Shanghai. In the meeting, speaking and recalling bitterness was highlighted as an important way to educate the masses to participate in the campaign actively. It explores how the Chinese Party of Communism made use of speaking and recalling bitterness in the campaign and organized meetings for it in villages. Finally, it discusses the contents of speaking and recalling bitterness, and describes how they were fictionalized as promotional materials.
Key words: China, Great Leap Forword, Schistosomiasis, Speaking and Recalling Bitterness, the Anti-schistosomiasis campaign
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Wu, G. (2014ª): Speaking Bitterness: Political Education in Land Reform and Military Training under the CCP, 1947-1951. The Chinese Historical Review Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 3-23.
Wu, G. (2014b): Recalling Bitterness: Historiography, Memory, and Myth in Maoist China. Twentieth-Century China Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 245-268.
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Zhongyang aiguo weisheng yundong weiyuanhui bangongshi (ed.). (1960): Chuhai miebing aiguo weisheng yundong shouce (handbook for the campaign of killing pests and eliminating diseases). Beijing, Renmin weisheng publishing house.
Reviews, Events and Index EJSin 3 (2020) 63
2019 pdf for download"
Editorial and Reports EJCS 2 (2019) 1-6;
Martin Woesler, University Witten/Herdecke/Germany; Martin Wanke, Leuphana University Lüneburg/Germany; Matthias Kettner, University Witten/Herdecke/Germany; Jens Lanfer, University Witten/Herdecke/Germany " The Chinese Social Credit System: Origin, political design, exoskeletal morality and comparisons to Western systems" EJCS 2 (2019) 7-35;
Abstract: In 1999, Lin Junyue, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, developed a “Social Credit” scoring “System” to enhance trust and reliability in the Chinese market economy, strengthen social cohesion, individual ethical behaviour as well as political stability. After the first experiments in 2000 and after fine tuning, in 2002 Chinese president Jiang Zemin propagated it in a public speech. In 2014 it was announced that in 2020 every citizen and company will receive a unique id and a score (black list, no list, red list or even points), indicating the holder’s financial and economical trustworthiness, as well as filial piety and political loyalty. Low performers will be restricted, especially in mobility (access to planes, high speed trains etc.) and punished with public shame. High performers will be rewarded. This combination of a disciplinary and controlling society creates an exoskeletal, extrinsically motivated moral lead and reduces intrinsically motivated moral rule-following.
Key words: social credit system, trust, reliability, Chinese market economy, experiments, unique id, piety, political loyalty, low performers, mobility restriction, public shame, exoskeletal ethics, intrinsically motivated moral rule-following.
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Luo Huiling, Complutense University of Madrid/Spain. " No Distance Matters, neither any Difference: China-Spain Relations during Adolfo Suárez’ Government" EJCS 2 (2019) #-#;
Abstract: Before Mao’s and Franco’s death, the PRC and Spain established diplomatic relations in 1973. Both countries underwent a transitional period from 1976 to 1982, during which they got closer together and found many common interests in their foreign policy. During this period, the Spanish royals visited China. In both countires, a positive image about the fellow country was conveyed.
Key words: Mao Zedong, Franco, Deng Xiaoping, China, Spain, diplomacy, colonialism, transition, reform and open up policy.
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Zhang, Min, “Nueva perspectiva de relaciones comerciales entre China y España”, from Web page of Academia de Ciencias Sociales de China, February 1, 2009, online link:, date of the last review: September 8, 2014“El vice-presidente Ji Pengfei se entrevistó con la delegación de la Asociación de Amistad Hispano-China”, from Renmin Ribao, October 18, 1978, p.4, online link:, date of the last review: November 2, 2016.
“El vice-primer ministro Deng se entrevista con los padres de los reyes españoles y les expresa el deseo de recibir más visitas de los amigos españoles para promover el conocimiento mutuo y la amistad”, from Renmin Ribao, May 15, 1979, p.1, online link:, date of the last review: December 2, 2016.
“El telegrama de felicidad del rey de España”, from Renmin Ribao, October 2, 1979, p.6, online link:, date of the last review: April 2, 2017.
“Li Qiang se entrevistó con el ministro de comercio y turismo de España”, from Renmin Ribao, March 19, 1980, p.4, online link:, date of the last review: April 22, 2017. Original title in Chinese: 《李强同西班牙商业和旅游大臣会谈》.
“Yao Yilin se entrevistó con el ministro de comercio y turismo de España”, from Renmin Ribao, March 21, 1980, p.4, online link:, date of the last review: April 22, 2017. Original title in Chinese: 《姚依林会见西班牙商业旅游大臣》.
“Nuestro País firmó el primer convenio cultural con España”, from Renmin Ribao, April 9, 1981, p.6, online link:, date of the last review: April 3, 2017. Original title in Chinese: 《我国和西班牙签署第一个文化协定》.
“Se inauguró la ‘Semana de la Cultura China’ en Madrid”, from Renmin Ribao, March 4, 1982, p.6, date of the last review:, date of the last review: November 2, 2016. Original title in Chinese: 《中国文化周在马德里开幕》.
“El Comité Nacional de Juegos Olímpicos de China celebró cóctel de bienvenida para recibir al presidente del Comité Internacional de Juegos Olímpicos”, from Renmin Ribao, March 31, 1982, p.4, online link:, date of the last review: November 2, 2016. Original title in Chinese: 《中国奥委会举行酒会欢迎国际奥委会主席》.
“La arpista española celebra un recital en Beijing”, from Renmin Ribao, April 11, 1982, p.4, online link:, date of the last review: November 2, 2016.
“Chu-Lin ve al público por primera vez”, from Renmin Ribao, March 10, 1983, p.6, online link:, date of the last review: November 2, 2016.
“Entrevista con Marcelo Muñoz, decano de los empresarios españoles en China”, from IberChina, online link:, date of the last review: January 4, 2017.
“Actividades de intercambios internacionales de fotografía en la Nueva China”, special number “60 Aniversario de establecimiento de la República Popular China -- Recordar las huellas culturales de la República”, online link: http://en. content_345791_4.htm, Original title in Chinese: 国际文化网,《新中国摄影的国际交往活动》, “国庆六十周年——铭记共和国的文化足迹”专刊,date of the last review: April 22, 2017.
Michael Knüppel, Liaocheng University/China. " Preliminary report of a study on Arabic calligraphy of the Hui Muslims – the example of the dū ās (都阿) " EJCS 2 (2019) #-#;
Abstract: When the writer of this report recently gave an overview on the use of Chinese “ritualistic expendable goods” among the Hui Muslims in Shāndōng Province, the question of classification of the papers, boards and plates, called dū ā (都阿) ~ dù wā (杜哇) written in Arabic language and using Chinese Arabic calligraphy (called “Sini-style” [< arab. صيني – ṣīnī “Chinese”]), arose. The term dū ā is a Sino-Arabic transcription of Arab ducā’ (دعاء) – in Islam an originally referring to an individual prayer (invocation, petitionary prayer, thanksgiving prayer etc.) that can be spoken at any time time and in any situation beside the five daily ritual prayers (ṣalāt [صلاة]). While Muslim clerics in China know very well the meaning of dū ā, for most of the common members of the Hui Muslim communities, who do not even have basic knowledge of Arabic language or script, the term points to the papers, metal plates, glazed ceramic tiles etc. bearing religious formulas, the crede and other expressions of religious belief, which they normally can not read. Such dū ās are written by the Imāms (Chin. āhōng 阿訇 < Pers. ﺁﺨﻮﻨﺪ – āḫūnd ~ āḫōnd) who hand them over only to members of the respective community or even write them individually for them.
Key words: dū ā, Arabic calligraphy, Chinese Arabic calligraphy, Islam, Muslim, prayer, clerics, Imām.
Cîndea Gîţă, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu/Romania; Iulia Elena, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu/Romania; Riccardo Moratto, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies/China. " Chinese Literature in Romania: A Qualitative Study based on In-Depth Interviews with the Agents Involved in Sino-Romanian Transfer of Culture " EJCS 2 (2019) #-#;
Abstract: Literature transfer is the focal point of several areas of research, including literary studies, cultural studies, sociology, political studies, and economics. Thus, the process of cultural transfer through literature and translation is vivid and multi-layered. Based on the economic, diplomatic and political influences that govern the transfer of culture, this paper aims to study if and how the transfer of Chinese literature in Romania was influenced by these factors. The overall objective is to closely analyse literary translations from Chinese into Romanian from the standpoint of cultural reception and to reflect and investigate what this strategy involves prior to and after translation. We propose, thus, an extended approach to cultural translations, namely an approach to the sociology of translations, to their cultural, linguistic, literary, political, and economic reception. A series of interviews with the agents involved in and responsible for the translation, introduction and dissemination of Chinese literature in Romania were conducted, among whom: Romanian translators of Chinese literary works, representatives of Romanian publishing houses, former Romanian diplomats engaged in China-oriented activities, representatives of the Department of Culture of the Embassy of the PRC in Romania, members of the Romanian Cultural Institute in Beijing and directors of Confucius Institutes in Romania. With a qualitative exploratory approach, the interviews investigate the role of the agents in the cultural exchange between China and Romania and their influence on cultural, political and economic relations between the two countries. The specific objectives are to determine the factors of ideological, economic, political influence and their implications in the translation of Chinese books into Romania; and to identify the characteristics of the cultural reception of Chinese literature in Romania.
Key words: Chinese literature, literature dissemination, bilateral relations, interviews, sociology of translation, socio-cultural reception, socio-political constraints, publishing.
Cîndea Gîță, Iulia Elena. (2021). Publishing Chinese Literary Works During 1965–2018 Romania: An in-Depth Study in the Sociology of Literature. In: Moratto, Riccardo & Woesler, Martin (eds). Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting. Singapore: Springer.
Dube, Monica. (2019). Overview of the Chinese Book Market. [Accessed 6 March 2020].
Heilbron, Johan & Sapiro, Giselle. (2007). “Outline for a sociology of translation: Current issues and future prospects.” In Constructing a Sociology of Translation, ed. by Michaela Wolf and Alexandra Fukari. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Jauss, Hans. (1978). Pour une esthétique de la réception. Bibliothèque des Idées: Gallimard. Joint statement of the 20th EU-China Summit. (2018, July 17). statement of the 20th EU-China Summit [Accessed 6 March 2020].
Jauss, Hans. (1982). Towards an Aesthetic of Literary Reception (Theory & History of Literature). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Li, Wenrui. (2018). New translation data-base promotes Chinese literature overseas. [Accessed 6 March 2020].
Li, Wenrui. (2018). New translation database promotes Chinese literature overseas. [Accessed 6 March 2020].
Moratto, Riccardo & Woesler, Martin. (2021). Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting. Singapore: Springer.
Porter, Anderson. (2018). Beijing International Book Fair Reports Gains in Rights Sales. [online] Publishing Perspectives. Available at:
Qiu, Bo. (2011). Investment in media to present true picture of China. Retrieved 4 January 2020, from
Sapiro, Gisele. (2003). The Literary Field between the State and the Market. Poetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts, 441–461.
Sapiro, Gisele. (2016). How do literary works cross borders (or Not)? Journal of World Literature, 1(1), 81–96.
Yu, Liang (2018). China exports 12,651 publication copyrights in 2017 - Xinhua | [Accessed 6 March 2020].
2018 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports EJCS 1 (2018) 1-5;
Eva Shan Chou 周衫, Baruch College/USA. " Cao Yu’s Play Thunderstorm Becomes a Ballet 曹禺的《雷雨》成为芭蕾舞剧" EJCS 1 (2018) 5-16;
Abstract: Cao Yu’s (曹禺) first work, the play Thunderstorm (雷雨), made him famous at the age of 24 while he was still a university student. It was both a pioneer in the new genre of spoken drama (話劇) and path-breaking in its portrayal of incest and other illicit relations in a well-to-do family. Like Ibsen’s work, was a condemnation of society. Thunderstorm first came to the public in print through the Literature Quarterly (文學季刊). Soon after, staged performances and film versions followed, with revivals continuing through today. It was introduced in a different genre in 1981, when the newly constituted Shanghai Ballet Company produced a full-length three-act ballet of Thunderstorm.
Key words: keine vorhanden.
References: keine vorhanden.
Markus Siedenberg 山马克, Folkwang University Essen/Germany. "A Comparison of the Essence of the Evil in The Water Margin and Goethe's Faust (Part I and II) 《水浒传》和歌德的《浮士德》比较" EJCS 1 (2018) 17-24;
Abtract: Moral relativist and Hong Kong philosopher William Sin objected to the famous literary critic Liu Zaifu's absolutist opinion that the classic novel The Water Margin has been corrupting Chinese readers for generations. With the help of physics, philosophy, evolutionary psychology and an intercultural comparison of The Water Margin and Goethe's Faust I and II I will try to prove that the truth lies between their two opinions, partly because of arguments not contained in either Sin's or Zaifu's arguments.
Key words: none.
Goldstein, Sheldon: article „Bohmian Mechanics“. In: Zalta, Edward N., Nodelman, Uri, Colin, Allen (eds.): Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, [without pag.]. 2001. Substantially revised in 2013.
Göschel, Carl Friedrich: Ueber Goethe's Faust und dessen Fortsetzung. Leipzig: Hartmann 1824, 108ff.
Hsia, Chih-tsing: The Classic Chinese Novel: A Critical Introduction. New York: Cornell University. 1996, 87, 93.
Liu, Zaifu: A study of Two Classics: A cultural Crtitique of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and The Water Margin. Beijing: Sanlian Shudian 2010, 4, 203.
Sin, William: „The Water Margin, Moral Criticism, and Cultural Confrontation“. In: Dao. A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (Springer), March 2017, vol. 16, 1, 95-111.
Li Li 李力, University of Denver/USA. "Tales of the Chinese Cultural Revolution in English-speaking Countries 英语国家關於中国文化大革命的故事" EJCS 1 (2018) 25-32;
Abstract: Chinese Studies, especially contemporary Chinese Studies, is not merely a one-dimensional process of rendition of literary texts in Chinese into a foreign language, English in this case, but a multi-dimensional, discursive practice of idea exchanges, ideology negotiations, and identity configurations among writers and translators who produced these texts. This phenomenon has enriched, and indeed complicated, our understanding of conventional translation of Chinese literary texts and their international dissemination. This paper critically examines literary texts about the Chinese Cultural Revolution, including those originally written in English by Chinese immigrants and those translated into English. Through analysis of narrative devices, marketing strategies, and circulations of those texts, this paper demonstrates that the creation and reception of those texts, in English-speaking countries, is largely determined by a model of knowledge production that promotes Western intellectual and cultural preoccupation, rather than Chinese-centered social analysis.
Keywords: the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Chinese diaspora writers, Qiu Xiao-long, Dai Sijie, Red Guard memoir
Eakin, Paul John. Introduction to Philippe Lejeune, On Autobiography, Philippe Le-jeune, On Autobiography trans. Katherine Leary (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), ix.
Dai Sijie. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. Trans. Ina Rilke. New York: Anchor Books, 2001.
Ma, Sheng-mei. East-West Montage Reflection on Asian Bodies in Diaspora. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press, 2007.
Qiu Xiaolong. Death of a Red Heroine. New York: Soho Press, 2000.
_____ Red Mandarin Dress. New York: St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2007.
____. When Red is Black. New York: Soho Press, 2004.
Vladislav Kruglov / Владислав Круглов 弗拉迪斯拉夫•克鲁格洛夫, Center of Pedagogical Proficiency, Moscow/Russia. "The All-Russian Chinese Language Olympiad and The Unified State Exam in the Chinese Language as new forms of examination in Russia 全俄汉语奥林匹克与汉语统一国家考试作为俄罗斯新的考试形式" EJCS 1 (2018) 33-39;
Abstract: Today, there are new tendencies in the Russian educational sphere, especially in Chinese Studies. Since the pivot of Russia to the East, Chinese language has become one of the most popular foreign languages to learn. Nowadays the Chinese language is included in the curriculum of many schools and universities. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of problems in Chinese Studies. The All-Russian Chinese Language Olympiad is the first step of the Russian sinological community to harmonize standards of teaching this foreign language, and the introduction of the Unified State Exam in Chinese continues this process of unification and standardization of studying Chinese in Russian schools.
Key words: Chinese language, All-Russian Olympiad, intellectual competition, Unified State Exam.
Requirements for the holding of a regional stage of the Chinese language Olympiad in the 2017/2018 school year (for organizers and jury members). Approved at the meeting of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission (Record No. 2 of October 16, 2017) [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of the request: 08/03/2018)
The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) of November 18, 2013 N 1252 Moscow "On the Approval of the Procedure for the All-Russian Olympiad" Item 37.) [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of the request: 08.03.2018).
Federal Law No. 329-FL of December 21, 2009 "On Amending Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation"On Education"and Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Higher and Post-Graduate Professional Education"RossiyskayaGazeta. - Federal issue. - No. 5071 (247). - 3.12.2009 - [Electronic resource].URL: (Date of therequest: 11.03.2018).
References in Russian:
Arefiev A.L. The study of the Chinese language in Russian schools. Arefiev. - [Electronic resource]. URL: (Date of the request: 11.03.2018).
Kurdyumov V.A. The course of the Chinese language. Theoretical grammar / V.A. Kurdyumov – 2nd edition, stereot. M .: Citadel-Trade, 2006. - 576 p.
Maslovets O. A Chinese 2-11 grades. Program for pupils of general educational institutions / author- editor. O. A Maslovets - Blagoveshchensk: Publishing house of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, 2014 - 72 p.
Maslovets O .A Fundamentals of teaching the Chinese language in universities and school: theory and practice. Textbook / O.A. Maslovets. - 2 nd ed., Rev. - M .: VKN Publishing House. - 2017. - 264 p.
Ahmed Hussein, Khartoum College of Applied Studies, Sudan. "China's Social Responsibilities and Gifts to Africa 1960 to 2017" EJCS 1 (2018), 41-71;
Abstract: Research was conducted using multiple methods, (such as historical, descriptive, analytical, comparative and case study) to identify China's social responsibilities and gifts to Africa, focusing on Africa and African multi-level cooperation for development with China.
Key words: keine vorhanden.
“China's booming trade with Africa helps tone its diplomatic muscle”. In: The Guardian (March 22, 2012),, visited December 10, 2018.
Hussein, Ahmed, Global Financial Crisis, Study about global economy, focusing on USA, China and Sudan economies, April 2008 – May, 2010, Khartoum University press, Khartoum/Sudan 2010, 85 pp.
Hussein Ahmed, “China Economic Impacts in the World of today and the Future Perspectives”, research paper, 2017.
Jiang, Wenran, and Jing Jing. “Deepening Chinese Stakes in West Africa: The Case of Ghana.” China Brief , 10 (2010) 4.
Kafui Tsekpo, “Is China the new Imperialist on the Bloc?”, research paper, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, p. 8. [no date].
Kofi, Kissi Dompere, African Emancipation, Security and the Progress of China's Power, Department of Economic, Howard University 2013, pp. 22-32. [All illustrations are from this paper.]
Munir, Elhimish, Economic Reform, Reda Publishing Press, Damascus/Syria 2003.
He Lifang 何丽芳, Huron University/Canada. "Chinese Interlanguage Speech and Intelligibility: A Study of Canadian University Students’ Chinese Phonetic Acquisition" EJCS 1 (2018) 73-89;
Abstract: This article explores the relationship between Chinese interlanguage speech and intelligibility in order to establish the impact of phonemes on the intelligibility of Chinese interlanguage speech. Learners are reviewed case by case to study the results and validate the corpus studies with the provided reference for Chinese phonetic acquisition and teaching practice. Students from a Canadian university studying elementary Chinese courses for speech acquisition were our target study subjects. These students demonstrate varying degrees of accents. Deeper assessments of the accents and intelligibility of students whose mother tongue is standard Mandarin were conducted to establish a better understanding of the accents. It was found that among the subjects, those who made less intonation errors had higher phonetic judgement and it was also easier to understand their verbal expressions. This paper argues that intonation is an important factor for the intelligibility of Chinese interlanguage speech, but the relationship between the two is not very significant.
Key words: Interlanguage speech; Intelligibility; Chinese phonetic acquisition
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Abstact: none.
Key words: none.
References: none.
Index" EJCS 1 (2018) 109-110
Floristic Letters [German, Floristische Rundbriefe] since 1966, ISSN 0934-456X, Online ISSN 2700-659X, annually, peer reviewed
Editorial Board: Wolfgang Schumacher, University Bonn/Germany; Hans-Jürgen Hardtke, Technical University Dresden/Germany; Götz H. Loos, Ruhr University Bochum/Germany; Arno Wörz, University Wuerzburg/Germany and Nature Museum Stuttgart/Germany; Henning Haeupler, Ruhr University Bochum/Germany; Peter Gausmann, Ruhr University Bochum. .
This is a double blind peer reviewed annual journal on traditional China, Website: Submission Guidelines: Please orient yourself at the existing form and quotation style, the copy editors will format your paper.
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2019 pdf for download
Preface FlorLett 53 (2019) 1
Peter Keil, Biologische Station Westliches Ruhrgebiet e.V. Oberhausen/Germany; Renate Fuchs, Mülheim an der Ruhr/GermanyEIN VORKOMMEN VON FALLOPIA ×CONOLLYANA (POLYGONACEAE) IN ESSEN (NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN) Floristische Rundbriefe 53 (2019) 2-11
Abstract: The hybrid Fallopia ×conollyana (F. japonica var. japonica × F. baldschuanica), which is extremely rare in Europe, was detected in Essen (Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, TK 4507/2) in 2017 and observed over a period of two years. Findings, habitat, history of discovery, dispersal in Europe as well as hints for determination are presented. The discovery will be discussed in the context of other European occurrences of the taxon as well as in terms of its establishment and its status.
Keywords: Fallopia japonica var. japonica, F. baldschuanica, F. ×conollyana, Anecophytes
References: ADOLPHI, K. 2015: Anmerkungen zu einigen sich möglicherweise einbürgernden Neophyten. - Braunschweiger Geobotanische Arbeiten 11: 137-153.
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HOCKING, S., JONES, D. & EASTWOOD, D. 2019: Out of sight, out of mind? Exsitu germination of ×Reyllopia conollyana (Conolly’s Knotweed) in a South Wales invaded seedbank. - BSBI News 142: 52-55.
KASPEREK, G. 1999: Beiträge zur Flora des Rurtales (Großlandschaften Eifel, Niederrheinische Bucht und Niederrheinisches Tiefland), Folge 2. - Decheniana 152: 29-35.
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Dietmar Brandes, Technical University Brunswick/Germany; Jens Nitzsche, Technical University Brunswick/Germany. DIE UMGEBUNG VON KANINCHENBAUEN - EIN WENIG BEACHTETES RUDERALES MIKROHABITAT Floristische Rundbriefe 53 (2019) 12-30
Abstract: The ruderal flora of the surrounding of rabbit burrows is presented and discussed for the first time by using the greater Braunschweig area (Germany) as an example. Rabbit burrows are a ruderal microhabitat, less recognized until now, which was defined as such in 2000 by HENNING HAEUPLER’s ‘code of biotops’. Wild rabbits contribute (in relation to the local seed base) to the maintenance of a species-rich ruderal flora with some 100 characteristic species as well as numerous pioneer plants of dry grasslands. Especially in towns the initials of the order Onopordetalia respectively the alliance Onopordion and thereby the conservation of the ruderal species are powered this way again and again. Finally, the influence of wild rabbits to the vegetation in general
is discussed on a global scale.
Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, rabbit burrow, ruderal flora, ruderal microhabitat, Onopordion, greater Brunswick [Braunschweig] area, Germany
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Abstract: The present article is reporting the known occurrences and distribution of ferns and fern-relatives in the municipal area of Bochum in the Central Ruhr Basin (North Rhine-Westphalia). An alphabetic ordered list and a survey of the taxa of all wild growing native and non-native ferns and horsetails will be presented. This total list of ferns and fern-relatives reveals the whole number of taxa that are reported and noted from this area until 2019. Remarkable taxa are commented and localized by ordnance map data. The value of rare and endangered taxa for natural conservation and their local floristic status will be discussed.
Key Words: Cryptogamia, ferns, distribution, chorological borderline, Plant Geography, local floristics, flora accounts, floristic analysis, urban flora, adventive plants, neophytes, natural conservation, metropolitan area
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Abstract: The construction of a federal highway threatened to extinct the population of black cumin (Bunium bulbocastanum L.), which is highly endangered in Lower Saxony, along a field path near Waake (county of Göttingen). In cooperation with the Road Administration, the population was relocated to a local equivalent site at a distance of about 1 km. For this purpose, once the topsoil was dredged from the dirt road banquet and used in a ruderal old-field, which is mulched or mown annually. On the other hand, diaspores (tubers, seeds) of the donor population were moved to arable land, where crop cultivation has been carried out since 1986 without fertilizer and pesticides, but with annual tillage. Eight years after the relocation, only the population on the edge of the
arable field was able to successfully establish and expand. In the old-field, the annual mowing developed such a dense vegetation cover that the initially flowering B. bulbocastanum plants disappeared after a few years. In addition to the waiver of fertilization and herbicides so a regular soil disturbance is necessary so that B. bulbocastanum remains successful in competition with other plants.
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Andreas Hussner, Duisburg/Germany. ZUR BIOLOGIE INVASIVER AQUATISCHER NEOPHYTEN: LAGAROSIPHON MAJOR Floristische Rundbriefe 53 (2019) 134-143
Abstract: The South African native curly waterweed, Lagarosiphon major (RIDL.) MOSS, is considered as one of the most invasive aquatic plant species worldwide. Due to its economic and ecological impact in freshwater ecosystems, Lagarosiphon major is listed on the EU list of invasive alien species of Union concern. For species included in this list, measures for prevention and management of the further introduction and spread are required according to the EU regulation no. 1143/2014. For an effective implementation, these measures require a comprehensive knowledge on the biology of the target species. In this article, the existing knowledge on the biology of Lagarosiphon major is reviewed and some information about management strategies are given.
Keywords: invasion biology, neophyte, invasive aquatic plant, hydrophyte
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HUSSNER, A., NEHRING, S. & HILT, S. 2014a: From first reports to successful control: A plea for improved management of alien aquatic plant species in Germany. - Hydrobiologia 737: 321-331.
HUSSNER, A., VAN DAM, H., VERMAAT, J. E. & HILT, S. 2014b: Comparison of native and neophytic aquatic macrophyte developments in a geothermally warmed river and thermally normal channels. - Fundamental and Applied Limnology 185: 155-166.
HUSSNER, A., HOFSTRA, D., JAHNS, P. & CLAYTON, J. 2015: Response capacity to CO2 depletion rather than temperature and light effects explain the growth success of three alien Hydrocharitaceae compared with native Myriophyllum triphyllum in New Zealand. - Aquatic Botany 120: 205-211.
HUSSNER, A., STIERS, I.., VERHOFSTAD, M. J. J. M., BAKKER, E. S., GRUTTERS, B. M. C., HAURY, J., VAN VALKENBURG, J. L. C. H., BRUNDU, G., NEWMAN, J., CLAYTON, J. S., ANDERSON, L. W. J. & HOFSTRA, D. 2017: Management and control methods of invasive alien aquatic plants: a review. - Aquatic Botany 136: 113-137.
HUSSNER, A., SMITH, R., METTLER-ALTMANN, T., HILL, M. & COETZEE, J. 2019: Simulated global increase in atmospheric CO2 alter the tissue composition, but not the growth of some submerged aquatic plant bicarbonate users growing in DIC rich waters. - Aquatic Botany 153: 44-50.
LAFONTAINE, R. M., BEUDELS-JAMAR, R.C., DELSINNE, T. D. & ROBERT H. 2013: Risk analysis of the curly waterweed Lagarosiphon major (Ridley) Moss. - Risk analysis report of non-native organisms in Belgium from the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences for the Federal Public Service Health, Food chain safety and Environment. 57 S.
OBERMEYER, A. A. 1964: The South African species of Lagarosiphon. - Bothalia 8: 139-146.
REDEKOP, P., HOFSTRA, D. & HUSSNER, A. 2016. Elodea canadensis shows a higher dispersal capacity via fragmentation than Egeria densa and Lagarosiphon major. - Aquatic Botany 130: 45-49.
TANNER, C. C., CLAYTON, J., COFFEY, B. T. 1990: Submerged-vegetation changes in Lake Rotoroa (Hamilton, New Zealand) related to herbicide treatment and invasion by Egeria densa. - New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 24: 45-57.
WELLS, R., DE WINTON, M. & CLAYTON, J. 1997: Successive macrophyte invasions within the submerged flora of Lake Tarawera, Central North Island, New Zealand. - New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 31: 449-459.
WOLFF, P. 1980: Die Hydrillae (Hydrocharitaceae) in Europa. - Göttinger Floristische Rundbriefe 14: 33-56.
Matthias Breitfeld, Markneukirchen/Germany. DIE ADVENTIVFLORA EINER KLEINSTADT AM BEISPIEL VON MARKNEUKIRCHEN IM VOGTLAND. TEIL 1: DAS SIPPENINVENTAR Floristische Rundbriefe 53 (2019) 144-170
Abstract: After many years of observation, the adventive flora of a small town in Saxony and their incorporated parts will be presented. In the first part, the findings of the proven taxa are listed. A supplementary following contribution will refer to systematics and spreading strategy of the taxa. The proportion of proven neophytes can be valuated as an indicator of the proportion of neophytes in such regions which are providing no typical adventive habitats.
Keywords: Neophytes, adventive species, urban botany, urban flora, dispersal, naturalization, Erzgebirge, Vogtland, Saxony
BOMBLE, W. 2016: Kultivierte und verwildernde Arten von Phedimus subgen. Aizoon im Aachener Raum und im Ruhrgebiet. - Jahrbuch Bochumer Botanischer Verein 7: 17-36.
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BRENNENSTUHL, G. 2017: Verwilderungen von Polygonatum odoratum und P. ×hybridum in der Umgebung von Salzwedel (Altmark). - Floristische Rundbriefe 51: 34-47.
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Hans W. Smettan, Hohenheim University Stuttgart/Germany. DER PANNONISCHE KLEE (TRIFOLIUM PANNONICUM) IN DEN WEINBERGEN VON STUTTGART Floristische Rundbriefe 53 (2019) 171-177
Abstract: The Hungarian Clover (Trifolium pannonicum) is growing in a vineyard of Stuttgart (Baden-Württemberg) since several years. The diagnostic features and the distribution of this rare species in Germany are presented together with the finding site. Moreover, speculations regarding the origin of this occurrence will be made.
Keywords: Fabaceae, neophytes, xenophytes, adventive floristics, Flora of Stuttgart, Baden-Wuerttemberg
BFN - BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2020: FloraWeb. Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands. - [23.1.2020]
BÖHLING, N. & NEBEL, M. 2002: Wildpflanzen der Weinberge. Zielarten für den Naturschutz in Stuttgart. - Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde; Stuttgart.
BUTTLER, K. P., THIEME, M. & MITARBEITER 2018: Florenliste von Deutschland - Gefäßpflanzen. Version 10 (Stand August 2018). - [23.1.2020]
BVNH - BOTANISCHE VEREINIGUNG FÜR NATURSCHUTZ IN HESSEN (Bearb.) 2008: Rote Liste der Farn- und Samenpflanzen Hessens. - Hessisches Ministerium für Umwelt, ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz (HMULV); Wiesbaden.
DÖRR, E. 1980: Ergebnisse der Allgäu-Floristik aus dem Jahr 1980. - Mitteilungen der naturwissenschaftlichen Arbeitskreises Kempten/Allgäu 24(1): 13-31.
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HAEUPLER, H. & MUER, T. 2007: Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. 2. Aufl. - Ulmer Verlag; Stuttgart.
ELLENBERG, H. 1996: Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. 5. Aufl. - Ulmer Verlag; Stuttgart.
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NETPHYD - NETZWERK PHYTODIVERSITÄT DEUTSCHLAND & BfN - BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2013: Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. - Landwirtschaftsverlag; Münster.
PAROLLY, G. & ROHWER, J. (Bearb.) 2019: Schmeil-Fitschen. Die Flora Deutschlands und angrenzender Länder. 97. Aufl. - Quelle & Meyer; Wiebelsheim.
TUTIN, T. G., HEYWOOD, V. H., BUGES, N. A., MOORE, D. M., VAELNTINE, D. H., WALTERS, S. M. & WEBB, D. A. 1968: Flora Europaea. Vol. 2. Rosaceae to Umbelliferae. - University Press; Cambridge.
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ZOHARY, M. & HELLER, D. 1984: The genus Trifolium. - The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities; Jerusalem.
Abstract: R. abietina of the Aosta Valley is compared with individuals of other parts of its area as well as with R. balsamica, glandular forms of R. caesia and R. corymbifera var. deseglisei. The history of its taxonomy and difficulties in determination are treated. R. abietina has a rather variable diameter of the orifice in Aosta and in other parts of the area. Like R. tomentosa s. l., a clear assignment to L-type or L/D-type is often impossible. Widely identical glandular forms of R. caesia s. l. may be regarded as corresponding D-type of R. abietina in some regions. The discus of R. abietina is normally + convex, more rarely slightly conical, and not planar as recorded. R. abietina is the only species of subsect. Tomentellae in Aosta, former records of R. balsamica could not be
confirmed. The individuals of the Jura Mountains, which are called by GRÉNIER as R. abietina, are better attached by morphological features to R. tomentosa - following CRÉPIN (1869). This may apply for records of R. abietina in the Vosges Mountains too. Records from the Black Forest Mountains are also doubtful and have to be verified.
Key words: Rosaceae, Rosa subsect. Tomentellae, R. tomentosa, taxonomy, growth types, orifice, Aosta Valley, Alps, Jura Mountains, Westphalia
ADLER, W., OSWALD, K. & FISCHER, R. 1994: Exkursionsflora von Österreich. - Ulmer-Verlag; Stuttgart, Wien.
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BALLMER, D. 2018: Dogrose Evolution and its Implications for Conservation. How to shed light on the evolutionary history of an allopolyploid species complex using dRAD-seq and flow cytometry. - MSc Thesis, Universität Zürich (unpublished).
WAGENSOMMER, R. P., WILHALM, T., CONTI, F. 2018: An updated checklist of the vascular flora native to Italy. - Plant Biosystems 152(2): 179-303.
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2018 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 1-3;
Paul Lamkowski, University Greifswald/Germany. "Bemerkenswerte Funde des Flutenden Wasserfenchels (Oenanthe fluviatilis) im Landkreis Uelzen (Niedersachsen)" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 4-13; English title: "Remarkable Findings of the River Water-Dropwort (Oenanthe fluviatilis) in the Rural District of Uelzen (Lower Saxony)"
Abstract: At the 28th of July 2016 the author occasionally found a stand of the River Water-Dropwort (Oenanthe fluviatilis (BAB.) COLEMAN), which was believed to be extinct in Germany since 1996. The plant was found in the Wipperau River near the City of Uelzen. Additional surveys revealed 11 stands of the species in total, which were found alongside a distance of 13,1 km of the river’s course plus the village of Dörmte (MTB 2930/3 as well as 3029/1 & 2). All stands of Oe. fluviatilis appear to be a few years old, growing and spreading due to vegetative reproduction. In 2017 some flowering and fruiting plants could be observed in this year. Until today, there was no knowledge of this several populations, either if they are rooted in spontaneous recruitment or if they are stable in time. The probability of the introduction of the plants is low due to its low aesthetic value to gardeners and its limited availability in garden centres.
Keywords: Apiaceae, submerged vegetation, streaming water ecology, limnology, natural conservation, Red Data Book-Species, North-East Lower Saxony, Germany
BFN – BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2017: FloraWeb – Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands. – [16.9.2017]
BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF BRITAIN & IRELAND (eds.) 2017: Online Atlas of the British and Irish Flora. – [14.12.2017]
ELLENBERG, H., WEBER, H. E., DÜLL, R., WIRTH, V., WERNER, W. & PAULIESSEN, D. 1992: Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. 2. Aufl. – Scripta Geobot. 18: 1-258.
IUCN – INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR NATURE CONSERVATION (eds.) 2016: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016-2. – [16.9.2016]
JÄGER, E. J. & WERNER, K. (Bearb.) 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland – Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band. 10. Aufl. – Elsevier; München.
MEYER, TH. (Hrsg.) 2016: Flora-de: Flora von Deutschland. Fluss-Wasserfenchel. – [15.9.2016]
SCHUBERT, E., HILBIG, E. & KLOTZ, S. 2001: Bestimmungsbuch der Pflan-zengesellschaften Deutschlands. 2. Aufl. – Spektrum; Heidelberg.
THE FRENCH BOTANY NETWORK (eds.) 2017: Tela Botanica. – [14.12.2017]
UFZ – UMWELTFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM LEIPZIG / HALLE (Hrsg.) 2017: BiolFlor: Datenbank biologisch-ökologischer Merkmale der Flora von Deutschland. – [14.12.2017]
Rüdiger Wittig, University Frankfurt/Germany; Beate Alberternst, Hohenheim University Stuttgart/Germany, & Karl Peter Buttler†. "Die Schöne Herzblume (Di-centra formosa): Bestimmungsprobleme, Vorkommen in Deutschland, Ausbreitung und Vergesellschaftung im Taunus (Hessen)" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 14-30;
English title: "The Pacific Bleeding Heart (Dicentra formosa): Determination Problems, Occurrences in Germany, Spread and Phytosocialisation in the Taunus Mountains (Hesse)"
Abstract: An occurrence of the Pacific bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa) in the Taunus near Königstein (Hesse), well-known since 1982, has greatly expanded in the past 36 years: from then just nearly ten individuals, it has become more than a hectare large, partly covering the soil to almost 100 %. Our paper documents the phytosociology of the species and discusses the genesis of its stock found in the Taunus Mountains. Areas densely vegetated by D. formosa show a significantly lower number of species in the herbaceous layer compared to neighboring areas where the species is absent. Therefore, the stand should be inspected continuously to check the species non-excludable invasiveness. Both, the history of the species discovery in the Taunus Mountains as well as the internet research on spontaneous occurrences of the genus Dicentra in Germany indicate that the distinction between two species of the genus Dicentra cultivated in gardens (D. formosa and D. eximia) using the common German keys is difficult. Therefore, an unerring key to differentiate these two species is presented.
Keywords: Papaveraceae, naturalization, garden escapees, invasiveness, neophytes, Stellario nemorum-Alnetum glutinosae, Taunus Mountains, low mountain range, flora of Hesse
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English title: "Some Observations and Remarks on the Urban Flora of London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Hamburg"
Abstract: A partly comparison of the urban flora of London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam and Hamburg revealed a strong floristic similarity. Besides a basis of European plants, introduced neophytes like Senecio inaequidens were present, albeit most of these non-native plants were horticultural species that escaped from cultivation, like Ailanthus altissima and Buddleja davidii. Brassica napus was the only crop plant with frequent subspontaneous occurrences on urban habitats.
Keywords: European cities, metropolitan areas, urban-industrial growing sites, floristic similarity, adventive plants, ornamental plants
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Dietmar Brandes, Technical University Brunswick/Germany. "Die Gattung Parietaria L. in Deutschland" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 45-68;
English title: "The genus Parietaria l. in Germany"
Abstract: The motivation for this publication is the ongoing spreading of Parietaria judaica that actually can be observed in Germany. The focus is lying on this species, its identification characteristics and its ecology. Two further Parietaria species are described. Due to the likelihood of confusion with P. offcinalis, the information that were given in some flora and the internet were corrected by the author. P. pensylvanica is a taxon which is rarely known outside the area of Berlin and will be mentioned too in this survey. The recent distribution of all the three Parietaria species in Germany is given.
Keywords: Parietearia judaica, Parietaria officinalis, Parietaria pensylvanica, Urticaceae, morphology, distribution, vegetation ecology, adventive flora, Germany
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Ursula Brockmann-Scherwaß, Institut für Vegetationskunde, Ökokogie und Raumplanung (IVÖR), Düsseldorf/Germany; Rüdiger Scherwaß, Institut für Vegetationskunde, Ökokogie und Raumplanung (IVÖR), Düsseldorf/Germany. "Nachweis des Ysopblättrigen Weiderich (Lythrum hyssopifolia L.) in der Berkelaue bei Vreden, Kreis Borken (Nordrhein-Westfalen)" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 69-76;
English title: "Evidence of the Hyssop loosestrife (Lythrum hyssopifolia l.) in the Berkel Floodplain near Vreden, District of Borken, (North Rhine-Westphalia)"
Abstract: In July 2017, about 30 specimen of Lythrum hyssopifolia were found in the Berkel floodplain east of Vreden (Western Münsterland). In North Rhine-Westphalia, Lythrum hyssopifolia has been disappeared over the last decades of the 1990s (WOLFSTRAUB & al., 1986, 1999), actually the species is considered in the red data book of North Rhine Westphalia (RAABE & al. 2011) with the status 2 (= strongly endangered), but also with the classification of “extinct” for the landscape of the Westphalian Bay. Thus, this record represent a recovery for this landscape. In the direct vicinity of the locality a natural sand trap can be found. The clearing of the sand trap causes a soil compaction and consequently waterlogging occurs; furthermore, higher-growing vegetation is destructed in connection with regular flooding of the floodplain, which guarantees the relevant suitable habitat factors for Lythrum hyssopifolia. Whether the occurrence ultimately can be considered as stable has to be observed in the future.
Keywords: Lythraceae, Isoeto-Nanojuncetea, pioneer vegetation, endangered species, Berkel floodplain, Western Münsterland, Westphalian Bay, North Rhine-Westphalia
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TÄUBER, T. & PETERSEN, J. (Bearb.) 2000: Isoëto-Nanojuncetea (D1) Zwergbinsen-Gesellschaften. – Synopsis der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands 7: 1-87.
WOLF-STRAUB, R., BANK-SIGNON, I., DINTER, W., FOERSTER, E., KUTZELNIGG, H., LIENENBECKER, H., PATZKE, E., POTT, R., RAABE, U., RUNGE, F., SAVELSBERGH, E. & SCHUMACHER, W. 1986: Rote Liste der in Nordrhein-Westfalen gefährdeten Farn- und Blütenpflanzen (Pterridophyta et Spermatophyta). In: Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Landschaftsentwicklung und Forsten Nordrhein-Westfalen (Hrsg.): Rote Liste der in Nordrhein-Westfalen gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere. 2. Fassung. – Schriftenr. der Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Landschaftsentwicklung und Forsten Nordrhein-Westfalen Bd. 4: 41-82.
WOLFSTRAUB, R., BÜSCHER, D., DIEKJOBST, H., FASEL, P., FOERSTER, E., GÖTTE, R., JAGEL, A., KAPLAN, K., KOSLOWSKI, I., KUTZELNIGG, H., RAABE, U., SCHUMACHER, W. & VANBERG, C. 1999: Rote Liste der gefährdeten Farn- und Blütenpflanzen (Pterridophyta et Spermatophyta) in Nordrhein-Westfalen. In: Landesanstalt für Ökologie, Bodenordnung und Forsten NRW (Hrsg.): Rote Liste der gefährdeten Pflanzen und Tiere in Nord-rhein-Westfalen. 3. Fassung. – LÖBF-Schriftenr. 17: 75-172.
Carmen Lex, Claudia Kühne & Wolfgang Schumacher. "Zur Populationsgröße der Echten Schlüsselblume (Primula veris) im NSG Seidenbachtal bei Blankenheim / Eifel" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 77-88;
English title: "The Population Size of the Common Cowslip (Primula veris) in the Natural Protection Area Seidenbach Valley near Blankenheim / Eifel (North Rhine-Westphalia)"
Abstract: This contribution reports about a stock survey and a counting of the common cowslip (Primula veris) in a special part of the natural conservation area Seidenbach Valley near Blankenheim/Eifel. The determination of the population size was examined with different methods of field biology. The results of these investigations are showing in an impressive way the differences between the counting of only flowering specimen and the inclusion of non-flowering specimen in the account. Moreover, the results are discussed and analyzed in a context of the surrounding landscape and under the aims of natural conservation.
Keywords: population biology, recording methods, botanic natural conservation, dry grassland, cretaceous flora, red data book species, Primulaceae
ARBEITSGEMEINSCHAFT FLORA VON BAYERN, BAYRISCHES LANDESAMT FÜR UMWELT (Hrsg.) 2017: Botanischer Informationsknoten Bayern, Steckbriefe zu den Gefäßpflanzen Bayerns. – [5.12.2018]
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RAABE, U., BÜSCHER, D., FASEL, P., FOERSTER, E., GÖTTE, R., HAEUPLER, H., JAGEL, A., KAPLAN, K., KEIL, P., KULBROCK, P., LOOS, G. H., NEIKES, N., SCHUMACHER, W., SUMSER, H. & VANBERG, C. 2011: Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen – Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta – in Nordrhein-Westfalen. – LANUV-Fachbericht 36, Bd. 1: 49-183.
SCHUMACHER, W., HELFRICH, H.-P., KAM, H., KÜHNE, C., LEX, C., METZMACHER, A., SCHMIDT, K., KÜHNE, S. & BÜTTNER, J. 2007: Erfolgskontrolle des Vertragsnaturschutzes anhand der Populationsgrößen und -entwicklung seltener und gefährdeter Farn- und Blütenpflanzen. – Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Bonn, Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkt USL, Nr. 148: 1-160. (auch einsehbar unter: [5.12.2018]
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André-Alexander Weller, Zoologische Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn/Germany. "Bemerkenswerte Gefäßpflanzenfunde im Bonner Raum und Umgebung (4)" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 89-104;
English title: "Notable Records of Vascular Plants in Bonn and Surroundings (4)"
Abstract: This study comments on new distribution records of vascular plants of overregional and regional importance, respectively, in the city of Bonn and in the adjacent Rhine-Sieg district, dealing with morphology, chorology, status, threat and taxonomy. A total number of 16 species out of 15 genera are covered. Remarkable first records for North Rhine-Westphalia are represented by shining meadowrue (Thalictrum lucidum), odourless dog rose (Rosa inodora) and small-flowered evening primrose (Oenothera deflexa). Another important discovery is the ashy cinquefoil (Potentilla inclinata), meaning the first proof not only for the western Rhine-Sieg district but also a rediscovery for the study area within the 21st century. Additionally, new populations of many-stalked spinerush (Eleocharis multicaulis) and sea thrift (Armeria maritima ssp. elongata) are of special note.
Keywords: Armeria, Asplenium, Campanula, Carex, Chaenorhinum, Chenopodium, Dysphania, Eleocharis, Euphorbia, Mentha, Oenothera, Potentilla, Rosa, Sinapis, Thalictrum, Chorology, Bonn, Rhine-Sieg district, Rhineland, North Rhine-Westphalia
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WIßKIRCHEN, R. 1995: Verbreitung und Ökologie von Flußufer-Pioniergesellschaften (Chenopodion rubri) im westlichen Europa. – Diss. Bot. 236: 1-376.
I. Gorissen. "Einige neue Beobachtungen und Trends in den Auen des Mittelrheins" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 118-131;
English title: "Some New Observations and Trends in the Floodplains of the Central Rhine Area"
Abstract: It is reported about new findings of ferns and flowering plants and further about floristic tendencies in the floodplain of the Rhine River between Bingen and Bonn-Mehlem/Königswinter. The study area of the Central Rhine Valley get intensively studied by the author regarding its floristic inventory. A summary of the interim results will be present. Remarkable findings are listed with locality details.
Keywords: Vascular plants, floristic mapping, Rhine, Rhine Valley, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia
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Thomas Schmitt. "Literaturweiser" Floristische Rundbriefe 52 (2018) 132-134
2017 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 1-7;
BRANDES, D. 2006: Verwilderung von Zierpflanzen : Spurensuche, stille Invasion oder Spiegel unserer Kulturgeschichte? Vortrag auf dem 22. Braunschweiger Floristentreffen 25. November 2006. – [03.11.2017]
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DE RONDE, I. & HAVEMANN, R. 2017: Battle of the brambles – small scale scrub-dynamics between an endemic and an invasive alien. Conference Paper, 26th Congress of the European Vegetation Survey, Bilbao, 13.-16. September 2017. – [03.11.2017]
FUCHS, R., KUTZELNIGG, H., FEIGE, B. & KEIL, P. 2003: Verwilderte Vorkommen von Lysichiton americanus HULTÉN & ST. JOHN (Ara-ceae) in Duisburg und Mülheim an der Ruhr – Tuexenia 23: 373-379.
GAUSMANN, P. & SCHMITT, T. 2009: Achtung, grüne Invasion! Neophyten auf dem Vormarsch. − Praxis Geographie 9/09: 32-36.
KRÜGER, H. 1922: Bilder aus der Pflanzenwelt Hernes und Umgebung. In: DECKER, J. (Hrsg.): Heimatbuch der Stadt Herne, S. 159-169. – Koethers & Röttsches; Herne.
NEHRING, S. & SKOWRONEK, S. 2017: Die invasiven gebietsfremden Arten der Unionsliste der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1143/2014. Erste Fortschreibung 2017. – BfN-Skripten 471: 1-176.
Bernd Gehlken & David Vollmuth. "Verbreitung und Vergesellschaftung von Cochlearia Danica L. in der Umgebung von Göttingen" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 8-21;
English title: "Distribution and Socialization of Cochlearia danica l. in Göttingen and Surroundings"
Abstract: Since the 1980s, many works have reported the spreading of the coastal plant Cochlearia danica along the German motorways. Meanwhile, the species has in some places left the motorway, a fact that gives an opportunity to record relevés of Cochlearia danica-stands from the inland and allows observations of the socialization of this species outside the coastal area. In springtime, the Danish scurvy-grass is able to form facies in more or less halotolerant stronger disrupted roadside communities, but in the course of early summer, it is overgrown by ruderal or grassland communities. Thus, the behavior of the Cochlearia species is similar to the so-called 'carpet communities'.
Keywords: Brassicaceae, phytosociology, plant community, carpet community, coastal plants, salt influence, halophytes, Lower Saxony
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English title: "On the Taxonomy of Cymbalaria muralis with Special Emphasis on Morphological Characters of Flowers, Capsules and Seeds – with a New Combination of Cymbalaria visianii"
Abstract: Various morphological characters of flowers, capsules and seeds of Cymbalaria muralis subsp. muralis and C. muralis subsp. visianii are compared and discussed with regard to taxonomy. As a consequence of various differences concerning the length of flowers, spur shape and length or seed size and number species level for both taxa is proposed.
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Günter Brennenstuhl. "Verwilderungen von Polygonatum Odoratum und P. ×Hybridum in der Umgebung von Salzwedel (Altmark)" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 34-47;
English title: "Escapes of Polygonatum odoratum and P. ×hybridum in the Surroundings of Salzwedel (Altmark)"
Abstract: It is reported about the observed stands of Polygonatum odoratum (MILL.) DRUCE und P. ×hybridum BRÜGGER founded by horticultural waste in the surroundings of Salzwedel (Altmark, Saxony-Anhalt). Further, the characteristic attributes relating to the differentiation of indigenous and cultivated Polygonatum-Taxa in Germany are presented. Information about the habitat conditions, the accompanying flora, population dynamics and floristic status in the investigation area will also be given.
Keywords: Liliaceae s.l., Convallariaceae s.str., escaped ornamental plants, adventive flora, Saxony-Anhalt
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English title: "Weeds of Container Plants – A „New“ Path of Dispersal of Garden Weeds and Adventive Species"
Abstract: The dispersal of alien species by the trade with container plants is demonstrated by random sampling in Northern Italy and also in Northern Germany. By this way especially thermophilous weeds from America are introduced besides Mediterranean species like Parietaria judaica.
Keywords: weeds, container plants, potting plants, Chamaesyce maculata, Chamaesyce prostrata, Conyza bonariensis, Conyza sumatrensis, Gnaphalium pensylvanicum, Parietaria judaica
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F. Wolfgang Bomble. "Ein Beitrag zur Taxonomie der Metzgeria Furcata-Gruppe: Metzgeria furcata s. str. und Metzgeria 'ulvula'" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 69-81;
English title: "A Contribution on the Taxonomy of the Metzgeria furcata Group: Metzgeria furcata s. str. und Metzgeria 'ulvula'"
Abstract: Metzgeria furcata var. ulvula is a gemmiparous taxon of M. furcata s. l. Because of missing intermediates and a different ecology it is treated as a separate species which is provisionally named M. „ulvula“. The distribution and ecology of this taxon in the region of Aachen and parts of the Eifel Mountains are described. The influence of the mode of reproduction on the actual distribution in this area is discussed as well as historical reasons for this distribution. M. furcata s. str. prefers large deciduous forests in plains and on plateaus and can be treated as a fast spreading pioneer. M. „ulvula“ mainly grows in forests in narrow brook and river valleys in lower mountain ranges. It seems to spread slowly only vegetative by large gemmae.
Keywords: Bryology, thalloid liverworts, lower plants, cryptogames, epiphytes, Aachen, Eifel Mountains, North Rhine-Westphalia, taxonomy, morphology, distribution, ecology
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André-Alexander Weller. "Bemerkenswerte Gefässpflanzenfunde im Bonner Raum und Umgebung (3)" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 82-107;
English title: "Notable Findings of Vascular Plants in Bonn and Surroundings (3)"
Abstract: This study presents new distribution records of vascular plants of overregional and regional importance, respectively, in the city of Bonn and in the adjacent Rhine-Sieg-Kreis, dealing with biogeography, morphology, habitat characteristics, or threat. A total of 28 species and two hybrids involving 24 genera are covered. Remarkable first records for the study area are represented by the discovery of an important population of the grass vetchling (Lathyrus nissolia), presumably one of the largest in North Rhine-Westphalia, of the green amaranth (Amaranthus viridis) in Bonn and of two hybrid willowherbs (Epilobium × mentiens, E. × nutantiflorum). Besides, the rediscovery of the wood barley (Hordelymus europaeus) for the Kottenforst in Bonn and the first
documented specimen of the tree mallow (Malva thuringiaca) are notable.
Keywords: Alopecurus, Amaranthus, Berula, Carex, Cephalanthera, Dianthus, Draba, Epilobium, Epipactis, Genista, Goodyera, Hieracium, Hordelymus, Juncus, Lathyrus, Malva, Mentha, Neottia, Nymphoides, Potentilla, Pyrola, Rumex, Setaria, Sambucus, Utricularia, Chorology, Bonn, Rhine-Sieg-Kreis, Rhineland, North Rhine-Westphalia
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Peter Gausmann, Henning Haeupler & Klaus Adolphi. "Verwilderungen von Aralia elata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica und Juglans ailantifolia im mittleren Ruhrgebiet (Nordrhein-Westfalen)" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 108-127;
English title: "Escapes of Aralia elata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Juglans ailantifolia in the Central Ruhr Basin (North Rhine-Westphalia)"
Abstract: In autumn of 2017 evidence is provided by the authors of escapes and spontaneous occurrences of Aralia elata (MIQ.) SEEM., Fraxinus pennsylvanica MARSHALL and Juglans ailantifolia CARRIÈRE in the Central Ruhr Basin (North Rhine-Westphalia). The origin of the observed escapes is suspected in ornamental plantings in the surroundings. Until today only a few records of escapes of these species in North Rhine-Westphalia have been reported, so new occurrences are worth reporting.
Key Words: Araliaceae, Oleaceae, Juglandaceae, woody species, adventive plants, neophytes, escaped ornamental plants, cemeteries, abandoned railway sites
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HAEUPLER, H., ADOLPHI, K. & GAUSMANN, P. 2015: Von Immergrünen und Lianen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. – Flor. Rundbr. 48/49: 87-108.
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NETPHYD – NETZWERK PHYTODIVERSITÄT DEUTSCHLAND & BFN – BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2013: Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. – Landwirtschaftsverlag; Münster.
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Henning Haeupler. "Aussergewöhnlich reicher Fruchtansatz häufig gepflanzter Ziergehölze im Jahr 2017 im mittleren Ruhrgebiet" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 128-137;
English title: "Unusual Rich Fructifying of Common Planted Ornamental Woody Plants in the Central Ruhr Basin in 2017"
Abstract: In autumn of 2017 rich fructifying could be observed on plenty ornamental woody plants in the Central Ruhr Basin. Possibly reasons for this phenomena will be discussed, with a focus on the “time lag”-theory developed for some neophytes and their escape from cultivation.
Key Words: fructifying, ornamental woody plants, phenology, mesoclimatic conditions, “time lag”, Central Ruhr Basin, North Rhine-Westphalia
GAUSMANN, P., HAEUPLER, H. & ADOLPHI, K. 2017: Verwilderungen von Aralia elata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica und Juglans ailantifolia im Mittleren Ruhrgebiet (Nordrhein-Westfalen). – Florist. Rundbr. 51: 108-127.
HAEUPLER, H., ADOLPHI, K. & GAUSMANN, P. 2014/2015: Von Immergrünen und Lianen in Nordrhein-Westfalen. – Florist. Rundbr. 48/49: 87-108.
HAEUPLER, H. 2016: Ist 2016 ein ungewöhnliches „Mastjahr“? – Florist. Rundbr. 50: 149-158.
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Martin Schlüpmann. "Literaturweiser" Floristische Rundbriefe 51 (2017) 138-142
2016 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 1-3;
Henning Haeupler. "50 Jahre Floristische Rundbriefe, ein Rückblick" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 3-8;
English title: "50 Years of the Journal 'Floristische Rundbriefe', a Review"
Abstract: It is reported about the foundation and way of publication of the Journal „Floristische Rundbriefe“ and its association with the geobotanical major projects „Floristic Mapping of Central Europe” (supported by the German Research Company) and „Database Flowering Plants” (supported by the Federal Office of Nature Conservation). At the same time the article will give an chrono-logical overview about the development of reproduction methods of journals and the treatment of data.
Kewords: methods of reproduction, floristic mapping, database of flowering plants
Haeupler, H. 2005: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der floristischen Kartierungen der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen in Mitteleuropa. – Hoppea, Denkschr. Regensb. Bot. Ges. 66: 133-152.
Haeupler, H. 1976: Atlas zur Flora von Südniedersachsen. Teil I. – Scripta Geobotanica 10: 1-367.
Haeupler, H. 2012: Die Floristische Runde im Haus Röderhof, eine der erfolgreichen botanischen Traditionen in Niedersachsen. – Florist. Notizen aus der Lüneburger Heide 20: 45 – 51.
Haeupler, H. & Schönfelder, P. 1973: Bericht über die Arbeiten zur Kartierung Mitteleuropas in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. – Mitt. Florist.-soziol. Arbeitsgem. NF 15/16: 14-21.
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Haeupler, H. & Schönfelder, P. (Hrsg.) 1988: Atlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (2. Aufl. 1989). – Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 768 S.
Wisskirchen, R. & Haeupler, H. (Hrsg.) 1998: Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. – Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 765 S.
Haeupler, H. &Muer, T. (Hrsg.) 2007: Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. 2. Aufl. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, 789 S.
Rüdiger Wittig. "Neue Arten in der ruderalen Vegetation der Münsterschen Innenstadt" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 9-36;
English title: "New Records of Species in the Ruderal Vegetation of the Inner City of Münster"
Abstract: A five-day inspection of the interior center of the city of Münster (German Topographic Map TK 4011 Münster) revealed 39 species of vascular plants growing in ruderal plant communities, which in 1972 were not to be found in the appropriate plant communities. 25 of these species are regional neophytes, the majority of which is known for the Westphalian Basin for several decades, but, in distribution maps of vascular plants in Germany (NETPHYD & BFN 2013), 17 of them are not recorded for the entire area of the TK 4011.
Keywords: flora of Münster, flora change, new records, regional neophytes, distribution atlas of ferns and flowering plants in Germany
BOMBLE, F. W. 2012: Kritische und wenig bekannte Gefäßpflanzenarten im Aachener Raum I. – Jahrb. Bochumer Bot. Ver. 3: 103-114.
BOMBLE, F. W. 2014: Funde von Portulaca granulatostellulata, P. nitida und P. papillatostellulata in Nordrhein-Westfalen. – Jahrb. Bochumer Bot. Ver. 5: 7-14.
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BURRICHTER, E. 1964: Wesen und Grundlagen der Pflanzengesellschaften. – Abhandlungen Landesmuseum f. Naturkunde zu Münster in Westfalen 11(1): 3-28.
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GEYER, H. J, LOOS, G. H. & BÜSCHER, D. 2008: Rezentvorkommen von Adventivpflanzen und Apophyten auf Bahnhöfen im mittleren Westfalen und ihre Ausbreitungstendenzen. – Braunschweiger Geob. Arb. 9: 177-188.
GEYER, H. J., BÜSCHER, D., LOOS, G. H. & BOMHOLT, G. 2011: Rezente Ausbreitung, Ökologie und Vergesellschaftung von Eragrostis multicaulis STEUD. (sensu lato) in Westfalen. – Decheniana 164: 23-31.
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HAEUPLER, H. & MUER, T. 2007: Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. 2. Aufl. – Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart.
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NETPHYD – NETZWERK PHYTODIVERSITÄT DEUTSCHLAND & BFN – BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2013: Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. – Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.
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Dietmar Brandes. "Über einige Neufunde von Neophyten in Braunschweig und Umgebung" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 37-59;
English title: "Some New Records of Neophytes in Braunschweig and Surroundings"
Abstract: Within the area of the city of Braunschweig till now 413 neophytes are found. Recent finds of the last years are mostly running wild ornamental plants. Because of this also botanical gardens have been investigated as a source of neophytes. A selection of seldom or only rarely noticed species is presented.
Keywords: invasion biology, adventive plants, garden escapes, naturalisation, urban flora
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JUNGHANS, T. 2015: Mannheims Adventivflora im Wandel – Neue Arten und aktuelle Ausbreitungstendenzen im Kontext der Klimaerwärmung. – Braunschw. Geobot. Arb. 11: 11-37.
KEIL, P., FUCHS, R. & RIEDEL, C. 2009: Pteris cretica und Adiantum raddianum (Pteridophyta) in Licht- und Brunnenschächten im Ruhrgebiet – breiten sich subtropische Farnarten in Deutschland aus? – Kochia 4: 135-145.
KEIL, P., SARAZIN, A., FUCHS, R., BUCH, C. & GAUSMANN, P. 2010: Invasive alien fern taxa in north-western Germany. – In: KOLLMANN, J., VAN MÖLKEN, T. & RAVN, H. P. (eds.): Biological invasions in a changing world: from science to management. Book of abstracts, 6th Neobiota Conference, Copenhagen, 14-17 September 2010.
KOWARIK, I, & VON DER LIPPE, M. 2008: Zu Mechanismen der Linienmigration von Pflanzen. In: EVERS, C. (Hrsg.): Dynamik der synanthropen Vegetation. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. DIETMAR BRANDES. – Braunschweig. S. 363-375.
LANDOLT, E. 2001: Flora der Stadt Zürich (1984-1998). – Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
MEIEROTT, L. 2008: Flora der Haßberge und des Grabfelds: Neue Flora von Schweinfurt. 2 Bde. – IHW-Verlag, Eching.
POPPENDIECK, H.-H., BERTRAM, H., BRANDT, I., ENGELSCHALL, B. & PRONDZINSKI, J. V. (Hrsg.) 2010: Hamburger Pflanzenatlas von a bis z. – Dölling und Galitz Verlag, Hamburg.
SEITZ, B., RISTOW, M., PRASSE, R., MACHATZKI, B., KLEMM, G., BÖCKER, R. & SUKOPP, H. 2012: Der Berliner Florenatlas. – Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg Beih. 7: 533 S.
Hans-Jürgen Tillich. "Neufunde, Bestätigungen und Verluste in der Flora des Südlichen Westerwaldes – 2. Folge" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 60-71;
English title: "New Records, Confirmations and Loss in the Flora of the Southern Westerwald — 2. Series"
Abstract: The article reports observations of 70 remarkable species during a period from 2013 through 2016. Since a previous publication (TILLICH 2012), five species became extinct: Gypsophila muralis, Inula britannica, Mentha spicata, Lathyrus latifolius, Veronica maritima. Furthermore, some striking tendencies are discussed of increasing dominance of certain species.
Keywords: Flora, Rhineland-Palatinate, low mountain range, changing flora, invasive species
BÖNSEL, D., SCHMIDT, P. & WEDRA, C. 2013: Die Pflanzenwelt im Westerwald. – Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim.
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Eckhard Garve & Heinrich Kuhbier "Floristische Überraschungen auf Helgoland" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 72-83;
English title: "Floristic Surprises from Heligoland"
Abstract: It is reported on current findings of four vascular plants from Heligoland. Three of them were first detected for the Federal Republic of Germany: Limonium binervosum, Limbarda crithmoides and Rubia peregrina. One of them is first recorded from the northern part in Germany (Blackstonia perfoliata).
Keywords: flora, vascular plants, Schleswig-Holstein, North Sea, Heligoland, Blackstonia, Limbarda, Limonium, Rubia
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Andreas Hussner. "Zur Biologie aquatischer Neophyten: Myriophyllum aquaticum" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 84-97;
English title: "Biology of Invasive Alien Aquatic Plants: Myriophyllum aquaticum"
Abstract: The South American native parrot feather, Myriophyllum aquaticum (VELL.) VERDCOURT, is considered as one of the most invasive plant species in the world. Due to its economic and ecological impact, the species is listed on the list of invasive alien species of the European Union, for which, according to the EU regulation 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species, measurements to stop the further introduction and spread of this species are required. These measurements require a comprehensive knowledge on the biology of the target species. In this article, the existing knowledge on the biology of Myriophyllum aquaticum is reviewed.
Keywords: invasion biology, neophyte, invasive aquatic plant, hydrophyte, helophyte, Haloragaceae
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EUSEBIO MALHEIRO, A. C., JAHNS, P. & HUSSNER, A. 2013: CO2 availability rather than light and temperature determines growth and phenotypical responses in submerged Myriophyllum aquaticum. – Aquatic Botany 110: 31-37.
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HUSSNER, A. 2009: Growth and photosynthesis of four invasive aquatic plant species in Europe. – Weed Research 49: 506-515.
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Thomas Junghans. "Der Hühnerbiss (Silene baccifera) in der nördlichen Oberrheinebene bei Mannhein (Baden-Württemberg) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Keimungs- und Ausbreitungsbiologischer Aspekte" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 98-111;
English title: "Berry Catchfly (Silene baccifera) in the Northern Upper Rhine Valley Near Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg) with Special Emphasis on Germination Biology and Dispersal"
Abstract: Since 2004 different aspects of Silene baccifera (L.) ROTH have been investigated in a floodplain forest near Mannheim, respectively on collected material. Besides germination biology mainly aspects of dispersal are considered like the floating potential of fruits and seeds, seed release from fruits or dispersal distances. The measuring of heights of Silene baccifera and surrounding plants and the comparison of vegetation cover in different years were used to assess the competetive potential of the species, which can be of importance especially for species conservation.
Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, river valley plant, germination biology, dispersal biology, diaspores, seed release, hydrochory, competence potential, regeneration
BFN – BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2016: FloraWeb: Daten und Informationen zu Wildpflanzen und zur Vegetation Deutschlands. – http://www. [11.05.2016]
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JUNGHANS, TH. 2005: Cucubalus baccifer L. in der Nördlichen Oberrhein-Niederung: Ein bemerkenswerter Neufund in Mannheim. – Flor. Rundbr. 39: 51-56.
JUNGHANS, TH. 2012: Einige Anmerkungen zum Vorkommen des Taubenkropfes (Cucubalus baccifer) in Mannheim aus Sicht des Naturschutzes. – Pollichia-Kurier 28(3): 16-18.
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SIEDENTOPF, Y. & BRANDES, D. 2001: Cucubalus baccifer L. 1753 als Stromtalpflanze an der mittleren Elbe. – Braunschw. Naturkundl. Schriften 6(2): 485-500.
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Hans W. Smettan. "Das Geröll-Taubenkropf-Leimkraut (Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa) auf der Schwäbischen Alb" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 112-119;
English title: "The Pebble Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa) at the Swabian Alb"
Abstract: For the first time evidence is provided of the Peble Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa) in Germany out of Bavaria within the „Eselsburger Valley“ at the top of the Swabian Alb (Baden-Württemberg).
Keywords: Caryophyllaceae, Silene vulgaris subsp. glareosa, Swabian Alb, debris flora
AESCHIMANN, D. 1984a: Etude biosystématique du Silene vulgaris s. l. (Caryophyllaceae) dans le domaine alpin. Morphologie de la graine. – Candollea 39(1): 135-149.
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Günter Brennenstuhl. "Sisymbrium volgense M. BIEB. ex E. FOURN. im Stadtgebiet von Salzwedel (Altmark)" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 120-126;
English title: "Sisymbrium volgense m. bieb ex e. fourn. in the Municipal Area of Salzwedel (Altmark)"
Abstract: Evidence is provided of the neophyte Sisymbrium volgense (Russian Mustard) at two locations in the municipal area of Salzwedel. Beside a description of the two local populations, further a report of the diagnostic features, a distinction with the similar species S. loeselii and the distribution of the taxon in Germany will be given.
Keywords: neophytes, adventive plants, Brassicaceae, Saxony-Anhalt
BENKERT, D. 1980: Floristische Neufunde aus Brandenburg und der Altmark, 3. Folge. – Gleditschia 8: 65.
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FISCHER, W. 1988: Mitteilungen über Neufunde und Fundbestätigungen bemerkenswerter Adventivpflanzen Brandenburgs. – Gleditschia 16/1: 52.
HAEUPLER, H. & MUER, T. 2007: Bildatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. 2. Aufl. – Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart.
HEGI, G. (Hrsg.) 1906-1931: Illustrierte Flora von Mittel-Europa, Bd. IV/1: 167-169. – J. F. Lehmanns, München.
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NETPHYD – NETZWERK PHYTODIVERSITÄT DEUTSCHLANDS & BFN – BUNDESAMT FÜR NATURSCHUTZ (Hrsg.) 2013: Verbreitungsatlas der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. – Landwirtschaftsverlag, Münster.
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Hartmut Dierschke. "Phytophänologisches Biomonitoring – Forschungen zum Klimawandel vor der Haustür" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 127-148;
English title: "Phytophenological Biomonitoring – Geobotanical Research to Climate Change in the Backyard"
Abstract: The article shall stimulate to own phenological research on permanent plots. To this methods and results of long-term research from a small wood in the garden of the author in comparison with a species-rich beech forest are presented. Phenological biomonitoring in such forests since 1981 has resulted in a differentiation of the vegetation period into several phenophases, based on the similar beginning of flowering of phenological species groups. From spring to early autumn, the author could distinguish nine phenophases, similar to those in grassland vegetation. Examples of own research for the phenophases 2–8 are shown. From long-term phenological data mean values of the beginning of phenophases (1983–2012) have been calculated as a basis for annual comparisons. Since the end of the 1980s in many years an earlier beginning of phenophases can be seen as a biological indication of climate change, at all an earlier beginning of the vegetation period up to three weeks.
Keywords: beech forest, forest flora, climate, flowering time, phenology, phenophases, length of vegetation period, long-term bioindication
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Henning Haeupler. "Ist 2016 ein ungewöhnliches „Mastjahr“?" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 149-158;
English title: "Do We Have 2016 a Mast Sead Yield?"
Abstract: The author reports observations and presents photos from various places in Central Europe indicating an unusual abundance of fruit by several tree species. The question is raised whether the year 2016 can be called an exceptional year of mass producing fruit for the mast of animals. Was the rich seed yield even be forecast by weather proverbs?
Keywords: fattening, mast, seed yield, weather proverbs
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Peter Gausmann & Götz Heinrich Loos. "Zur Problematik von wildwachsend auftretenden Eselsdisteln (Onopordum spec.) in Deutschland" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 159-174;
English title: "Difficulties with Wild Growing Cotton Thistles (Onopordum spec.) in Germany Part 1"
Abstract: On ruderal and disturbed sites, often nearby settlements and further in rural areas in Germany, observations of wild growing individuals of cotton thistles are possible. These occurrences are often the object of different and controversy discussions regarding the floristic status and the value for natural conservation. Moreover there is a further question, namely in form of the concretely taxon that florists in the field are confronted with. The presented article wants to clear the distinction of two different taxa of Onopordum in Germany, concretely a wild type and a garden type as a product of horticulture, with a first time nomenclature for this taxon in form of Onopordum ×hortorum.
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Johannes Mazomeit. "Verwilderungen von Toona sinensis, Tetradium danelli und Gymnocladus dioicus in Mannheim und an anderen Orten" Floristische Rundbriefe 50 (2016) 175-182
English title: "Running Wild of Toona sinensis, Tetradium danielli and Gymnocladus dioicus in Mannheim and Other Towns"
Abstract: The author reports about a large stand of escaped Toona sinensis (A. JUSS.) M. ROEM at a park side in Mannheim (Baden-Württemberg) and further about three large specimens of Tetradium daniellii (BENN.) HARTL. also in Mannheim, representing escapes of cultivation too, and from Osthofen (Rhine Hessian) an Landau (Palatinate). Moreover, escapes from a third woody plant, Gymnocladus dioicus (L.) K. KOCH, at the main cemetery in Mannheim and the cemetery in Mannheim-Neckarau will be described. Observations of the author from other cities, including Strasbourg in the Alsace (France), will be given.
Keywords: woody plant flora, adventive flora, neophytes, urban botany, Meliaceae, Rutaceae, Caesalpiniaceae
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2020 pdf for download
Editorial and ReportsMitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 1-16;
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China "Die Epidemie stoppen, nicht nur verlangsamen. Und warum nicht 70% der Deutschen an Corona erkranken werden" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 17-27
What we can learn from China: To stop, not just to slow down the epidemic – And why not 70% of Germans will get infected by Corona
Abstract In the current epidemic, the population lacks a clear scenario with a time horizon and a goal, as well as a planning for the period after the epidemic. In this article, it is derived from the experience in China and Korea that not 70% of Germans have to get sick to stop the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Germany, but that the epidemic can be restrained by contact bans until Mid April and stopped until end of May 2020. This is due to the fact, that the reproduction rate R (in 1-(1/R)) here is not 3, but tends towards 0 and only regionally reaches 3 during the limited time of the hot phase of an outbreak. An unhindered spread is only theoretically possible, but does not occur in human history, simply because men are reasonable and instinctively keep distance. An increase to around 200,000 infected (with a peak of about 80,000 registered ill patients at the same time, after subtraction of recovered and dead patients) and around 5,000 deaths by about mid-April and 10,000 until end of May is extrapolized from experiences. However, all figures are highly dynamic and may vary extremely, as can be seen from single events, e.g. the ski village Ischgl.
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„Grippewelle war tödlichste in 30 Jahren“ Ärzteblatt (20.9.2019), online:, besucht am 29.03.2020
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Rhodes, A.; Ferdinande, P.; Flaatten, H.; Guidet, B.; Metnitz, P. G.; Moreno, R. P. (2012-10-01). "The variability of critical care bed numbers in Europe". Intensive Care Medicine. 38 (10): 1647–1653. doi:10.1007/s00134-012-2627-8. ISSN 1432-1238. PMID 22777516.
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Sun Mengyao, Michael Knüppel, Liaocheng University/China, Bestattungs-Bräuche der Muslime Shandongs Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 28-33
Burial Rites of the Hui Muslims in Shandong
Abstract This article introduces the funeral customs of the Hui-Muslims of Shandong Province. In particular the process starting with the death struggle and ending with the burial itself is described. The various customs regarding the preparations of the dead body, its washing and shrouding as well as the prayers and way of transportation from the house to the cemetery are dealt with.
Dillon, Michael: 1999 China’s Muslim Hui community: migration, settlement and sects, Richmond: Curzon, 1999.
Gladney, Dru C.: 1996 Muslim Chinese: Ethnic nationalism in the People’s Republic, ²Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996 (Harvard East Asian Monographs 149).
Knüppel, Michael: On Chinese Āhōng 阿訇. In: Studia Linguistica (z. Zt. im Druck).
Sun Mengyao / Knüppel, Michael: On Chinese Hui-Muslim elementary vocabulary (1): Prayer terminology. In: Studia Linguistica (z. Zt. im Druck).
Klaus Mäding, Witten/Germany, Offene und versteckte Botschaften in moderner chinesischer Malerei Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 34-55
English Title: Direct and hidden messages in modern Chinese paintings
Abstract Contemporary Chinese oil and acryl painting has at present met with high international interest and esteem. Modern painters in China are strongly influenced by Western aesthetics, but offer at the same time revealing insights into the internal political, social and psychological problems of China. An analysis is offered here of 13 paintings, mainly from the 1990s, i. e. after the military suppression of the democracy movement on the Tiananmen Square in June 1989. These paintings present critical views in a variety of forms.
1. Ausstellungskataloge
Van Dijk, Hans, Jochen Noth u. Andreas Schmid, China Avantgarde (für Haus der Kulturen, Berlin), Heidelberg 1993.
Ronte, Dieter, Walter Smerling u. Evelyn Weiss (Hg.), China. Zeitgenössische Malerei, Bonn 1996.
Smerling, Walter (Hg.), Chinart (für Museum Küppersmühle), Duisburg 2002.
Eller, Thomas, Andreas Schmid, Guo Xiaoyan u. Yu Zhang (Hg.), Die 8 der Wege, Kunst in Beijing, Berlin 2014.
Smerling, Walter, Tobia Bezzola u. Ferdinand Ullrich (Hg.), China8, Zeitgenössische Kunst, Köln 2015.
Die Abbildungen wurden aus Ronte, 1996 und Smerling 2002 übernommen und werden hier im Rahmen des wissenschaftlichen Kleinzitats verwendet.
2. Abbildungen
Für die Bearbeitung danke ich Dr. Gerd Grün, Bochum.
Abb. 1 Ma Xuelin, Von Tag zu Tag verändert sich das Antlitz (vor 1976).
Abb. 2 Guo Jin, Sprung (1995), 190 x 155 cm.
Abb. 3 Cui Zhenkuan, Purpursonne (2000), 193 x 140 cm.
Abb. 4 Ding Fang, Liebesklagelied (Anfang der 1990er Jahre), 160 x 280 cm.
Abb. 5 Zhang Linhai, Schäfer (2002), 200 x 250 cm.
Abb. 6 Xue Song, Roter Osten (1993), 160 x 140 cm.
Abb. 7 Yu Youhan, Mädchen (1988), 59 x 76 cm.
Abb. 8 Zhang Gong, Der tapfere Tom (1995), 193,5 x 130 cm.
Abb. 9 Zhang Xiaogang, Große Familie, Nr. 2 (1995), 170 x 210 cm.
Abb.10 Liu Dahong, Schmetterlinge und Blumen (1993), Teil einer Querrolle von 57 x 490 cm.
Abb. 11 Ohne Namensnennung (Der Name des Malers ist dem Autor bekannt), Geboren 1989 (1995 - 96), 170 x 150 cm.
Abb. 12 Tang Zhigang, Children in Meeting (2002), 180 x 210 cm.
Abb. 13 Zeng Fanzhi, Maske, Nr. 11 (1994),180 x 150 cm.
3. Ausgewählte Literatur
artnet (
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Geist, Beate, Die Modernisierung der chinesischen Kultur (80er Jahre), Hamburg 1996.
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Pohl, Karl-Heinz, Identität und Hybridität – Chinesische Kultur und Ästhetik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft 61 (2018) S. 25 - 39
Schoeni, Manfred u. a., Wang Yi Dong, Hongkong 1999.
Siemons, Mark, Die chinesische Verunsicherung, München 2017.
Toyka-Fuong, Ursula, Chinas moderne Malerei. „Wirklichkeit“ und Inspiration. Diess. (Hg.), Brücken und Brüche. Chinas Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert, Orientierungen, Zeitschrift zur Kultur Asiens, Sonderheft Bonn 1998, S. 1 -23.
Woesler, Martin, Das entkunstete Land. Kunst und politische Macht im China der Gegenwart. Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft 60 (2017) S. 66 – 85.
Thomas Weyrauch, Gießen/Germany, Chinesen in Deutschland und Deutsche in China 1933-1945 Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 56-65
Common Destiny – Chinese in Germany, Germans in China 1933-1945
Abstract In the era of the Nazi dictatorship, the victims of the political system, primarily German Jews, saw their only chance to escape persecution by migrating to China. In Japanese-occupied Shanghai, they still were in danger of being extradited to Germany, given the German-Japanese alliance and the local Nazi organizations. When the Republic of China entered war in 1941, Chinese living in Germany were deported to prisons or concentration camps, while the German Jews in Shanghai had to live in a ghetto.
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Abb. 1: Ludwig Jürgens: Sankt Pauli. Bilder aus einer fröhlichen Welt. Hamburg Global vom 06.06.2013,, Abruf am 01.04.2020.
Abb. 2: Jewish Telegraphic Agency (08.02.2015),, Abruf am 01.04.2020.
Abb. 3: Shanghai Layover, ohne Datum,, Abruf am 01.04.2020.
Abb. 4: Jüdische Schule in Shanghai. Erica Terry, Jewish World Alliance, Jspace News (16.04.2014),, Abruf am 31.03.2020.
Thomas Weyrauch Woo Bao-lien. Chinesische Lyrik der Thang-Zeit Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 65-66
Brigitte Pfiffner Harro von Senger. 36 Strategeme für Juristen Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 66-67
Klaus Mäding Stephan Thome. Gott der Barbaren Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 67-68
Veranstaltungen, Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 63 (2020) 69-76
2019 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 1-24;
Thomas Weyrauch, Gießen/Germany. "Faschismus in China – Japans Marionettenstaaten" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 25-31;
#English title: "Facism in China - Japan's Puppet States"
Abstract: Japan's ultra-nationalist circles adopted ways of thinking with the elements of ‘racial’ ideology, militarism, authoritarianism, and imperial claims. The ideology reaching into the state leadership as "military and Tennō fascism" fundamentally changed Japan's society. Beginning with the occupation of Manchuria, the Japanese military used puppet regimes that introduced fascist ideology on Chinese soil.
Key words: Fascism, Japan, ‘racial’ ideology, occupation, Manchuria, military puppet regimes, Japan in China
Banno, Junji (2014): Japan's Modern History, 1857-1937: A New Political Narrative. London – New York: Routledge.
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Sewell, Bill (2019): Constructing Empire: The Japanese in Changchun, 1905–45. Vancouver – Toronto: UBC Press.
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Weyrauch, Thomas (2014): Chinas demokratische Traditionen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in Taiwans Gegenwart. Heuchelheim: Longtai.
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Wickert, Erwin (2001): John Rabe und das Massaker von Nanking. In: Fritz Bauer Institut (2001), S. 245 ff.
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Michael Knüppel. "Zu Blockdrucken chinesischer 'Jahresbilder' aus Liaocheng" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 32-40;
#English title: "On Block Printing of Chinese 'Year Images' from Liaocheng"
This paper gives an overview on the tradition, the use and the production of so-called 'year's pictures' from Liaocheng. They have some characteristics in its design, showing deities, symbols of good luck and happiness as well as scenes from the mythology.
Key words
Year’s pictures from Liaocheng, wood cut, wood block printing, production of year's pictures, mythology
#冯骥才 [Féng Jìcái] (2011) 年画研究 [Nián Huà Yán Jiū]. Bĕijīng 2011.
#(2012) 年画研究 [Nián Huà Yán Jiū]. Bĕijīng 2012.
#(2015) 年画研究 [Nián Huà Yán Jiū]. Bĕijīng 2015.
Knüppel, Michael (2019) „Rituelle Verbrauchsgüter“ bei den Hui-Muslimen Shāndōngs. In: Journal of Oriental and African Studies 28, pp. 295-302.
#潍坊杨家埠木版年画 [wéi fāng yáng jiā bù mù băn nián huà]. 招财进宝 [zhāo cái jìn băo] (c. 2007). 潍坊杨家埠和兴永书店 [wéi fāng yáng jiā bù hé xīng yŏng shū diàn]. [ohne Ort].
Hou Ching-Lang (1975) Monnaies d’offrande et la notion de tésorerie dans la religion chinoise. Paris 1975 (Mémoires de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises. Collège de France 1).
Hunter, Dard (1937) Chinese ceremonial paper. Chillocothe 1937.
Scott, Janet Lee (2007) For gods, ghosts and ancestors: The Chinese tradition of paper offerings. Hong Kong 2007.
Seaman, Gary (1982) Spirit money – an interpretation. In: Journal of Chinese Religions 10 (1). Herbst 1982, pp. 80-91.
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China, University Witten/Germany. "Leidenschaft im Traum der Roten Kammer" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 41-58;
English title: "Passion in the 'Dream of the Red Chamber'"
Abstract: Passion is what has made the novel Red Chamber Dreams so successful and what still makes it so attractive: the passion of the first love between hero and heroine, who grow up in the favor of the Emperor in a paradise-like garden. The novel fascinates by describing the nuances between physical and platonic love, breaking the taboos of homosexuality and sexual fantasies. The author himself was driven by passion: he felt personal responsibility that the paradise-like garden was lost, and felt a necessity to document and eternalize his own love and life in all facets. Only the novel allowed him to represent the China of that time, with its manners and customs, clothing and kitchen, mentality and belief, but also corruption and degeneration in all aspects and in all walks of life - from the imperial court to the existence of slaves and beggars. Passionately, the first readers discussed the manuscripts with the author. The passion of its readers made the novel the symbol of Chinese culture, cult, the most widely read novel of all time in China and the fourth most read novel in the world. With passion, early translators and reviewers as well as generations of scholars of letters have digged deep into the novel. No other work of literature has been studied at so many universities. This paper explores the question of what triggers this passion about and within this novel.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, passion, sexuality, desire, love
Anthony, C. Yu. Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton University Press, 2001.
Cahill, James. Chinese Erotic Painting (2012). Digitale Publikation. Web: http://jamescahill. info/illustrated-writings/chinese-erotic-painting. Letzter Zugriff: 1.12.2019
Huang, Martin W. Desire and Fictional Narrative in Late Imperial China. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard University Press, 2001:176-205
McMahon, Keith. Polygamy and Sublime Passion: Sexuality in China on the Verge of Modernity. University of Hawaii Press, 2010.
Wang, Hansi Lo. “In 'Red Chamber,' A Love Triangle For The Ages”. NPR. 2012.
Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler, University Witten/Germany; Chinese-German bilingual edition
- - -. “Being Explicit About the Implicit – John Minford’s Translation of the last Forty Chapters of The Story of the Stone with a Field Study on two Sexually Arousing Scenes”. Hong lou meng xue kan 6 (2011): 274-289
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Nora Frisch, Esslingen/Germany and Vienna/Austria. "Der Admiral des Kaisers – Zheng He" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 59-66;
English title: "The Imperor's Admiral. The Sea Journeys of Eunuch Zheng He"
Abstract: In 1405, on behalf of the Third Ming Emperor Yongle, a huge fleet of 250 ships and 30,000 men was sent on board under the command of Yong Le’s loyal eunuch Zheng He to inform the countries of Southeast Asia of China's greatness and power. Some of these state-of-the-art ships, researchers suggest, could have been about 120 meters in length. In front of such ships, Vasco da Gama's ships were like nutshells.
The admiral of this mighty ship fleet is revered as a national hero in China, but in Germany he is hardly known: Who was this legendary Zheng He and what was he carrying on his huge treasure ships? What logistical excellence was necessary to feed all the people and animals carried along? And what about the tribute system?
China's role as the leading naval nation of the first half of the 15th century is one of the most exciting, but unfortunately also one of the most puzzling chapters in Chinese medieval history, since virtually nothing - neither documents nor boat remains - has been preserved.
Key words: Zheng He, Ming Dynasty, Yongle, tribute system, China's seafaring, admiral of the emperor, treasure ship, junks, shipbuilding, Ma San-bao, Ma He, trading power China, seafarers
Weng Qi, Nora Frisch/ Gregor Körting. Der Admiral des Kaisers - Die Abenteuer des Eunuchen Zheng He. Drachenhaus Verlag 2012, Hard-cover, 140 Seiten, 70 farbige Illustrationen und Fotografien, Format: 21,5 x 24,5 cm, € 24,00 (D)/ € 25,50 (A), ISBN: 978-3-943314-01-4.
Reviews, Events and Index" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 67-146
2018 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 1-24;
Karl-Heinz Pohl, University Trier/Germany. "Identität und Hybridität – Chinesische Kultur und Ästhetik im Zeitalter der Globalisierung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 25-39;
#English title: "Identity and Hybridity - Chinese Culture and Aesthetics in the Age of Globalisation"
Abstract: Traditional Chinese aesthetics is a modern way of looking at pre-modern Chinese art. This art not only concerns poetry, calligraphy and painting (as the outstanding scholarly arts), but also covers areas such as architecture, pottery, bronze sculptures, music and martial arts, etc. Many of these arts follow common principles. These principles have contributed to a Chinese identity. Hybridity appears to be a characteristic of contemporary Chinese art, especially painting. Chinese art today shows itself in constant dialogue with its tradition as well as with Western art and art history. Much of what is considered “Chinese” art today, is produced by Chinese artists in a way Westerners expect Chinese art to be. It is made for the international art market, still dominated by Western preferences.
Key words: Chinese aesthetics, Chinese art, pre-modern, poetry, calligraphy, paintings, principles, hybridity
References: keine vorhanden.
Thomas Weyrauch, Gießen/Germany. "Chinas Recht vor 1949" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 40-47;
English title: "China's Law before 1949"
Abstract: China’s legal reforms since the Qing dynasty are a result of various modernization developments. The political unification of the Republic of China in 1928 created a variety of legal norms, some of which still endure Taiwan today and also influenced the modern law of the People's Republic of China. Furthermore, China before 1949 brought forth outstanding world renown law experts.
Key words: keine vorhanden.
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Bu, Yuanshi: Die Rezeption des Ausländischen Rechts in China. In: Bu, Deutsche und europäische Elemente des chinesischen Rechts, S. 1 ff.
Chiang, Hai-chao: Die Wandlungen im chinesischen Verfassungsrecht seit dem Zusammenbruch der Mandschu-Dynastie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der rechtlichen Stellung des Staatsoberhauptes. Reihe Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht, Bd. 23. Köln: C. Heymann 1937.
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Deutsche China-Gesellschaft: Mitteilungsblatt 2015. Bochum: Europäischer Universitätsverlag 2015.
Dikötter, Frank: The Age of Openness: China Before Mao. Berkeley – Los Angeles: University of California Press 2008.
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Hsia, Tao-tai: Wartime Judicial Reform in China. In: Hsiung / Levine, S. 275 ff.
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Lo, Carlos Wing-hung: China´s Legal Awakening: Legal Theory and Criminal Justice in Deng´s Era. Hongkong: Hong Kong University Press 1995.
Messmann, Stefan: Chinas Weg in der Gesetzgebung. In: Deutsche China-Gesellschaft: Mitteilungsblatt 2015, S. 49 ff.
Mi, Jian: Deutsches Recht in China seit der Politik der Reform und Öffnung. In: Deutsch-Chinesische Juristenvereinigung u.a., Zeitschrift für Chinesisches Recht (2007), S. 132 ff.
Myers, Ramon Hawley: The Chinese State in the Republican Era. In: Shambaugh, S. 42 ff.
Nathan, Andrew James: Chinese Democracy. New York: Knopf 1985.
Opitz, Peter J.: Chinas grosse Wandlung. Revolutionäre Bewegungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. München: C.H.Beck 1972
Paul, Gregor (Hg.): Staat und Gesellschaft in der Geschichte Chinas. Theorie und Wirklichkeit. Reihe Staatsverständnisse Bd. 87. Baden-Baden: Nomos 2016.
Sattler-von Sivers, Gabriele: Die Reformbewegung von 1898. In: Opitz, S. 55 ff.
Shambaugh, David L. (Hg.): The Modern Chinese State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2000.
Sharma, Arvind: The World's Religions: A Contemporary Reader. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2011.
Twiss, Sumner B.: Confucian Contributions to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In: Sharma, The World's Religions, S. 102 ff.
Weber-Schäfer, Peter: Die republikanische Bewegung (im Inhaltsverzeichnis: Die konstitutionelle Bewegung). In: Opitz, S. 82 ff.
Weggel, Oskar: Chinesische Rechtsgeschichte. Leiden – Köln: E.J. Brill 1980.
Weyrauch, Thomas: Chinas demokratische Traditionen. 2. Aufl., Heuchelheim: Longtai 2015.
Weyrauch, Thomas: Chinas unbeachtete Republik. Bd. 1. 4. Aufl., Heuchelheim: Longtai 2015.
Weyrauch, Thomas: Sanmin Zhuyi – Sun Yatsens Staatslehre. In: Paul, S. 103 ff.
Sun Mengyao, Michael Knüppel, Liaocheng University/China. "Die Hui-Muslime der Stadt Liaocheng" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 48-56;
#English title: The Hui-Muslims of Liaocheng City"
Abstract: The Hui-Muslim community in the town of Liaocheng is introduced with some of their socio-cultural specifica like adaption of habits and traditions from their non-Muslim environment (especially the borrowing of so-called 'ritualistic expendable goods'), religious 'infrastructure' (like mosques, clerics etc.), and the question of specific Muslim clothing. It is concluded that the borrowings are also a result of the small size of the community and the duration of living among an overwhelming majority of Non-Muslims.
Key words: Hui, Liaocheng, Muslims, religious practices, minority, cultural heritage
Dillon, Michael: China’s Muslim Hui community: migration, settlement and sects, Richmond: Curzon, 1999.
Gladney, Dru C.: Muslim Chinese: Ethnic nationalism in the People’s Republic, ²Cambridge/Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1996 (Harvard East Asian Monographs 149).
Knüppel, Michael: „Zur Verbreitung von ‘Himmelsgeld’ bei Muslimen Chinas“, in: Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten 54 (303). Mai 2019, S. 154–158.
Knüppel, Michael: „On Chinese Āhōng 阿訇“, in: Studia Linguistica (z. Zt. im Druck).
Knüppel, Michael: „‘Rituelle Verbrauchsgüter’ bei den Hui-Muslimen Shandongs“, in: Journal of Oriental and African Studies 28. 2019, pp. 295-302.
Knüppel, Michael: „‘Sycee’-Barren im Kontext des chinesischen Opfergeschehens“, in: Geldgeschichtliche Nachrichten (z. Zt. im Druck).
Martin Woesler, Hunan Normal University/China, University Witten/Germany. "Unausgesprochenes im Traum der Roten Kammer" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 57-64;
English title: "The Unspoken in 'Dream of the Red Chamber'"
Abstract: Chinese literary works are often influenced by censorship, be it by others or by the author himself. In China and the West there are different traditions of decency. With the Red Chamber Dreams, we have a novel of rich subtlety, but luckily we also have a novel at hand that comes with a hemerneutical tradition only comparable to the bible. So we have more products of scholarly discourse about the question, what this novel expresses directly and what it tries to keep secret. There are various manuscript versions, handwritten advices of relatives / confidants before publication, an army of scholars who try to interpret every aspect of the novel, some trying to situate it in real life etc. Here we are interested in the question, according to the manuscript comments in the novel, which biographical facts may be revealed in the novel, which must remain unspoken and why. Reasons are sought in taboos (like suicide), in the protection of real persons, in the avoidance of lese majeste etc. The author seems to be aware of the concealment and seems to play with it, if he chooses the protagonist name Zhen Shiyin 甄 士隱, homophonous with 真 事 隐 "The true facts are hidden". All these precautions (perhaps narrative strategies) could not prevent the temporary ban on the novel. One of the main interpretation schools of the Dream is the Decryption School (索隐派, literally: School of the Search for the Hidden), whose assignment of novel elements to contemporary reality is more rewarding to us than its conspiracy and puzzles theories. Special attention should also be given to morally ethical reasons to keep silent: While the novel explains why it is not a romance novel (usually with some pornographic descriptions), John Minford translates two sexually charged scenes that remain unspoken in the Chinese original, for the Western Readers almost extravagantly vivid.
Key words: Red Chamber Dreams, tradition of decency, decoding school, indirectness
Anthony, C. Yu. Rereading the Stone: Desire and the Making of Fiction in Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton University Press, 2001.
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Plaks, Andrew H. Archetype and Allegory in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Princeton University Press, 2015.
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Woesler, Martin, ed., Cao Xueqin, Gao E et al. Der Traum der Roten Kammer oder Die Geschichte vom Stein [Red Chamber Dreams or The Story of the Stone], Peking: Foreign Languages Press 2016-01-01, ISBN 9787119094120, 4813 pages, 6 vols., hardcover, transl. by Rainer Schwarz and Martin Woesler; Chinese-German bilingual edition
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Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 65-96
2017 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports, 1-24;
Gregor Paul, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Germany. "Kunst und Macht in der Geschichte Chinas. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kunst im öffentlichen Raum" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 25-48;
#English title: "Art and Power in the History of China. With Particular Consideration of Public Art"
Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
Arnold, Dorothea, 2012: Die ägyptische Kunst, München: Beck 2012.
Chinesische Architekturakademie (Hg.), 1990: Klassische chinesische Architektur, Stuttgart: DVA 1990.
Demandt, Alexander, 1997: Vandalismus: Gewalt gegen Kultur, Berlin: Siedler 1997.
Dikötter, Frank, 2016: The Cultural Revolution, London: Bloomsbury 2016.
Harlander, Tilman, und Wolfram Pyta (Hg.), 2010: NS-Architektur: Macht und Symbolpolitik, Bochum: LIT 2010.
Höllmann, Thomas, 2008: Das alte China: Eine Kulturgeschichte, München: Beck 2008.
Jansen, Gregor (Hg.), 2006: totalstadt beijing case, Köln: Walther König 2006.
Kolrud, Kristine, und Marina Prusac (Hg.), 2014: Iconclasm from Antiquity to Modernity, Farnham: Ashgate 2014.
Kündiger, Barbara, 2001: Fassaden der Macht: Architektur der Herrschenden, Leipzig: Seemann 2001.
Latour, Bruno, und Peter Weibel (Hg.), 2002: Iconoclash, Karlsruhe: ZKM.
Lempertz (Hg.), 2012: Mao and the 20th century, porcelains from the H.-J. Hübner Collection, 8 June 2012 Cologne [Catalogue] Lempertz Auction 999: Köln 2012.
Lenk, Hans, und Gregor Paul:
Liu Heung Shing (Hg.), 2008: China, Köln: Taschen 2008.
Paul, Gregor, 2010: Konfuzius und Konfuzianismus, Darmstadt: WBG.
Paul, Gregor (Hg.), 2016: Staat und Gesellschaft in der Geschichte Chinas: Theorie und Praxis, Baden-Baden: Nomos 2016.
Schulz, Regine, und Mattias Seidel (Hg.): Ägypten: Die Welt der Pharaonen: h. f. ullmann.
Schwarz, Ernst (Übers. und Komm.), 1988: Chrysanthemen im Spiegel: Klassische chinesische Dichtungen, Berlin (DDR): Rütten & Loening, 2. Aufl. 1988.
Spence, Jonathan D., und Annping Chin (Hg.), 1996: Das Jahrhundert Chinas, München: Bertelsmann 1996.
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Hg.), 2008: Goldener Drache – Weißer Adler: Kunst im Dienste der Macht am Kaiserhof von China und am sächsisch-polnischen Hof (1644 – 1795), München: Hirmer 2008.
Studium Generale der Universität Heidelberg (Hg.), 2006: Bildersturm, Heidelberg: Winter. Mit instruktiven Studien von Beispielen seit dem alten Mesopotamien.
von Strauss, Victor (Übers.), 1969: Schī-Kīng: Das klassische Liederbuch der Chinesen, Darmstadt: WBG 1969.
Wu Hung, 2005: Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space: The University of Chicago Press 2005.
Karl-Heinz Pohl, University Trier/Germany. "Literatur und Macht in der Geschichte Chinas" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 49-65;
English title: "Literature and Power in the History of China"
Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
References: none.
Martin Woesler, University Witten/Germany. "Das entkunstete Land - Kunst und politische Macht im China der Gegenwart am Beispiel von Literatur und Film, Internet und Digitalisierung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 66-85;
#English title: "A Country deprived of Art - Art and Political Power in Present Day China by the Example of Literature, Film, Internet and Digitalization"
Abstract: In dictatorial societies, storytellers (artists, writers, film directors, bloggers etc.) and the rulers have a complex relationship. In China this has become particularly developed and has grown through millennia-old tradition (in Area of tension wen yi zai dao and shi yan shi) and also through traumatic experiences since 1949 in campaigns and in the Cultural Revolution. This study asks to what extent art still remains art if it devoted itself to one ideology (or commerce). In contemporary film, there's a trend to (visual) violence and pop art propaganda movies, and in digitalization, there's an increase in security at the expense of privacy, data protection and creative artistic expression.
#Key words: China, Art, Political Power, Authority, Artists as Conscience, Film, Art and Power, Storytellers and Rulers, Art and Ideology, De-Art, State Circumcised Pseudo-Art
References: none.
Paul U. Unschuld, Charité Berlin. "Antike Klassiker der Chinesischen Medizin. 帝内經靈樞 Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 86-105;
#English title: "Antique Classics on Chinese Medicine. Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu"
#Abstracts: This text has been published as part of a preface to Paul Unschuld's commented German translation of Huang Di Nei Jing Ling Shu for the first time, but deserves further distribution than as a "mere" part of a specialist publication. The texts presented by him are early evidence of mankind that people wanted to take a conscious step from esoteric medicine to 'conventional medicine', from superstition to rationalization, from religiousness to secularism. It was clear that Chinese medicine would not turn away from superstition that and this was because of the lack of distribution of the texts. Unschuld proves that despite the locations in organs and descriptions of interactions, which still seem esoteric for us, the rejection of ghosts and the parallelization with the state model (if the body is healthy, it is like the state being in order) is a step towards rationalization.
Key words: none.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 62 (2019) 106-130
Conference Proceedings
2016 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 5-26;
Heiner Roetz " Karl Jaspersʼ Theorem der „Achsenzeit“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 27-37;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Karl Jasper, Achsenzeit.
Gregor Paul " Kultur und Politik Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Geschichte Chinas" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 38-44;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Kultur, Politik, Geschichte Chinas.
Martin Woesler " Der leise Geburtstag – 50 Jahre Kulturrevolution als Anlass zum Nachdenken" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 44-48;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Geschichte Chinas, Kulturrevolution.
Martin Woesler " Fremdeln unter Freunden Beobachtungen bei der Internationalisierung im Arbeitsalltag des Wissenschafts-Betriebs in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 49-52;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Arbeitsalltag, China, Wissenschafts-Betriebs.
Martin Woesler " Augenhöhe und Augenmaß Das neue Gesetz zu ausländischen Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen: Restriktion internationaler Wissenschaft in China?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 53-56;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Restriktion Wissenschaft, China, Nicht-Regierungsorganisationen.
Jiang Tong " Vertreibt die Barbaren!" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 57-66;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Barbaren.
Hartmut Walravens " Die Forschungsarbeit meines Lehrers V. M. Alekseev" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) 67-73;
Abstract: none.
Key words: V. M. Alekseev.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 59 (2016) #-#
2015 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 5-12;
Gregor Paul " Krieg und Frieden im sinoasiatischen Kulturkreis" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 13--33;
Abstract: none.
Key words: sinoasiatischer Kulturkreis, Krieg, Frieden.
Chan-kuo Ts’e [Intrigues of the Warring States]. 1996. Translated and Annotated and with an Introduction by J.I. Crump. Revised Edition. Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies. The University of Michigan.
Mögling, Wilmar. 1994. Die Kunst der Staatsführung: Die Schriften des Meisters Han Fei. Leipzig: Kiepenheuer.
Dawkins, Richard. 2008. Das egoistische Gen. Heidelberg: Spektrum. Paul, Gregor. 1998. Wai ru nei fa: nach außen konfuzianisch [human], innerlich legalistisch [gewalttätig]. In Die Menschenrechtsfrage: Diskussion über China – Dialog mit China, hrsg. von Gregor Paul. Göttingen: Cuvillier, S. 39-61
Mao Tse-tung. 1966. Theorie des Guerillakrieges oder Strategie der Dritten Welt. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
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Ch’en, Kenneth. 1972. Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey. Princeton. Cleary, Thomas. 1989. Mastering the Art of War: Zhuge Liang’s and Liu Ji’s commentaries on the classic by Sun Tzu. Boston & London.
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Gawlikowski, Krzysztof. 1990. Drei Ansätze des klassischen chinesischen Denkens zu den Themen Krieg und Kampf. In Konfuzianismus und die Modernisierung Chinas, hrsg. von : Silke Krieger und Rolf Trauzettel. Mainz, S. 451-458.
Griffith, Samuel B. 1963. Sun Tzu: The Art of War. Oxford.
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Legge, James. 1983[b]. The Shoo King [Chinesisch und Englisch]. The Chinese Classics III. Taipei: SMC Reprint.
Leibnitz, Klaus. 2010. Sun Tsu: Die Kunst des Krieges. Darmstadt: WBG. Liao, K. 1959. Han Fei-tzu. 2 Bde. London.
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Lübbe, Hermann. 1986. Religion nach der Aufklärung., Graz, Wien, Köln.
Mo Ti: Von der Liebe des Himmels zu den Menschen. 1992. Übers. von Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer. München.
Morgan, Evan. 1933. Tao, the Great Luminant: Essays from the Huai-nan-tzu. Shanghai 1933. Nachdruck Taipei 1966.
Paul, Gregor. 1990. Aspects of Confucianism. Frankfurt a. M., New York: Lang.
Paul, Gregor. 2004. War and Peace in Classical Chinese Thought, with Particular Regard to Chinese Religion. In War and Peace in World Religions, hrsg. von Perry Schmidt-Leukel, 57–78. London: SCM Press.
Paul, Gregor. 2008. Einführung in die Interkulturelle Philosophie. Darmstadt: WBG.
Paul, Gregor. 2010. Konfuzius und Konfuzianismus. Darmstadt: WBG. Paul, Gregor. 2013. China and Religious Diversity: Some Critical Reflections. In Religious Diversity in Chinese Thought, hrsg. von Perry Schmidt-Leukel und Joachim Gentz. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Pines, Yuri. 2002. Foundations of Confucian Thought: Intellectual Life in the Chunqiu Period, 722-453. Honolulu.
Pinker, Steven. 2011. The better angels of our nature: the decline of violence in history and its causes. London: Allen Lane.
Seidel, Anna K. 1969. La Divinisation de Lao Tseu dans le Taoisme de Han. Publications de l’ École Française d’Extrême-Orient vol. 71. Paris.
Shijing. Siehe Strauss 1969.
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Strätz, Volker. 1979. Luh-T’ao: Ein spätantiker Text zur Kriegskunst. Bad Honnef.
Strauss, Victor von. 1969. Schih-King: Das kanonische Liederbuch der Chinesen. Darmstadt: WBG.
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Sunzi 2009. SUNZI: Die Kunst des Krieges. Aus dem Chinesischen übertragen und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Volker Klöpsch. Frankfurt am Main: Insel 2009.
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Wilhelm, Richard. 1969. Dschuang Dsi: Südliches Blütenland. Düsseldorf, Köln: Diederichs.
Wilhelm, Richard. 1979. Frühling und Herbst des Lü Bu Wei. Aus dem Chinesischen übertragen und herausgegeben von Richard Wilhelm. Düsseldorf, Köln: Diederichs.
Wilhelm, Richard. 1982. Mong Dsi [Menzius]:Die Lehrgespräche des Meisters Meng K’o. Neuausgabe Köln: Diederichs.
Yates, Robin D. S. 1997. Five Lost Classics: Tao, Huang-Lao, and Yin-Yang in Han-China [Chinesisch und English.]. Translated, with an Introduction and Commentary. New York.
Yuan Yang und Ming Ping. 2003. Kriegsgeschichten aus dem chinesischen Altertum, Beijing.
Zhong Yingjie (Übers.). 1994. Sun Zi über die Kriegskunst, Sun Bin über die Kriegskunst.
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Paul, Gregor. 2001[a]. Nach dem 11. September 2001: Die Ursachen des Terrorismus und Wege, sie zu beseiti-gen.
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Markus Brinkmann u.a. " Wasserforschung gestern und heute: Integrierte Bewertung von Gewässern und Sedimenten im deutsch-chinesischen Kontext#" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 34-42;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Wasserforschung, Deutschland, China.
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Eichbaum K, Brinkmann M, Buchinger S, Hecker M, Engwall M, van Bavel B, Reifferscheid G, Hollert H (2013): The dioRAMA project: assessment of dioxin-like activity in sediments and fish (Rutilus rutilus) in support of the ecotoxicological characterization of sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments 13, 770–774
Eichbaum K, Brinkmann M, Buchinger S, Reifferscheid G, Hecker M, Giesy JP, Engwall M, van Bavel B, Hollert H (2014): In vitro bioassays for detecting dioxin-like activity — Application potentials and limits of detection, a review. Science of The Total Environment 487, 37–48
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Floehr T, Scholz-Starke B, Xiao H, Hercht H, Wu L, Hou J, Schmidt-Posthaus H, Segner H, Kammann U, Yuan X, Ross-Nickoll M, Schaffer A, Hollert H (2015a): Linking Ah receptor mediated effects of sediments and impacts on fish to key pollutants in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir, China - A comprehensive perspective. Sci Total Environ 538, 191–211
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Hecker M, Hollert H (2009): Effect-directed analysis (EDA) in aquatic ecotoxicology: state of the art and future challenges. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 16, 607–613
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Hollert H, Hudjetz S, Claus E, Manz W, Reifferscheid G, Heininger P, Schwarzbauer J, Ahlf W, Braunbeck T, Brack W, Schulze T, Schäffer A, Ratte H-T (2009b): Über die Notwendigkeit der wirkungsorientierten Analytik in einer umfassenden Wasserforschung. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 21, 235–237
Hollert H (2013): Processes and environmental quality in the Yangtze River system. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 20, 6904–6
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Liu L, Chen L, Floehr T, Xiao H, Bluhm K, Hollert H, Wu L (2015): Assessment of the Mutagenicity of Sediments from Yangtze River Estuary Using Salmonella Typhimurium/Microsome Assay. PLoS One 10, e0143522
Schiwy A, Brinkmann M, Thiem I, Guder G, Winkens K, Eichbaum K, Nüßer L, Thalmann B, Buchinger S, Reifferscheid G (2015): Determination of the CYP1A-inducing potential of single substances, mixtures and extracts of samples in the micro-EROD assay with H4IIE cells. Nature protocols 10, 1728–1741
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Henry Riße " Umweltschutz, Wasserwirtschaft und Bodenfruchtbarkeit – Tradition und Moderne im China des 21. Jahrhunderts" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 43-45;
Abstract: none.
Key words: Umweltschutz, Wasserwirtschaft, Bodenfruchtbarkeit.
Martin Woesler " Überblick" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 46-48;
Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
Gregor Paul " Wie China kritisieren?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 49-50;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kritik.
Eine gültige Theorie der Kritik. Klassisch-gelehrte Ansätze in chinesischen Texten. In: Roetz, Heiner (Hg.): Kritik im alten und modernen China, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2006, S. 48–62.
Einführung in die Interkulturelle Philosophie, Darm-stadt: WBG 2008, S. 33 ff. Confucian notions of Criticism: An Important Contribution to a Valid Theory of Humaneness. In: TENG Wensheng und SHAN Chun (Hg.), Confucianism and Its Current Missions, Beijing: Jizhou Press 2010, Bd. 4 (der Veröffen-tlichung anlässlich des 2560 Geburtstags von Konfuzius), S. 194–213.
Konfuzius und Konfuzianismus, Darmstadt: WBG 2010.
Stefan Messmann " Chinas Weg in der Gesetzgebung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 51-57;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Gesetzgebung.
Martin Woesler " Unbegrenztes Wachstum vs. Nachhaltigkeit in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 58-62;
Abstract: Das extreme chinesische Wirtschaftswachstum führte etwa 30 Jahre zu zweistelligen Wachstumsraten und kehrt seit 2009 mit 6% und derzeit mit etwa 7% zu einem mäßigen Wachstum zurück. Das extreme Wachstum ging mit zahlreichen Problemen einher. Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas hat eine absolutistische Machtposition entwickelt, die einerseits Stabilität bringt, andererseits Probleme wie Korruption etc. verursacht. Hier könnte die Kommunistische Partei Chinas von Erfahrungen ihrer Schwesterparteien in Deutschland und in ehemaligen Ostblock-Ländern lernen: Der in der Wirtschaft erfolgreiche Wettbewerb ist auch ein probates Mittel zur Korrup-tionsbekämpfung und Professionalisierung. Sowohl im Wirtschaftswachstum als auch im Machtmonopol ist die traditionelle chinesische Tugend der Mäßigung zu empfehlen. Grundsätzlich sind Nachhaltigkeit und unbegrenz-tes Wirtschaftswachstum vereinbar. .
Key words: China, Wachstum, Nachhaltigkeit.
Beller, Dennis C., and Frank P. Belloni. "Party and faction: modes of political competition." Faction politics: Political parties and factionalism in comparative perspective (1978): 417.
Huntington, Samuel P., and Clement Henry Moore. Authoritarian politics in modern society: the dynamics of established one-party systems. Basic Books (AZ), 1970.
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Lü, Xiaobo. Cadres and corruption: The organizational involution of the Chinese communist party. Stanford University Press, 2000.
O'brien, Kevin J., and Lianjiang Li. "Accommodating “democracy” in a one-party state: Introduc-ing village elections in China." The China Quarterly 162 (2000): 465-489.
Sartori, Giovanni. Parties and party systems: A framework for analysis. ECPR press, 2005.
Tien, Hung-mao. The great transition: Political and social change in the Republic of China. Vol. 378. Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1989.
Thomas Weyrauch " Yi di yi you (亦敵亦友) – Taiwan und das chinesische Festland" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 63-65;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Taiwan.
Batto, Nathan F.: Continuity in the 2012 presidential and legislative elections. In: Cabestan / deLisle, Political Changes in Taiwan under Ma Ying-jeou, S. 15 ff.
Cabestan, Jean-Pierre / deLisle, Jacques (Hg.): Political Changes in Taiwan under Ma Ying-jeou. Partisan conflict, policy choices, external constraints and security challenges.Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge 2014
Chow, Peter C. Y. (Hg.): The „One-China“ Dilemma. Basingstoke / Hampshire – New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2008
Chu, Shulong: Mainland China´s peaceful develop-ment strategy and cross-Strait relations. In: Cabestan / deLisle, Political Changes in Taiwan under Ma Ying-jeou, S. 195 ff.
Dai, Shi-Chan / Wu, Chung-Li: The rule of the Legislative Yuan un-der Ma Ying-jeou: the case of China policy legislation and agree-ments. In: Cabestan / deLisle, Political Changes in Taiwan under Ma Ying-jeou, S. 60 ff.
Jacobs, Bruce: Taiwan´s Colonial History and Postcolonial Nationalism. In: Chow, The „One-China“ Dilemma, S. 37 ff.
Rigger, From Opposition to Power: Taiwan's Demo-cratic Progressive Party. Boulder/Colorado: Lynne Rienner 2001
Roy, Denny: Taiwan: A Political History. Ithaka / New York: Cornell University Press 2003
Weyrauch, Thomas: Chinas demokratische Traditio-nen vom 19. Jahrhundert bis in Taiwans Gegenwart. Heuchelheim: Longtai 2014
Weyrauch, Thomas: Chinas unbeachtete Republik, Bd. 2., 2. Aufl. Heuchelheim: Longtai 2012
Weyrauch, Thomas: Taiwans gemeinsame Farbe. Das demokratische Profil der Republik China. Heu-chelheim: Longtai 2015
Weyrauch, Thomas: Völkerrechtliche Betrachtungen zur Existenz der Republik China. Heuchelheim: Longtai 2012
Thomas Weyrauch " Der singuläre Händedruck" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 66-69;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Händedruck.
Thomas Weyrauch " Taiwans Wahlen vom 16. Januar 2016" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 70-72;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Wahlen, Taiwans.
Martin Woesler " 3. Internationale Konferenz zum „Traum der Roten Kammer“ in Europa" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 73-77;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Traum der Roten Kammer, Konferenz.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 58 (2015) 74-99
2014 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 5-9;
Hannspeter Hellbeck " Ist China auf dem Wege zu einer Weltmacht? Eine Zwischenbilanz" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 10-16;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Weltmacht.
Martin Woesler " Das paradoxe Dilemma von der Freiheit der Forschung in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 17-26;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Dilemma, Freiheit, Forschung.
Gregor Paul " Drei Stellungnahmen zur Idee eines „chinesischen Weges“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 27-38;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischer Weg.
Ole Döring " Chinas „dritter Weg“ aus der Sicht der Ordnung der Lebenswissenschaften" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 39-41;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Lebenswissenschaften.
Hans Lenk " Kultur Thesen zu moralischen Menschlichkeitsanrechten im alten China und für den gegenwärtigen Weg Chinas" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 42-46;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Menschlichkeitsanrechten, Kultur Thesen.
Hans Lenk " Menzianische konkrete Humanität auch für das neue China?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 42-46;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Menzianische konkrete Humanität.
Wolfgang Ommerborn " Konfuzianismus als Bedrohung der Macht der KPCh? Welche Risiken bergen die „Chinesischen Charakteristika“ im Konzept d" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 47-48;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzianismus, KPCh.
Michael Paul " Chinas maritime Ambitionen" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 49-51;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, maritime Ambitionen.
Hans Poser " Chinesische Philosophie in der deutschen Aufklärung: Religion und Staat bei Leibniz, Wolff und Bilfinger und ihre Bedeutung für China heute" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 52-53;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Philosophie, deutsche Aufklärung.
Helmolt Vittinghoff " Anmerkungen zum „chinesischen Weg“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 54;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischer Weg.
Thomas Weyrauch " Der chinesische Weg mit demokratischen Meilensteinen" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 55-57;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischer Weg.
Martin Woesler " Der „chinesische Weg“ aus innerchinesischer und globaler Perspektive" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 58-64;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischer Weg, globale Perspektive, innenpolitische Perspektive.
Martin Woesler " BEITRÄGE AUS DER VOLKSREPUBLIK CHINA ZUM THEMA „CHINESISCHER WEG“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 65-77;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischer Weg.
Peter Busch " Fan Chou: Fort mit den falschen Begriffen! Ein Hoch auf die Humankultur. Zwei Esssays zur Demokratie Taiwans." Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 78-88;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Fan Chou, Humankultur.
Michael Knüppel " Hellas und China – die „westlichen“ Kulturkontakte Chinas über die Seidenstraßen im Spiegel der frühen Zentralasienforschung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 89-101;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Zentralasienforschung, Kulturkontakte, Seidenstraßen.
Gregor Paul " Faltenwurf und Halo in chinesischer und japanischer buddhistischer Kunst" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 102-104;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, buddhistische Kunst, Faltenwurf, Halo.
Hugo Weigold " Ostasienfahrten" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 105-119;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Ostasienfahrten.
Gregor Paul " Kulturpolitik mit Konfuzius und Xuanzang" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 120-126;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kulturpolitik, Konfuzius, Xuanzang.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 57 (2014) 121-141
2013 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 5-17;
Wolfgang Jäger " Einführung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 18-20;
Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
Volker Klöpsch " Über das Schöne in der chinesischen Dichtung " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 21-29;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Dichtung.
Heinrich Geiger " Musik der Seidenstraße und die Musikkultur am Hofe der Tang-Kaiser" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 30-42;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Seidenstraße, Musikkultur, Tang-Kaiser.
Karl-Heinz Pohl " Chinesische Ästhetik und Kant" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 43-52;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Ästhetik, Kant.
Bernard, John H. (trans.): Immanuel Kant, Critique of Judgment, with an Introduction, New York/London: Hafner Press (1951) 1970.
Bush, Susan: The Chinese Literati on Painting, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press 1971.
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Li, Zehou 李澤厚 und Liu, Gangji 劉綱紀: Zhongguo meixue shi 中國美學史, Bd. I, Peking: Zhong-guo shehui kexue 中國社會科學 1984.
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Lynn, Richard John: „The Sudden and the Gradual in Chinese Poetry Criticism: An Examination of the Ch’an-Poetry Analogy“, Sudden and Gradual, Peter Gregory (Hg.), Honolulu: U. of Hawaii Press 1987.
Möller, Hans-Georg (Übers.): Laotse: Tao te king. Nach den Seidentexten von Mawangdui, Frankfurt: Fischer 1995.
Owen, Stephen: Readings in Chinese Literary Thought, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard U. Press 1992.
Pohl, Karl-Heinz: „Bilder jenseits der Bilder – Ein Streifzug durch die chinesische Ästhetik“, China. Dimensionen der Geschichte, Peter M. Kuhfus (Hg.), Tübingen: Attempto-Verlag 1990.
Pohl, Karl-Heinz: „Ye Xieʼs Yuan shi – A Poetic of the Early Qing“, Tʼoung Pao, LXXVIII (1992).
Pohl, Karl-Heinz: Ästhetik und Literaturtheorie in China – Von der Tradition bis zur Moderne, München: Saur 2007.
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Wilhelm, Richard (Übers.): Laotse: Tao-te-king. Das Buch vom Sinn und Leben., Köln: Diederichs 1978.
Xinbian zhuzi jicheng 新編諸子集成, Taibei: Shijie shuju 世界書局, V,1983.
Gregor Paul " Weitere Notizen zur Kultur des Schönen in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 53-59;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kultur des Schönen.
Henrik Jäger " Die Verwebung der Textkulturen: Wie die konfuzianischen Klassiker zur Quelle der europäischen Philosophie wurden" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 62-67;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kultur des Schönen.
Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, 1736: Description de l’Empire de la Chine, Bd. 2, Paris: La Haye – Scheurleer.
Noël, F., 1711a: Sinensis imperii libri classici sex, Pragae: J. J. Kamenicky.
Noël, F., 1711b: Philosophia sinica: Tribus Tractatibus, Primo Cognitionem Primi Entis, Secundo Ceremonias erga Defunctos, Tertio Ethicam, Juxta Sinarum Mentem complectens, Pragae: J. J. Kamenicky.
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Fuchs, Christian, 2010: Christian Wolff und das China-Bild der Aufklärung, In: Christian Wolff und die europäische Aufklärung, Bd.5, S. 397-409, Hildesheim: Olms-Verlag.
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Lühmann, Werner, 2003: Konfuzius – aufgeklärter Philosoph oder reaktionärer Moralapostel? Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Meynard, Thierry, 2011: Confucius Sinarum Philosophus (1687) – The First translation of the Confucian Clas-sics, Roma, Institutum Historicum Societatis Jesu.
Mungello, D.E., 1977: The Search for Accord, University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.
Mungello, D. E., 1983: The first complete translation of the Confucian Four Books in the West. International symposium on Chinese western cultural interchange in commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the arrival of Matteo Ricci, S. J. (pp. 516-539), Taipei: Fu-Jen Catholic University.
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Standaert, Nicolas, 2008: The Interweaving of Rituals – Funerals in the Culture Exchange between China and Europe, University of Washington Press.
Claudia von Collani " Die Verwebung der Textkulturen: Wie die konfuzianischen Klassiker zur Quelle der europäischen Philosophie wurden" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 68-87;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Textkulturen, konfuzianischen Klassiker.
Henri Bernard (1938), „L’Encyclopédie astronomique du Père Schall. (Tch’ong-tcheng li-chou 崇禎曆書, 1629 et Si-yang sin-fa li-chou 西洋新法曆書, 1645). La réforme du calendrier chinois sous l’influence de Clavius, de Galilée et de Kepler“, Monumenta Serica III, 35-77; 441-527.
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Pingyi Chu, „Against Prognostication: Ferdinand Verbiest’s (1623–1688) Criticism to Chinese Man-tic Arts“, s. 8laIdN5h_Chu_Pingyi_-_VerbiestE28099s_Criticisms_to_Chinese_Mantic_Arts_282012-10-042C_Seoul29.pdf (12. Dezember 2012).
Chu Pingyi (1997), „Scientific Dispute in the Imperial Court: The 1664 Calendar Case“, Chinese Sci-ence 14, 7–34.
Claudia von Collani (1992), „Johann Adam Schall von Bell und die Naturwissenschaften in China“, Verbum SVD 33, 25–39.
Claudia von Collani (2011), „Miracles, Death and Devil: Natural and Supernatural Events between the Worlds as described in der Neue Welt-Bott“, in: Dirk Van Overmeire, Pieter Ackerman (ed.), About Books, Maps, Songs and Steles: the Wording and Teaching of the Christian Faith in China (Leuven Chinese Studies XXI) (Leuven) 200–227.
Claudia von Collani (2012), „From the Earthly Court to the Heavenly Court: the Death and Funeral of Tomás Pereira“, in: Artur K. Wardega, António Vasconcelos de Saldanha (eds.), In the Light and Shadow of an Emperor: Tomás Pereira, SJ (1645–1708), the Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China (Cambridge) 112–134.
Joseph Dehergne (1973), Répertoire des Jésuites de Chine de 1552 à 1800 (Paris, Rome).
Pasquale D’Elia (1960), Galileo in China. Relations Through the Roman College between Galileo and the Jesuit Scientist-Missionaries (1610–1640) (Cambridge, Mass.).
Keizo Hashimoto (1988), Hsü Kuang-ch'i and Astronomical Reform. The Process of the Chinese Acceptance of Western Astronomy 1629-1635 (Osaka).
Huang Yi-long, „Court Divination and Christianity in the K’ang-shi Era“, Chinese Science 10 (1991) 1-20.
Huang Yilong, Chang Chih-ch’eng (1996), „The Evolution and Decline of the Chinese Practice of Watching for the Ethers“, Chinese Science 13, 82–106.
Huang Yilong (1993), „L'attitude des missionnaires jésuites face à l'astrologie et à la divination chi-noises“; in: Catherine Jami et Hubert Delahaye (eds.), L'Europe en Chine. Interactions scientifiques, reli-gieuses et culturelles aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Actes du Colloque de la Fondation Hugot (14-17 octobre 1991) (Mémoires de l'Institut des Hautes Études chinoises vol. XXXIV) (Paris) 87–110.
Charles O. Hucker (1985), A Dictionary of official titles in imperial China (Stanford).
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Leonard Lessius (1617), De providentia Nvminis et Animi Immortalitate Libri Dvo aduersus Atheos & Politicos (Antwerpen).
Jean-Claude Martzloff (2003), „Calendriers“, in: Marc Kalinoswki, Divination et société dans la Chine mediéval: étude des manuscrits de Dunhuang de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France et de la British Library (Paris) 84–169.
Jean-Claude Martzloff (2009), Le calendrier chinois: structure et calculs (104 av. J.-C.–1644) (Paris).
Joseph Needham (1959), Science and Civilisation in China, Volume 3: Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth (Cambridge).
Rita Hsiao-fu Peng (1975), „The K’ang-hsi Emperor’s Absorption in Western Mathematics and Astronomy and his extensive Applications of Scientific Knowledge“, Bulletin of Historical Research 3, 1–74.
Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola (1506), De rerum praenotione libri novem pro veritate religionis contra superstitiosas vanitates (Straßburg).
Irène Pih (1979), Le Père Gabriel Magalhaes, un jésuite portugais en Chine au XVIIe siècle (Paris).
Matteo Ricci/Nicolas Trigault (1615), De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas suscepa […] (Augsburg).
Antonella Romano (2004), „Observer, vénérer, servir. Une polémique jésuite autour du Tribunal des mathématiques de Pékin“, Annales. Histoire, Sciences sociales 59, 729–756.
Antonio Sisto Rosso (1948), Apostolico Legations to China of the Eighteenth Century (South Pasadena).
Harald Siebert (2004), „Kircher and his Critics“, in: Paula Findlen (ed.), Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who knew everything (New York, London) 79–104.
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Siu Man-Keung (1995), „Success and failure of Xu Guangqi: Response for the first Dissemination of European Science in Ming China“, Studies in History of Medicine and Science 14:1-2, 137–179.
Sixtus V. (1586), Constitutio […] Sixti papae quinti contra exercentes Astrologiae Iudicariae artem & alia quaecunque divinationum genera librosque de eis legentes ac tenentes (Romae).
Richard Smith (1988), „Note on Qing Dynasty Calendars“, Late Imperial China 9, 123–145.
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Adam Tanner (1615), Astrologia Sacra: Hoc est Orationes et qvæstiones qvinqve, qvibvs explicatvr, an et qva ratione fas sit homini Christiano, de rebus occultis, præsertim futuris, ex astris iudicium ferre (Ingolstadt).
Alfons Väth, Johann Adam Schall von Bell S.J. Missionar in China, kaiserlicher Astronom und Ratgeber am Hofe von Peking 1592-1666 (Köln 1933) (Monumenta Serica Monograph Series XXV) (Nettetal, St. Augustin 19912).
Rudolf Wendorff (1993), Tag und Woche, Monat und Jahr. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Kalenders (Opladen 1993).
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P.J.S. Whitmore (1972), A Seventeenth-Century Exposure of Superstition: Select Texts of Claude Pithoys (1587–1676) (The Hague).
Erik Zürcher (2002), „In the Yellow Tiger's Den: Buglio and Magalhães at the Court of Zhang Xianzhong, 1644-1647“, Monumenta Serica L, 355–374.
Heiner Roetz " Die Aufklärung, Albert Schweitzer und Karl Jaspers. Zur vorübergehenden Entdeckung Chinas in den Zerreißkrisen der europäischen Zivilisation" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 88-98;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Albert Schweitzer, Karl Jaspers.
Gregor Paul " Überlegungen zum Konzept der logischen Schlussfolgerung in sinoasiatischen Versionen der von Dignāga (ca. 480-540) entwickelten Begründungstheorie" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 99-108;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, logischen Schlussfolgerung, Dignāga, Begründungstheorie.
Dietmar Schulz " Eisbrecher und Türöffner: Die schwierigen Anfänge der deutsch-chinesischen Beziehungen" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 109-116;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, deutsch-chinesische Beziehungen Beziehungen.
Martin Woesler " China – the new softpower: The global impact of her culture in historical macroperspective with special comparison to the US " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 117-124;
Abstract: Following her economic and military suc-cess as a hard superpower rivaling with the US, since 2007, China invests billions of dollars to become a soft superpower too. China’s success-ful third way (economical freedom and control of the minds) is attractive for other Asian semi-authoritarian nations and the number of Afri-can students in China rises. But her cultural charm offensive falls flat in the West and in Japan, because people worldwide feel more attracted by American freedom and way of life. The language policy with up to 1,000 Confucius Institutes and native Chinese teachers sent abroad is accepted by many countries, but the inner-Chinese language policy, to replace mi-nority languages by Chinese, reveals Chinese soft power’s true nature. Choosing between American non-sponsored and Chinese spon-sored culture, freedom wins people’s hearts over suppression as can be seen by the attrac-tiveness and acceptance of American culture and of the USA as the most popular country for exchange students.
Key words: China, US.
Fish 2011: Isaac Stone Fish, “China’s Failed Charm Offensive” in: Newsweek (1/19/2011),, visited 1 September 2013
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Nye/Wang 2009, Joseph S. Nye/Jisi Wang, „Hard decisions on soft power“, in: Harvard Interna-tional Review,, visited 1 September 2013
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 56 (2013) 125-161
2012 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 5-17;
Volker Klöpsch " Welchen Gewinn verspricht der Krieg? Überlegungen zu Sunzis Kunst des Krieges" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 18-26;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Krieg, Sunzi.
Gregor Paul " Notizen zur Kultur des Schönen in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 27-29;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kultur des Schönen.
Gregor Paul " Wie schöne Jade noch schöner wurde …" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 30-45;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Jade.
KO Kwok-Dye " Buddhismus in China (2)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 46-48;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Buddhismus.
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Vom großen Mongolensturm gegen das Abendland (2)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 49-50;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Mongolensturm, Abendland.
Hartmut Walravens " Julius Klaproth, Stanislas Julien und die Anfänge der europäischen Sinologie" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 51-58;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Julius Klaproth.
Wolfgang Runge " 40 Jahre diplomatische Beziehungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland – Volksrepublik China. Ein kritischer Rückblick" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 59-64;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesisch deutsche Beziehungen.
Hannspeter Hellbeck " China im Wandel" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 65-67;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Wandel.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 55 (2012) 68-87
2011 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 5-13;
Martin Gimm " Walther Stötzner, ein fast vergessener Thüringer Asienreisender in Tibet und China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 14-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Walther Stötzner.
von WALTHER STÖTZNER, hg. von Martin Gimm " Schwalbennestersuppe: Eine gastronomische Betrachtung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 19-21;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Schwalbennestersuppe.
Martin Gimm " Über Freundschaft und die Flüchtigkeit der Zeit" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 22-23;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Freundschaft.
Übersetzung von H. CONON v. d. GABELENTZ, Bearbeitet von Martin Gimm " Altchinesische Rechtsprechung nach einem Kapitel aus dem Roman Jin Ping Mei" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 24-32;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Rechtsprechung, Jin Ping Mei.
KO Kwok-Dye " Buddhismus in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 33-38;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Buddhismus.
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Vom großen Mongolensturm gegen das Abendland (1) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 39-47;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Mongolensturm.
Gregor Paul " Vom großen Mongolensturm gegen das Abendland (1) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 48-56;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Mongolensturm.
Gregor Paul " The Notion of Human Dignity in Intercultural Context " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 57-61;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Human Dignity, Intercultural.
Ames, R. T., und D. Hall, The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius and the Hope for Democracy in China, Chicago 1999.
Barr, M.D. (Hg.), Cultural Politics and Asian Values: The Tepid War, Routledge Advances in Asian-Pacific Studies 2002.
Blume, G., und Yamamoto, Modell China, Berlin 2002.
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de Bary, W. Th., und Tu Weiming (Hg.), Confucianism and Human Rights, New York 1998.
Holenstein, E., Vergleichende Kulturphilosophie. In: Ders., Kulturphilosophische Perspektiven, Frank-furt a. M. 1998, S. 346-371.
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Keown, D.V., Ch.S. Prebish und W.R. Husted (Hg.), Buddhism and Human Rights, Richmond 1998.
Kim Dae Jung, Is Culture Destiny? The Myth of Asia’s Anti-Democratic Values. In: Foreign Affairs, Bd. 73, Nr. 6, 1994, S. 189-194.
Lohmann, G., Kollektive Menschenrechte zum Schutz ethnischer Minderheiten? In: Rentsch, Th. (Hg.), Anthropologie, Ethik, Politik. Grundfragen der praktischen Philosophie der Gegenwart, Dresden 2004, S. 92-108.
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Mengzi. Eine Zusammenstellung der Menzius (4.-3. Jh. v.u.Z.) zugeschriebenen Lehren oder Tex-ten. Chin. Text und Übersetzung in: Die Lehren des Konfuzius, übers. und erläutert von Richard Wil-helm, Frankfurt a. M.: Zeitausendeins 2008, S. 665-1111.
Ommerborn, W., G. Paul und H. Roetz, Das Buch Menzius im Kontext der Menschenrechtsfrage, 2 Bde., Bochum u.a. 2011.
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Paul, G., Die Rede von asiatischen Werten und ihr Einfluß auf die Interpretation der Menschen-rechte, in: E. Klein und Ch. Menke (Hrsg.), Universalität – Schutzmechanismen – Diskriminierungsverbote: 15 Jahre Wiener Menschenrechtskonferenz, Berlin 2008, S. 46-61.
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Paul, G., Einführung in die Interkulturelle Philosophie, Darmstadt 2008.
Paul, G., Individuum, Gesellschaft und Menschenrechtsschutz im „konfuzianischen“ Kulturkreis, 1/1999, in: Mitteilungsblatt [der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft], S. 31-40.
Paul, G., Konfuzius und Konfuzianismus, Darmstadt 2010.
Paul, G., Konzepte der Menschenwürde in der klassischen chinesischen Philosophie, in: A. Siegetsleitner/N. Knoepffler (Hg.), Menschenwürde im interkulturellen Dialog. Freiburg i. Br. 2005, S. 67-89.
Paul, G., Kulturelle Identität, ein gefährliches Phänomen? Eine kritische Begriffsanalyse, in: T. Ogawa u.a. (Hg.), Interkulturelle Philosophie und Phänomenologie in Japan, München 1998, S. 113-138.
Paul, G., Menschenrechtsrelevante Traditionskritik in der Geschichte der Philosophie in China, in: G. Schubert (Hg.), Menschenrechte in Ostasien, Tübingen 1997, S. 75-108.
Paul, G., Motoori Norinagas (1730-1801) Selbstporträts und die Menzius-Skulptur der Ritsu-meikan-Universität: Japanische Menzius-Kritik und Menzius-Verehrung im Spiegel Bildender Kunst, in: Mitteilungsblatt [der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft] 01/2006, S. 45-60.
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Senger, H. von, Chinese Culture and Human Rights, in: W. Schmale (Hg.), Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, Goldbach 1993, S. 281-333.
Senger, H. von, Die UNO-Konzeption der Menschenrechte und die offizielle Menschenrechts-Position der Volksrepublik China, in: G. Paul (Hg.), Die Menschenrechtsfrage: Diskussion über China – Diskussion mit China, Göttingen 1998, S. 62-115.
Senger, H. von, From the Limited to the Universal Concept of Human Rights: Two Periods of Human Rights, in: W. Schmale (Hg.), Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, Goldbach 1993, S. 47-100.
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Xunzi. Eine Zusammenstellung der Xunzi (3.-2. Jh. v.u.Z.) zugeschriebenen Lehren oder Texten. Deutsche Übersetzung: Hsün-Tzu, ins Deutsche übertragen von Hermann Köster, Kaldenkirchen, 1967.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 54 (2011) 62-81
2010 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2011) 5-9;
Wolfgang Kubin " Niemand, der mich kennt. Konfuzius und der Himmel " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 10-13;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzius, Himmel.
KO Kwok-Dye† " Zhongjiao und die Religionen in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 14-20;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Zhongjiao, Religion.
Gregor Paul " Weitere Anmerkungen zum „Konfuzius-Fieber“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 21-22;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzius.
Martin Woesler " „The Red Chamber Dreams“: Zu westlichen Übersetzungen des Romantitels Honglou meng und zu einem neuentdeckten Rezeptionszeugnis" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 23-39;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, The Red Chamber Dreams.
Günter Zöller " Die Modernität der Alten. Christian Wolffs Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen im sino-europäischen Kontext " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 40-47;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Modernität, Philosophie.
Werner Handke " Kalkutta und Shanghai" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 48-52;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Kalkutta, Shanghai.
Martin Woesler " Zwei Essays von Lu Xun. In deutschsprachiger Erstübersetzung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 53-58;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Lu Xun.
Matthias Messmer " Zion in Fernost" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 70;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China,Zion.
Matthias Messmer " Brief an Präsident Ma" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 71-82;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Taiwan, Ma.
Marietta Stepanyants " Could Asian Values Transfer into Global Values?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 83-88;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Asian Values.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 53 (2010) 89-119
2009 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 5-9;
Heiner Roetz " China und die „Harmonische Gesellschaft“: Die Welt als Garten " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 10-17;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Harmonische Gesellschaft.
Dietmar Schulz " Als Fernseh-Journalist in China: Anmerkungen zur ZDF-Dokumentation „Flucht nach Shanghai“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 18-23;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Flucht nach Shanghai.
Matthias Messmer " Stadt ohne Seele: Das „Weisse Rössl“ ist bedroht – Schanghai zeigt nicht viel Sinn für sein „jüdisches Quartier“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 24-26;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Weisse Rössl.
Hartmut Walravens " Paris als Mekka deutscher Orientalisten im ersten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 27-41;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Paris.
Hans Lenk und Gregor Paul " Logic and Culture: Universally Valid Laws of Logical Form, and Culturally Determined Differences of Logic" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 42-58;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Logic, Culture.
Arnould, A. (1972): Die Logik oder die Kunst des Denkens [La Logique ou L’Art de penser]. Darmstadt 1972.
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Lenk, H. (2000a): “Warum fehlte Aristoteles die Metastufen-Methode. In die Objektsprache gerichtete (Hinunter-)Projektionen und das Fehlen von Metasprache sowie Metaregeln in der Aristotelischen bzw. traditionellen ‘westlichen’ Logik”. In: Öffenberger, N. – Skarica, M. (Eds.): Beiträge zum Satz vom Widerspruch und zur Aristotelischen Prädikationstheorie. Hildesheim. Pp. 71–87, 2000, (in Spanish “Por qué a Aristoteles le faltó el método de los metaniveles?”. In: Lenk, H. et al. Pp. 9-24, 2003).
Lenk, H. (2000b): “O hätte Aristoteles Panini gelesen… Über Metasprachen und Metaregeln in der Sprachlogik”. In: Existentia 10 (pp. 1–4, 141–147, 2000).
Lenk, H. (2003): “Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung der Begründung von logischen Urteilsformen”. In: Lenk, H. et al. (Eds.): Urteil, Erkenntnis, Kultur. Münster pp. 197-219, 2003.
Lenk, H. – Hegselmann, R. (1989): „Partikeln, logische“. In: Ritter, J. – Gründer, K. (Eds.): Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie, vol. 7. Basel – Stuttgart pp. 147-154, 1989.
Lin Cheng – Lionel Giles, Sun Tzu: The Art of War. Chin. and English. Taipei 1978.
Lorenz, K. (1961): Arithmetik und Logik als Spiele. Diss., Kiel University, 1961 (mimeographed).
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Lorenzen, P. – Lorenz, K. (1978): Dialogische Logik. Darmstadt 1978.
Lullus, R. (2002): Die neue Logik: Logica Nova (Lateinisch-Deutsch). Hösle, V. (Ed. and trans.) Darmstadt 2002.
Lunyu. See Legge and Schwarz.
McGrew, W. (2004): The Cultured Chimpanzee. Reflections on cultural primatology. Cambridge, UK – New York 2004.
Nyāyamukha. See Tucci 1930.
Nyāyapraveśa. See Tachikawa.
Paul, G. (1993): Philosophie in Japan. 1993.
Paul, G. (1994): “Argumente für die Universalität der Logik. Mit einer Darstellung äquivalenter Axiome aristotelischer Syllogistik, spätmohistischer Logik und buddhistischer Begründungstheorie”. In: Horin 1. München pp. 57–86, 1994.
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Gregor Paul " Ein Bilderbogen zum Bericht" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 63-66;
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Key words: China, Bilderbogen.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 52 (2009) 67-88
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Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 19-31;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischen Romane.
Martin Gimm " Das chinesische klassische Singspiel" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 32-39;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Singspiel.
Heinrich Geiger " Traditionelle Begriffe des Schönen in der Bildenden Kunst und Literatur Chinas " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 40-52;
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2008/2 pdf for download
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Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 12-21;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Lutz Bieg " Anmerkung zur Pagode der hundert Mädchen" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 22-23;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Pagode der hundert Mädchen.
Martin Gimm " Leben und Wirken von P. Adam Schall von Bell – chronologische Übersicht zu seinem zeitlichen Umfeld " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 24-44;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, P. Adam Schall von Bell.
Shu-Jyuan Deiwiks und Martin Gimm " Geheimakten zum Prozess gegen den Kölner Jesuitenpater Adam Schall v. Bell (1592-1666) ... " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 45-58;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Geheimakten, Adam Schall v. Bell.
Gregor Paul " Zur Relevanz der Novissima Sinica" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 59-60;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Novissima Sinica.
Gregor Paul " Christian Wolffs Oratio de Sinarum philosophia practica oder Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen: ein Beispiel der Aneignung „chinesischer“Philosophie durch die Aufklärung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 61-69;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Christian Wolffs, praktische Philosophie.
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Hannspeter Hellbeck " Chinas Außenpolitik" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 51 (2008) 69-75;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Außenpolitik.
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2007 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 6-12;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 13-24;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Thilo Diefenbach " Chinesische Literatur im Zeichen des ‚Aufschwungs’: Liu Jiming, Zhang Wei, Liu Qingbang und ihre Antwort auf die Großstadtliteratur " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 25-39;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Chinesische Literatur.
Martin Gimm " Teodorico Pedrini – ein italienischer Hofmusikus im Palast Kaiser Kangxis " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 40-49;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Teodorico Pedrini, Kangxi.
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Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Orient-und-Okzident-Preises, Ieoh Ming Pei.
Hanno Beck " Zu Josefine Huppertz’ Studien über die chinesische Seefahrt" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 53-54;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Josefine Huppertz, Seefahrt.
Wolfgang-Wilhelm Höpker " Was ist in China anders – und warum?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 50 (2007) 55-63;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China.
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Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 11-19;
Abstract: none.
Key words: chinesische Romane.
Thilo Diefenbach " Wang Chong und das Lunheng (III) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 20-34;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Wang Chong, Lunheng.
Wolfgang Ommerborn " Das Mengzi jiewen: Der Versuch des ersten Kaisers der Ming-Dynastie, die Menzianische Theorie humaner Poli-tik (renzheng)zu eliminieren" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 35-46;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Mengzi jiewen, Ming-Dynastie.
Gregor Paul " Motoori Norinagas (1730-1801) Selbstporträts und die Menzius-Skulptur der Ritsumeikan-Universität: Japanische Menzius-Kritik und Menzius-Verehrung im Spiegel Bildender Kunst" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 47-62;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Motoori Norinaga, Menzius-Skulptur.
Aston, W. G. (engl. Übers.), Nihongi, Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo: Tuttle 1972.
Bohner, Hermann, [Kitabatakes] Jinnō-Shōtō-ki, Das Buch von der wahren Gott-Kaiser-Herrschafts-Linie, 2 Bde., Tōkyō 1935 und 1939. Schließt die Übersetzung des Werks von Kitabatake Chikafusa ein.
Brownlee, John S., The Jeweled Comb-Box, Motoori Norinaga’s Tamakushige. In: Monumenta Nipponica 43:1, S. 36-61. Mit einer Übersetzung des Tamakushige.
Buck-Albulet, Heidi, Emotion und Ästhetik: Das „Ashiwake obune” – eine Waka-Poetik des jungen Motoori Norinaga im Kon-text dichtungstheoretischer Diskurse des frühneuzeitlichen Japan, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2005. Schließt ein umfangreiches Literaturverzeichnis ein.
Chamberlain, Basil Hall, “Motoori Norinaga, Tamakatsuma, in Auszügen übersetzt als ‘Notes by Motoori on Chinese and Japanese Art’“. TASJ, Vol. XII, Part III, 1884, S. 221-229.
De Bary, W. Th., Confucian Education in Premodern East Asia. In: Tu Wei-Ming (Hg.): Confucian Traditions in East Asian Modernity: Harvard University Press 1996, S. 21-37.
Dumoulin, Heinrich, Kamo Mabuchi, Ein Beitrag zur japanischen Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, Tôkyô: Sophia Universität (Monumenta Nipponica Monographs, Nr.8) 1943.
Hirata Atsutane, "Taido Wakumon: Es fragte einer nach dem Crossen Weg ..." Übers. von Wilhelm Schiffer, Monu-menta Nipponica Bd. 2 (1939), S. 212-36.
Kato Shuichi: A History of Japanese Literature 2, Tokyo u.a.: Kodansha 1983.
Kato Shuichi: Geschichte der japanischen Literatur, Bern, München: Scherz 1900.
Kokutai No Hongi: Cardinal Principles of the National Entity of Japan. Übers. von John Owen Gauntlett. Hg. und eingelei-tet von Robert King Hall, Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1949.
Kracht, Klaus, Japanese Thought in the Tokugawa Era. A Bibliography of Western Language Materials, Wiesbaden: Harrasso-witz 2000. Maruyama Masao, Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan, University of Tokyo Press 1974.
Matsumoto Shigeru, Motoori Norinaga, Cambridge: Harvard University Press 1970.
Mayr, Birgit, Das japanische Malerporträt in der späten Edo-Zeit (ca. 1750-1868). Frankfurt/Main: Lang 1998.
McMullen, James, Idealism, Protest, and the Tale of Genji: The Confucianism of Kumazawa Bazan (1619-91), Oxford: Clar-endon Press 1999.
Mitchell, Richard H., Thought Control in Prewar Japan, Ithaka: Cornell University Press 1976.
MNZ (1): Motoori Norinaga zenshū 本居宣長全集 [Gesamtausgabe der Werke Motoori Norinagas], 10 Bde., hg. von Motoori Seizō, Tokyo 1926-1927.
MNZ (2): Motoori Norinaga zenshū 本居宣長全集 [Gesamtausgabe der Werke Motoori Norinagas], 23 Bde., hg. von NKBT = Nihon koten bungaku taikei 日本古典文学大系, „Große Sammlung älterer japanischer Literatur”.
Ōno Susumu 大野晋und Ōkubo Tadashi大久保正, Tokyo 1968-1993.
Mōri Hisashi, Japanese Portrait Sculpture, trans. and adapted by W. Chie Ishibashi, Tokyo: Kodansha 1977.
Morris, Ivan, The Nobility of Failure, Toyko: Tuttle 1982.
Motoori kinenkan 本居記念館 (Hg.): Motoori kinenkan meibinzu-roku 本居記念館名品 図録, „Katalog des Motoori-Norinaga-Museums”, Matsusaka 松阪1994.
Motoori kinenkan 本居記念館 u.a. (Hg.), Nijūichi seiki no Motoori Norinaga, 21世紀の本居宣長, „Motoori Norinaga im 21. Jahrhundert”, Ōsaka 2004.
Motoori Norinaga, Ashiwake obune. Siehe Buck-Albulet (Übers.).
Motoori Norinaga, Kojiki-den, Book 1. Siehe Wehmeyer (Engl. Übers.).
Motoori Norinaga, Naobi no mitama. Siehe Stolte (Übers.) und Wehmeyer (Engl. Übers.).
Motoori Norinaga, Tamakatsuma. Siehe Chamberlain (Engl. Übers.) und Zachert (Übers.)
Motoori Norinaga, Tamakushige. Siehe Brownlee (Engl. Übers.) und Sato (Übers.).
Motoori Norinaga, Uiyamabumi. Siehe Nishimura Sey (Engl. Übers.).
Motoori Norinaga. Kritische Gesamtausgaben. Siehe MNZ (1) und MNZ (2).
Nishimura Sey, First Steps into the Mountains, Motoori Norinaga’s Uiyamabumi. In: Monumenta Nipponica 42:4, S. 450-493. Mit einer Übersetzung des Uiyamabumi.
Nosco, Peter (Hg.), Confucianism and Tukogawa Culture, Princeton University Press 1984.
Nosco, Peter, Masaho Zankō (1655-1742): A Shinto Popularizer between Nativism and National Learning. In: Nosco, Peter (Hg.), Confucianism and Tukogawa Culture, Princeton University Press 1984, S. 166-187.
Nosco, Peter, Remembering Paradise: Nativism and Nostalgia in Eighteenth Century Japan, Harvard University Press 1990.
Paul, Gregor, Der Mythos von der modernen Kunst, Wiesbaden: Steiner 1985.
Paul, Gregor, Zur Geschichte der Philosophie in Japan und zu ihrer Darstellung. 2. Aufl. Tokyo: OAG aktuell 1986. Schließt Übersetzungen von ideologisch relevanten Äußerungen Norinagas ein.
Paul, Gregor, Zur Literatur der Tokugawa-Zeit, Tokyo: OAG aktuell 1990. Schließt Übersetzungen von literaturtheore-tisch relevanten Äußerungen Norinagas ein.
Paul, Gregor:
Pfulb, Gerhard, Der Götterweg des Götterlandes und der Menschenweg des Menschenlandes. Spannungsfelder und Ungereimtheiten bei Matsuho Zankō im Japan des frühen 18. Jahrhunderts. Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung, Bd. 25, 2001, S. 83-110.
Pfulb, Gerhard, Soziale Ordnung als Problem. Auffassungen über soziale Ordnung im japanischen Konfuzianismus, 1660-1750, Bochum: Brockmeyer 1993.
Pollack, David, The Fracture of Meaning. Japan’s Synthesis of China from the Eighth through the Eighteenth Centuries, Princeton University Press 1986.
Sato-Diesner, Sigmara, Motoori Norinaga: Das Hihon-Tamakushige. Ein Beitrag zum politischen Denken der Kokugaku, Diss.: Universität Bonn 1977. Mit einer Übersetzung des Tamakushige.
Seckel, Dietrich, Das Porträt in Ostasien, Teil I: Porträt Typen. Teil III: Porträt-Funktionen. Heidelberg: Universitäts-buchhandlung C. Winter 1997 und 1999. Mit einer umfangreichen Bibliogaphie.
Stolte, Hans, Motoori Norinaga: Naobi no mitama: Geist der Erneuerung (Übers.). In: Monumenta Nipponica 2 (1939), S. 193-211.
Tsunoda Ryusaku u. a. (Hg.), Sources of Japanese Tradition (2 Bde.), New York und London: Columbia University Press 1964. Mit englischen Übersetzungen von Norinaga-Texten.
Ueda Akinari, Tales of Moonlight and Rain: Japanese Gothic Tales by Ueda Akinari. Übers. von Kengi Hamada, University of Tokyo Press 1971.
Ueda Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari: Tales of Moonlight and Rain, übers. von Leon Zolbrod. Tokyo: Tuttle 1977.
Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashi, Japanese Loyalism Reconstrued: Yamagta Daini’s Ryūshi shinron of 1759, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1995.
Wakabayashi, Bob Tadashi (Hg.), Modern Japanese Thought, Cambridge University Press 1998.
Wehmeyer, Ann (Übers. und Erläut.), Motoori Norinaga, Kojiki-den, Book 1, Ithaka: Cornell East Asia Series 1997. Schließt eine Übersetzung des Naobi mitama ein.
Wildman Nakai, Kate: The Naturalization of Confucianism in Tokugawa Japan: The Problem of Sinocentrism, Har-vard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Bd. 40, I, 1980, S. 157-199.
Yasumura Toshinobu, The Self-Portrait of Motoori Norinaga Aged Sixty-One with His Poetic Inscription.
Yoshikawa Kōjirō, Jinsai, Sorai, Norinaga, Tokyo: The Tōhō Gakkai 1983.
Zachert, Herbert, Das Tamakatsuma von Motoori Norinaga, Hammitsch-Festschrift, S. 705-710. Mit Übersetzungen autobiographischer Passagen, die sich auf Motooris Verhältnis zu Kamo Mabuchi beziehen
Paul U.Unschuld " Das Bu yi Lei gong pao zhi bian lan補益雷公炮制便覽Ein bislang unbekanntes chinesisches Arzneibuch aus dem Jahre 1591 " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 63-74;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Bu yi Lei gong pao zhi bian lan, Arzneibuch.
Von Hilde Dubber, hg. von Robert Günther " Aus der Familienchronik der Familie Marcks." Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 72-74;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Marcks.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 49 (2006) 75-117
2005/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 6-10;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane." Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 11-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Wolfgang Ommerborn " Religionen im alten China und die Haltung der Konfuzia-ner zur Religion bis zum Ende der Tang-Zeit (618-906)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 19-29;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Religionen, Tang-Zeit.
Josefine Huppertz " Die chinesische Hochseeflotte und die Ursache ihres Verbotes im Jahr 1424 (II) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 30-36;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Hochseeflotte.
Übersetzung: Fritz Jägers, hg. Hartmut Walravens " Das Vorwort zum Buch der wunderbaren Maschinen (1627) des P. Johannes Schreck S.J. (1576-1630)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 37-47;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, P. Johannes Schreck S.J..
Dietrich Neumann " An der lebenden Natur teilnehmen’ – Naturbeobachtung und Malkunst im Alten China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 48-63;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Malkunst, Altes China.
Mathias Messmer " Chinas muslimische Siedlungsräume – Zu Besuch in der Provinz Gansu und im Autonomen Gebiet Ningxia " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 64-67;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, muslimische Siedlungsräume, Gansu, Ningxia.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 68-81
2005/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 6-8;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 9-14;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Heiner Roetz " Revival des Konfuzianismus in China – Instrumentalisierung oder mehr?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 15-16;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzianismus.
Wolfgang Ommerborn " Wang Anshis (1021-1086) Rezeption des Menzius und der Theorie der Politik der Menschlichkeit (renzheng) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 17-26;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Wang Anshi, Menzius.
Thilo Diefenbach " Wang Chong und das Lunheng (II)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 27-32;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Lunheng, Wang Chong.
Josefine Huppertz " Die chinesische Hochseeflotte und die Ursache ihres Verbotes im Jahr 1424 (I)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 33-37;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Hochseeflotte.
Hartmut Walravens " Vom Nutzen der Erforschung der chinesischen botanischen Literatur. Mit einem Exkurs: Die Walnuss in China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 38-46;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Walnuss, botanischen Literatur.
Hannspeter Hellbeck " 26 Jahre Reform: China und seine Zukunft " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 47-53;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Zukunft.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 48 (2005) 54-#
2004/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 10-12;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 13-16;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Konrad Wegmann " Daode jing, Laozi und Han Fei" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 17-28;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Daode jing.
Hartmut Walravens " Zur frühen Kenntnis chinesischer Literatur in deutscher Sprache. Das Beispiel Wilhelm Schüler" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 29-41;
Abstract: none.
Key words: #Key words text#.
Hartmut Walravens und Martin Woesler " Die Geschichte des Steins, auch bekannt unter Franz Kuhns Paraphrase Der Traum der Roten Kammer. Vorabdruck von Rainer Schwarz’ Übertragung des 18. Kapitels." Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 42-59;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Der Traum der Roten Kammer.
Zur Rotforschung: 《红学风雨》, 杜景华著, 长江文艺出版社, 2002年2月, 16元 (Über-blick über die Rotforschung im 20. Jh.).
Zu Franz Kuhn: Dr. Franz Kuhn (1884-1961) – Lebensbeschreibung und Bibliographie seiner Werke mit einem Anhang unveröffentlichter Schriften, bearbeitet von Hatto Kuhn, Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden 1980.
Zur Rezeption [in Planung]: M.W., Literatur historische und rezeptionsästhetische Analyse des Traums der Roten Kammer.
Paul U. Unschuld " SARS – Das China-Lehrstück " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 60-64;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, SARS.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 65-97
2004/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 6-11;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 12-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: #Key words text#.
Volker Klöpsch " Der Übersetzer als Verräter? Wider die Mär von der Unübersetzbarkeit chinesischer Dichtung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 19-28;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Übersetzer, Unübersetzbarkeit chinesischer Dichtung.
Thilo Diefenbach " Liu Qingbang: „Die Glückskarten“" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 29-37;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Liu Qingbang.
Thilo Diefenbach " Wang Chong und das Lunheng (I)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 38-44;
Abstract: none.
Key words: #Key words text#.
Gregor Paul " Der Anspruch auf Allgemeingültigkeit in der Ethik des so genannten klassischen Konfuzianismus " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 45-52;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzianismus, Allgemeingültigkeit, Ethik.
Hanfeizi. Liao, W. K. (Übers.) 1959: The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzü, 2. Bde., London: Probsthain.
Mögling, Wilmar (Übers.) 1994: Die Kunst der Staatsführung: Die Schriften des Meisters Han Fei, Leipzig: Kiepen-heuer.
Lunyu. Wilhelm, Richard (Übers.) 1989: Kungfutse. Gespräche. Lun Yü. Düsseldorf: Diederichs, Neuausgabe.
Menzius oder Mengzi.
Lau, D. C. (Übers.) 1970: Mencius, London: Penguin Books.
Legge, James (Übers.) 1983: The Works of Mencius [Mengzi] [Chinesisch u. Engl.]. In: ders.: The Chinese Classics, Vol. II, Nachdruck Taipei: Southern Materials Center.
Ware, James R. (Übers.) 1971: The Sayings of Mencius [Chinesisch u. Engl.], Taipeh: Confucius Publishing Corporation.
Wilhelm, Richard (Übers.) 1982: Mong Dsi [Mengzi, Menzius]: Die Lehrgespräche des Meisters Meng K’o, Neuaus-gabe Köln: Diederichs.
Zhao Zentao u.a. (Übers.) 1993: Mencius [Chinesisch, modernes Chines., Engl.], ohne Ortsangabe: Shandong Friendship Press.
Paul, Gregor 1999: „Menschenrechtsrelevante Traditionskritik in der Geschichte der Philosophie in China“. In: Menschenrechte in Ostasien, hg. von G. Schubert, Tübingen, Mohr-Siebeck, S. 75-108. Ders. 2001: Konfuzius, Freiburg: Herder. Ders. 2002: „Identifikation und Verstehen des Normativen in der Lektüre ‚konfuzianischer’ Texte. Das Konzept moralischer Autonomie.“ In: Hōrin 9/2002, S. 69-89. Ders. 2003: Argumente gegen den Kulturalismus in der Menschenrechtsfrage. Information Philosophie 05/2003, S. 54-61. Ders. 2004: Konzepte der Menschenwürde in der klassi-schen chinesischen Philosophie.
Roetz, Heiner 1992: Die chinesische Ethik der Achsenzeit, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp.
Xiaojing. The Sacred Books of the East: The Texts of Confucianism, vol. III, part I: The Shu King, The Religious Portions of the Shih King, The Hsiao King, translated by James Legge, 2nd edition, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899, p. 465-488.
Xunzi. A Translation and Study of the Complete Works, Volume I, Books 1-6, by John Knoblock. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California, 1988. Copyright 1988 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.
Karl-Heinz Pohl " Fragen zu Gregor Pauls Konfuzianismus-Thesen " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 53-56;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Konfuzianismus, Gregor Paul.
LU Peng " Der Bereich von rong – Eine Skizze des traditionellen chinesischen Rechts" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 57-64;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesisches Recht.
Martin Woesler " Denken Chinesen schneller als Deutsche? Faszinosum chinesische Sprache und Schrift" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 65-74;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesisches Schrift, chinesische Sprache.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 47 (2004) 75-100
2003/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 7-9;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. Sechste Folge" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 10-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Hartmut Walravens " Zur frühen Kenntnis chinesischer Literatur in deutscher Sprache" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 19-25;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Literatur.
Martin Woesler " Parallelen und Unterschiede zwischen chinesischer und deutscher Literatur. Einflüsse und Abgrenzungen" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 26-31;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Literatur, deutsche Literatur.
Paul Unschuld " Funde im Staub der Geschichte Shanghais. Die Reisepässe der Ruth Meyer und der Maria Friedberg" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 32-42;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Ruth Meyer, Maria Friedberg.
Hannspeter Hellbeck " Herausforderungen und Perspektiven für Chinas Stabilität" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 43-50;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Chinas Stabilität.
Harald Holz " Größtmögliche Harmonie und vollendetster Organismus" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 51-58;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Harmonie, vollendetster Organismus.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 59-81
2003/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 7-11;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane." Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 12-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Martin Woesler " Zum Chinabild in der deutschen – zum Deutschlandbildin der chinesischen Literatur Teil II " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 19-40;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischen Literatur, deutsche Literatur.
Willy Richard Berger, China-Bild und Chi-na-Mode im Europa der Aufklärung, Köln, Wien 1990
Qixuan Heuser, Das China-Bild in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der achtziger Jahre. Die neuen Rezeptionsformen und Rezeptionshaltungen, Diss. Fribourg 1996
Thomas Lange: "China als Metapher. Ver-such über das Chinabild des deutschen Romans im 20. Jahrhundert." in Zeitschrift für Kulturaustausch 36 1986 Bd. 3 Wech-selseitige Bilder. Das Eigene im Fremden, Chinesen über Deutsche, Deutsche über Chinesen, S. 341-349
Literaturstraße. Chinesisch-deutsches Jahrbuch für Sprache, Literatur und Kultur 3 (2002), hrsg. von Zhang Yushu, Hans-Georg Kemper, Horst Thomé
Ingrid Schuster: Vorbilder und Zerrbilder: China und Japan im Spiegel der deutschen Literatur 1773-1933. Ein Beitrag zur kom-paratistischen Imagologie, Frankfurt a.M. u.a. 1992
Sun Ying: Wandlungen des europäischen Chinabildes in illustrierten Reiseberichten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts, Frankfurt a.M. 1996
Zhang Yushu: "Deutschlandbilder in Chi-na und Chinabilder in Deutschland unter sich wandelnden Bedingungen. Zur Ver-änderbarkeit nationaler Fremdstereotypen druch Literatur, in Praxis interkulturelle Germanistik. Forschung - Bildung - Politik. Beiträge zum II. Internationalen Kongreß der Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Germa-nistik, Straßburg 1991, hrsg. von Bernd Thum, Gontier-Louis Fink München 1993, S. 701-711
Shi Ming " Laozi, Kungfu-Romane, Liebespop und Internetgeflüster– Chinas Annäherung an westliche Urbanität " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 41-46;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Laozi, Kungfu-Romane, westliche Urbanität.
Matthias Messmer " Das ABC der ‚ABC‘: Chinesen in den USA – von ‚Aussätzigen‘ zu ‚Respektierten‘?" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 47-49;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Asian-Americans, kulturelle Identät, Ausgrenzung, Chinesen in den USA, ABC.
Harald Holz " Größtmögliche Harmonie und vollendetster Organismus.Teil II " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 50-56;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Harmonie, Organismus.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 46 (2003) 57-89
2002/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 6-11;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. Vierte Folge" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 12-15;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Hartmut Walravens " Die ersten deutschen Übertragungen von Gedichten Xu Zhimos" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 16-24;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Xu Zhimos, Literatur.
Lu Xiutian " Über die unterschiedlichen Denkweisen des Ostens und des Westens" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 25-31;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Denkweise, Osten, Westen.
Hannspeter Hellbeck " Chinas Außenpolitik vor neuen Herausforderungen " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 32-40;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Außenpolitik.
Gregor Paul " Die Rolle des Arguments in der Menschenrechtsdebatteum China" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 41-52;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Menschenrecht.
Josefine Huppertz " Die Seeexpeditionen des kaiserlich-chinesischen Admirals Cheng Ho" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 53-55;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Cheng Ho, Seeexpeditionen.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 56-86
2002/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 4-8;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. Fünfte Folge " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 9-19;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Peter Weber-Schäfer " „Esoterik“ und Wissenschaft: Interpretationen Ostasiens" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 20-29;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Esoterik, Wissenschaft, Interpretationen.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 45 (2002) 30-66
2001/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 6-26;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. Zweite Folge " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 27-32;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Werner Neite " Triumph des Visuellen. „Die Päonienlaube“ (Mudan Ting) in ungekürzter, traditioneller Fassung im Westen aufgeführt " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 33-35;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Mudan Ting.
Hartmut Walravens " Die ersten Übersetzungen chinesischer Lyrik ins Lettische" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 36-39;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Lettisch, Übersetzungen.
Helmolt Vittinghoff " Original und Fälschung in der chinesischen Geistesgeschichte " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 40-44;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Geistesgeschichte.
Josefine Huppertz " Innerasien – Wiege der Weltherrschaft einst und jetzt " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 45-48;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Innerasien.
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Das älteste Datum Chinas und archäologische Kurznachrichten " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 49-53;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, älteste Datum Chinas, archäologische Kurznachrichten.
Martin Woesler " Moderne chinesische Literatur. 13. Konferenz der Europäischen Vereinigung für Chinawissenschaften 2000 in Turin " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 54-59;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Moderne chinesische Literatur, Chinawissenschaften.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 60-110
2001/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 1-7;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane. Dritte Folge" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 8-10;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesischen Romane.
Thilo Diefenbach " Falun Gong. Herkunft und Hintergründe einer chinesischen Massenbewegung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 11-16;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Falun Gong.
Martin Woesler " China-Bilder in Filmen, Videos und DVDs" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 17-22;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Filme, Video, DVD.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 44 (2001) 23-44
2000/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 6-17;
Robert Haas " Der chinesische Grabkult " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 18-30;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Grabkult.
Wilhelm Matzat " Emil Krebs (1867 - 1930), das „Sprachwunder“, Dolmetscher in Peking und Tsingtau" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 31-47;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Emil Krebs.
Personalakte Emil Krebs im Politischen Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes.
Lessing, Ferdinand: Emil Krebs. In: Ostasiatische Rundschau 1930, S.266-67
Gutmann, Heinrich: Ein Kopf und hundert Zungen. In: Berliner Illustrirte Zeitung, Nr. 22, 1930, S. 979-82 (mit Foto)
Erkes, Eduard: Emil Krebs. In: Litterae orientales Nr. 46 (Leipzig 1931), S. 13-14
Ruge, Helmut: Der Mann, der neunzig Sprachen beherrschte. Leben und Sterben des kaiserlichen Legationsrats Krebs. In: Christ und Welt, 15. Jhg., Nr. 23, 8.6.1962, S.17-19
Deneke, Toni: Das Sprachenwunder. In memoriam Emil Krebs. (9 Bll., maschinenschr. Manu-skript. Leipzig, Okt. 1967) (Frau Deneke war die Schwester von Frau Krebs.)
Stamm, Charlotte-Luise: Zum 100. Geburtstag von Legationsrat Emil Krebs am 15. 11. 1967. (4 Bll., maschinenschr. Manuskript.) (Frau Stamm war die Stieftochter von Krebs.)
Bierbaum, Otto Julius: Studentenbeichten. München 1892
Franke, Otto: Erinnerungen aus zwei Welten. Berlin 1954
Edith Freifrau von Maltzan: Briefe aus China an ihre Eltern Hermann und Carola Gruson, sowie Tagebuch-aufzeichnungen 1914-1917. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt und bearbeitet von Edith von Bohlen und Halbach, geb. von Maltzan. 235 S. Privatdruck Essen 1987
Glasenapp, Helmuth von: Meine Lebensreise. Wiesbaden 1964
Gustav von Bohlen und Halbach: Briefe an die Mutter Sophie von Bohlen und Halbach. 1900-1903. Aus dem Englischen übersetzt und bearbeitet von Edith von Bohlen und Halbach, geb. von Maltzan. 286 S. Privatdruck Essen 1984
Hentig, Werner Otto von: Mein Leben, eine Dienstreise. Göttingen 1962
Heyking, Elisabeth von: Tagebücher aus vier Weltteilen. Leipzig 1926
Matzat, Wilhelm: Die Tsingtauer Landordnung des Chinesenkommissars Wilhelm Schrameier. Bonn 1985
Matzat, Wilhelm: Neue Materialien zu den Aktivitäten des Chinesenkommissars Wilhelm Schram-eier. Bonn 1998
Martin Gimm " Eine Inschrift zum Meditationsbuddhismus aus der Zeit um 760 von LI HUA (ca. 695 – ca. 769) " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 48-53;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Meditationsbuddhismus, LI HUA.
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Archäologische Kurznachrichten aus der Volksrepublik China " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 54-59;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Archäologische Kurznachrichten.
Martin Woesler " Bericht vom 52. internationalen Jahrestreffen der Vereinigung für Asienstudien (AAS)" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 60-62;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Vereinigung für Asienstudien.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 63-83
2000/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 5-12;
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Welt der chinesischen Romane" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 13-18;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, chinesische Romane.
Natascha Vittinghoff " Der chinesische Literaturnobelpreisträger Gao Xingjian: ein sino-französischer Autor in Bewegung" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 19-23;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Gao Xingjian.
Reinhart Dietrich " China im Umbruch und die Rolle der Armee – Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 24-32;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Armee.
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Archäologische Kurznachrichten aus der Volksrepublik China " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 33-35;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Archäologische Kurznachrichten.
Martin Woesler " Der moderne chinesische literarische Essay - Chinesische Identität im 20. Jahrhundert" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 36-40;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, moderne chinesische literarische Essay.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 43 (2000) 41-60
1999/1 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 5-15;
Rüdiger Machetzki " Krise(n) in Asien – Anmerkungen zum Unerwarteten" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 16-22;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Krise.
Josefine Huppertz " Professor Dr. Hermann Köster – Ku Juo-yü (Gu Ruoyu) 1904 – 1978" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 23-30;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Hermann Köster.
Gregor Paul " Individuum, Gesellschaft und Menschenrechtsschutz im „konfuzianischen“ Kulturkreis" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 31-40;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Menschenrechtsschutz, Konfuzius.
Karl-Heinz Pohl " Chinesische Welt und westliche Welt – Ansatz zu einem Dialog über eine Ethik " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 41-47;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Ethik, westliche Welt.
Guido Rappe " Philosophischer Daoismus – Ein Beitrag zum Verständnis chinesischer Kultur " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 48-56;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Daoismus, Philosophie.
Martin Woesler " Chinesische Essayistik" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 57-71;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Essayistik.
A Ying 1935 - A Ying (Hg.): Xiandai shiliu jia xiaopin (16 moderne Essayisten), Shanghai 1935
Adorno 1958 - Theodor W. Adorno: „Der Essay als Form“, in: Noten zur Literatur I, Frankfurt/M. 1958
Ba Jin 1956 - Ba Jin: „Unabhängig denken“ 1956, S. 461 - 462, hier S. 462, deutsche Übers. siehe M.W.: Ausgewählte chinesische Essays des 20. Jahrhunderts in Übersetzung 1998, S. 47 - 48
Berger 1964 - Bruno Berger: Der Essay. Form und Geschichte, Bern: A. Francke 1964, 284 S.
Berndt 1985 - Jürgen Berndt et al.: Ostasiatische Literaturen, Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut 1985
Bolz 1992 - Norbert Bolz: "Essay", in: Walther Killy (Hg.): Literaturlexikon, 15 Bde, München: Bertelsmann 1992, hier Bd 13, 511 S., S. 269 - 272
Buch der Dokumente (=Shujing) - B. Karlgren: The Book of Documents, in: Bulletin of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities 22 (1950), S. 1 - 81
Butrym 1989 - Alexander J. Butrym: "Introduction", in Butrym (Hg.): Essays on the Essay - Redifining the Genre, Athens etc.: The University of Georgia Press 1989
Chai/Chai 1965 - Chai Ch'iu, Winberg Chai (Übers.): A Treasury of Chinese Literature: A New Prose Anthology Including Fiction and Drama, New York: Appleton Century, 1965
Chen 1965 - Chen Zhu: Zhongguo sanwen shi (Geschichte des chinesischen Essays), Taipeh 1965
Denton 1996 - Kirk A. Denton (Hg.): Modern Chinese Literary Thought. Writings on Literature 1893 - 1945, Stanford University Press 1996, 554 S.
Encyclopaedic Dictionary 1966 - The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of The Chinese Language 1966, Bd 4, 931c.
Gernet 1972 - Gernet, Jacquet: Le monde chinois, Paris: Librairie Armand Colin 1972, deutsche Übers.: Die chinesische Welt, Frankfurt/M.: Insel 1979, hier deutsche Fassung S. 217, 232, 259 - 260, 262
Großes chinesisches Lexikon - Hanyu da cidian (Großes chinesisches Lexikon), Shanghai: Hanyu da cidian chubanshe (Großer chinesischer Lexikonverlag) 1990.6
Han Yu : „Shi shuo“ - Han Yu : „Shi shuo“ (Über den Lehrer), Wiederabdruck in Renditions 8 (1977, Herbst) S. 152, eng-lische Übers. von Shih Shun Liu u.d.T. „On the Teacher“, in: Renditions 8 (1977, Herbst), S. 78 - 79
Han Yu: „Zashuo si“ - Han Yu: „Zashuo si“ (Vierter vermischter Essay), Wiederabdruck in Renditions 8 (1977, Herbst) S. 152, englische Übers. von Shih Shun Liu u.d.T. „The Thousand-li Horse“, in: Renditions 8 (1977, Herbst), S. 77
Jin 1993 - Jin Yong in: H. Martin, Stefan Hase-Bergen (Hgg.): Bittere Träume. Selbstdarstellungen chinesischer Schriftsteller, Bonn: Bouvier 1993, 460 S.
Knoblock 1988 - John Knoblok (Hg., Übers.): Xunzi - A Translation and Study of the Complete Works, 3 Bde, Stanford: Stanford University Press 1988
Krebsová 1974 - Berta Krebsová: „Essayistik“, in: Wolfgang Franke (Hg.): China Handbuch, Düsseldorf: Bertelsmann 1974
Li 1985 - Li Fengmao: "Vorwort" in: ders. et al. (Hgg.): Zhongguo xiandai wenxue xuanxi (Auswahlkompendium der modernen chinesischen Literatur), Taipeh: Chang'an chubanshe (Chang'an-Verlag) 1985
Lin 1919 - Lin Shu : „Yaomeng“ (Alptraum), in: Xin shenbao (Neue Shanghaier Nachrichten) (18.-21.3.1919); englische Übers. in: Denton 1996, S. 146 - 150
Long 1987 - Long Hai: „Jiantan woguo sanwen chuantong“ (Über die vaterländischen Traditionen des Essays), in: Sanwen (Essays) (1987.5), S. 43
Lu Xun 1918 - Tang Si [Lu Xun]: „Wo zhi jielieguan“ (Meine Meinung über die Opfer der Keuschheit), in: Xin qingnian (Neue Jugend) Bd 5 (1918.8, Heft 2) Lu Xun 1925 - Lu Xun: „Der Drachen - das neunte Kapitel von 'Wilde Gräser'“ 1925
Lu Xun 1926 - Lu Xun: Huagai ji (Sammlung Unglückbringender Stern), 1926.6 Lu Xun 1934 - Lu Xun: „Die Krise des freien Essays“ 1934, deutsche Übers. siehe M.W.: Ausgewählte chinesische Essays des 20. Jahrhunderts in Übersetzung 1998, S. 1 - 4
Lu Xun 1994 - Lu Xun: Gesamtausgabe der zawen 1994, Wiederabdruck in: Lu Xun: Gesamtausgabe der zawen 1994, deutsche Übers. siehe M.W.: Ausgewählte chinesische Essays des 20. Jahrhunderts in Übersetzung 1998
Lucács 1911 - Georg von Lucács: Die Seele und die Formen, Berlin 1911, hier S. 26
Luo Dajing 1240 – Luo Dajing: Helin yulu (Kranichwald und Jadetau), in: Baibu congshu (Buchreihe mit 100 Abteilungen) tao 14, Baihai (Unbedeutendes Meer), ce 1, 1240 [?]
Morohashi, Tetsuji: Wörterbuch - Morohashi, Tetsuji: Großes chinesisches Wörterbuch o.J., Bd 5, S. 529 a, durchgehende Seitenzählung S. 5167a
Müller Saini 1993 - Gotelind Müller Saini: Buddhismus und Moderne: Ouyang Jingwu, Taixu und das Ringen um ein zeitgemäßes Selbstverständnis im chinesischen Buddhismus des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, Stuttgart: Steiner 1993, Münchener Ostasiatische Studien, 63
Müller-Funk 1995 - Wolfgang Müller-Funk: Erfahrung und Experiment - Studien zu Theorie und Geschichte des Essayismus, Ber-lin: Akademie-Verlag 1995, 312 S.
Nienhauser 1973 - W.H. Nienhauser jr. et al.: Liu Tsung-yüan, New York 1973
Nienhauser 1988: William H. Nienhauser Jr.: "Prose", in: ders.: The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Second Revised Edition (Bloomington 1985) Taiwan Edition, Taipeh: Nantian shuju youxian gongsi (SMC Publishing Inc.) 1988.5, 1050 S., S. 93 - 120
No! 1996 - Zhongguo keyi shuo bu - lengzhan hou shidai de zhengzhi yu qinggan jueze (China kann Nein sagen! - Möglichkeiten für Politik und Gefühle in der Periode nach dem Kalten Krieg), Peking: Zhonghua gongshang lianhe chubanshe (Chinesischer Industrie- und Handelsverlag) 1996
Plutarch 1927 – „On Tranquillity of Mind“, griechischer Text Abschnitt 464 F 1, Bd 6, S. 166, englische Übersetzung Babbitt: Plutarch's Moralia 1927, Bd 6, S. 167
Prek 1957 - Jaroslav Prek: „Subjectivism and Individualism in Modern Chinese Literature“, S. 1 - 28, in: Archiv Orientalni, 25: 2 (1957), S. 261 286.
Qin 1993 - Qin Kangzong (Hg.): Zhongguo sanwen cidian (Lexikon des chinesischen Essays), Peking: Beijing chubanshe (Peking-Verlag) 1993.1, 584 S.
Rohner 1967 - Ludwig Rohner: Der deutsche Essay - Materialien zur Geschichte und Ästhetik einer literarischen Gattung, Neuwied, Berlin: Luchterhand 1967, 927 S.
Rohner 1967 - Rohner: Der deutsche Essay - Materialien zur Geschichte und Ästhetik einer literarischen Gattung, Neuwied, Berlin: Luchterhand 1967, 927 S.
Schmidt-Glintzer 1990 - Hellwig Schmidt-Glintzers Geschichte der chinesischen Literatur, Bern etc.: Scherz 1990, 686 S.
Shi 1935 - Shi Wei (Hg.): Xiaopinwen jianghua (Essaydiskussion), Shanghai 1935 Shiji - Shiji (Aufzeichnungen des Großhistorikers)
Tu 1974/75 - Ching-yi Tu: „The Chinese Examination Essay. Some Literary Considerations“, in: Monumenta Serica 31 (1974/75)
Wang 1982 - Wang Meng: „Yi ge zhide tantao de wenti“ (Ein Problem, das Untersuchung und Erörterung verdient), in: Dushu (Leen) (1982.11.10, Heft 11)
Wang 1989 - Wang Meng: „Wangque de meili“ (Der Charme des Vergessens), in: Renmin wenxue (Volksliteratur) (1989.5.3, Heft 5), deutsche Übers. von M.W. in: ders.: Moderne chinesische Essayistik 1995, Anhang, S. 6 - 8, hier S. 6
Wolff 1971 - Ernst Wolff: Chou Tso jen, New York: Twayne Publishers 1971, 152 S. (Reihe Twayne's World Author Series Bd 184)
Wörtermeer 1979 - Cihai (Wörtermeer), Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe (Shanghaier Lexikonverlag) 1979
Wörtermeer 1993 - Cihai (Wörtermeer), Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe (Shanghaier Lexikonverlag) 81993.6, 2572 S.
Xunzi - Xunzi, Bd 1, Buch 1, Abschnitt 3, englische Übers. siehe Knoblock 1988
Yasuoka, Hideo 1926 - Yasuoka, Hideo: Der chinesische Nationalcharakter, wie er im Roman erscheint, Tõkyõ: Shuhookaku 1926.4
Yu 1963 - Yu Guangzhong: „Jiandiao sanwen de bianzi“ (Dem Essay den Zopf abschneiden), Wiederabdruck in: Wenxing (Literaturstern) 68 (1963.6.1)
Zheng 1932 - Zheng Zhenduo: Chatuben Zhongguo wenxue shi (Bebilderte chinesische Literaturgeschichte), Peking: 1932
Zhong 1935 - Zhong Jingwen: „Shi tan xiaopinwen“ (Ein Versuch über den Essay), in: A Ying 1935
Zhou 1925 - Zhou Zuoren: „Hei beixin“ (Schwarze Westen), in: Yu si (Wortfäden) (15.6.1925, Heft 31), S. 11
Zhou 1926 - Zhou Zuoren: „Der chinesische Nationalcharakter - eine japanische Sicht“, 1926 [?], englische Übers. von Richard Rigby u.d.T. „The Chinese National Character - A Japanese View“, in: Renditions 26 (1986, Herbst), S. 95 - 96
Zhou 1929 - Zhou Zuoren: Zhou Zuoren: "Guo ai ri" (Nationalfeiertag), in: Zhou Zuoren: Über Tiger 1929, S. 205 - 206
Zhou 1932 - Zhou Zuoren : Zhongguo xin wenxue de yuanliu (Der Ursprung der modernen chinesischen Literatur), Beiping 1932
Zhou 1934 - Zhou Zuoren : „Gui de shenchang“ (Das Altern von Geistern), in: Ye du chao (Notizen bei der Nachtlektüre), Shanghai: Beixin shuju (Neuer Buchladen des Nordens) 1934, S. 252 - 260, deutsche Übersetzung u.d.T. In tiefer Nacht ge-schrieben. Auswahl Leipzig 1981
Zhu 1953 - Zhu Ziqing: „Xin Zhongguo zai wang zhong“ (Das Neue China im Blick), in: Zhu Ziqing. Werke 1953, Bd 3, S. 837 - 838
Karl Wulff " China, Europäische Aufklärung und Französische Revolution " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 72-78;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Europäische Aufklärung, Französische Revolution.
Martin Gimm " Nalan Xingde (1655 – 1685) – Zwanzig Gedichte" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 79-84;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Nalan Xingde.
W. Atwell (1998), Ming China and the emerging world economy, in: The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 8, pt. 2, D. Twitchett u. F.W. Mote, Hrsg., Cambridge, 376-416.
W.R. Berger (1990), China-Bild und China-Mode im Europa der Aufklärung, Köln u. Wien (Böhlau Vlg.).
E. Boutmy (1964), Die Erklärung der Menschen- und Bürgerrechte u. Georg Jellinek, in: Zur Ge-schichte der Erklärung der Menschenrechte, R. Schnur, Hrsg., Darmstadt, 78-112.
F. Brüggemann (1930), Hrsg., Das Weltbild der deutschen Aufklärung, Leipzig. W.-T. Chan (1973), A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, 4. Auflg., Princeton, NJ.
Ch. Cullen (1996), Astronomy and mathematics in ancient China: The Zhou bi suan jing, Cambridge.
D.W.-Y. Dai (1979), Confucius and Confucianism in the European Enlightment, Diss. Univ. Illinois, Urba-na, Univ. Microfilms Int., Ann Arbor, MI u. London.
R. Dawson (1967), The Chinese Chameleon, an analysis of European conceptions of Chinese civilization, Lon-don, New York, Toronto.
Daxue, in: Confucius, J. Legge, Übers., New York 1971, Repro. der Ausg. von 1893.
O. Ewald (1924), Die französische Aufklärungsphilosophie, München.
W. Franke (1962), China und das Abendland, Göttingen.
G. Franz (1964), Hrsg., Staatsverfassungen, Eine Sammlung wichtiger Verfassungen der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in Urtext und Übersetzung, 2. Auflg., München.
J. Gernet (1985), Die chinesische Welt, 7.-9. Tsd., Frankfurt (Main).
J. Gernet (1997), Die ersten chinesischen Reaktionen auf die europäische Kultur, in: Oriens Extre-mus 40, 1-15.
H. von Glasenapp (1985), Die Philosophie der Inder, 4. Auflg., Stuttgart.
R. Huang (1988), The Lung-ch’ing and Wan-li reigns, 1567-1620, in: The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 8, pt. 1, F.W. Mote u. D. Twitchett, Hrsg., Cambridge, 511-584.
Lunyü: Kungfutse, Gespräche, R. Wilhelm, Übers., 25.-27. Tsd., Düsseldorf u. Köln,1974; Confucius, J. Legge, Übers., New York, 1971, Repro. der Ausg. von 1893.
M. Lyons (1975), France under the Directory, Cambridge.
D. E. Mungello (1977), Leibniz and Confucianism: The search for accord, Honolulu.
H. G. Nesselrath u. H. Reinbothe (1979), Hrsg. u. Übers., Novissima Sinica von G.W. Leibniz, Köln.
W. Peterson (1998), Confucian learning in late Ming thought, in: The Cambridge History of China, Vol. 8, pt. 2, D. Twitchett u. F.W. Mote, Hrsg., Cambridge, 708-788.
A. Reichwein (1923), China und Europa, geistige und künstlerische Beziehungen im 18. Jahrhundert, Berlin.
G. Ritter (1964), Ursprung und Wesen der Menschenrechte, in: Zur Geschichte der Erklärung der Men-schenrechte, R. Schnur, Hrsg., Darmstadt, 202-237.
J.S. Sprink (1960), French Free-Thought from Gassendi to Voltaire, London.
K. Vondung (1971), Condorcet, in: Der Mensch als Schöpfer der Welt, Formen und Phasen revolutionären Denkens in Frankreich 1762-1794, München, 111-140. F. Wood (1995), Did Marco Polo go to China? London.
Martin Gimm " Nalan Xingde (1655 – 1685) – Zwanzig Gedichte" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 85-89;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Nalan Xingde.
Martin Woesler " Ba Jin – Der kleine Hund Baodi" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 90-95;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Ba Jin, Baodi.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 96-134
1999/2 pdf for download
Editorial and Reports Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 6-28;
Martin Woesler " Neubewertung der chinesischen Schriftsteller Zhou Zuoren, Ba Jin und Zhu Ziqing am Beispiel des kritischen politischen Essays " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 29-35;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Zhou Zuoren, Ba Jin, Zhu Ziqing.
Ba Jin 1933, Ba Jin : “Niao de tiantang ” (Paradies für Vögel), in: Wenxue (Lite-ratur) Bd 1 (1.8.1933, Heft 2)
Ba Jin 1956, Ba Jin : “Duli sikao ” (Unabhängig denken), in: Li Jisheng , Li Xiaolin (Hgg.): Ba Jin liushi nian wenxuan (1927 - 1986), Suixiang lu, zagan, sanwen, xuba, yanjiang, shuxin (Ba Jin. Werkauswahl aus 60 Jahren (1927 - 1986), Gedanken, vermischte Gefühle, Essays, Vor- und Nachworte, Reden, Briefe), Shanghai : Shanghai wenyi chubanshe (Literatur- und Kunstverlag Shanghai), 1986.12, S. 461 - 462
Ba Jin 1962, Ba Jin : “Zuojia de yongqi yu zerenxin ” (Mut und Verant-wortungsbewußtsein der Schrifsteller) 1962; der Essay von Zhou Zuoren : “Wenxue tan ” (Über Literatur), in: Tan long ji (Über Drachen. Sammlung), Shanghai : Kaiming shudian (Kaiming Buchladen) 1927.12, Nachdruck: Hongkong : Shiyong shuju (Praxisverlag) 1972.1, 310 S., S. 165 - 167
Ba Jin 1982, Ba Jin : “Yi pian xuwen ” (Ein Vorwort), in: Bing zhong ji (Auf dem Krankenlager), Wiederabdruck in: Ba Jin 1988: Gedanken unter der Zeit 1978 - 1986, Bd 4 Auf dem Krankenlager, S. 13 - 18, deutsche Übersetzung in: Sabine Peschel u.d.T. Helmut Martin (Hg.): Ba Jin. Gedanken unter der Zeit. Ansichten - Erkundungen - Wahrheiten 1979 bis 1984, Köln: Diederichs 1985, 224 S., S. 75 - 80
Ba Jin 1988, Ba Jin : Ba Jin suixiang lu (Ba Jin. Gedanken unter der Zeit), Hongkong : Sanlian shudian (Union-Verlag) 1988, 838 S.
Jia Pingwa 1992, Yueji (Mondspuren), Wiederabdruck in: Jia Pingwa sanwen zixuan ji (Jia Pingwas Essays. Eine Selbstauswahl), Guilin : Lijiang chubanshe (Li-Fluß-Verlag), (²1992.5) ³1995.5, 618 S., S. 3 - 104
Nein! 1996, Zhongguo keyi shuo bu - lengzhan hou shidai de zhengzhi yu qinggan jueze (China kann Nein sagen! - Möglichkeiten für Politik und Gefühle in der Periode nach dem Kalten Krieg), Peking : Zhonghua gongshang lianhe chubanshe (Chinesischer Verlag von Industrie und Handel) 1996
Schwarcz, Vera 1996, Vera Schwarcz, “The pain of sorrow: public uses of personal grief in modern China”, in Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Winter 1996)
Zhou Zuoren 1923, “Ziji de yuandi ” (Der eigene Garten), in: Ziji de yuandi (Der eigene Garten), Peking : Chenbao (Morgenpost); Wiederabdruck Shanghai : Beixin shuju (Neuer Buchladen des Nordens) 1923.9, erweiterte Auflage: Shanghai : Beixin shuju (Neuer Buchladen des Nordens) ¹²1929.7, Nachdruck: Hongkong : Shiyong shuju (Praxisverlag) 1972.10, 278 S., S. 154; weiterer Nachdruck: Changsha : Yuelu shushe (Yuelu-Verlag) 1987.7, S. 1 - 4, englische Übersetzung u.d.T. “Our own Garden” von Wolff: Chou Tso-jen 1971, S. 95 - 97.
Zhou Zuoren 1924, “Cangying ” (Fliege), in: Chenbao fujuan (Beilage zur Morgenpost) (1924.7.13).
Zhou Zuoren 1925, Siehe “Hei beixin ” (Schwarze Westen), in: Yu si (Wortfäden) (15.6.1925, Heft 31), S. 11 [Schwarze Westen mußten Angeklagte der Heiligen Inquisition tragen.]
Zhou Zuoren 1925a, “Guxiang de yecai ” (Wildgemüse meiner Heimat), in: Shanghai : Beixin shuju (Neuer Buchladen des Nordens) 1925.12
Zhou Zuoren 1926, “Sifa ” (Die Arten zu sterben), in: Yu si (Wortfäden) 81 (1926.5.31)
Zhou Zuoren 1936, “In’ei raizan ” (Übers Lesen auf dem Klo), deutsche Übers. von Edu-ard Klopfenstein in: Jun’ichirõ Tanizaki: Lob des Schattens, Zürich: Manesse 1987, chinesische Übertra-gung Zhous u.d.T. “Ren ce kan shu ”, in: Ku zhu za ji (Bitterer Bambus. Vermischte Notizen), Shanghai : Liangyou tushu gongsi (Verlag guter Freunde) 1936, Nachdruck: Hongkong : Shiyong shuju (Praxisverlag) 1972.1, S. 138 - 143, deutsche Übers. aus dem Chinesischen von Wolf Baus, in: Hefte für Ostasiatische Literatur 11 (1991.6), S. 16 - 20, englische Übers. “Reading on the Toilet” von Don J. Cohn, in: Renditions, Hongkong 26 (1986, Herbst), S. 87 90 (unter der Rubrik “Zhou Zuoren: Seven Essays. Translated by D. E. Pollard, Don J. Cohn & Richard Rigby”, S. 68 106)
Zhu Ziqing 1926, Zhu Ziqing : “Zhi zhengfu da tusha ji ” (Bericht über das Regierungsmassaker), Wiederabdruck in: Li Guangtian et al. (Hgg.): Zhu Ziqing wenji (Zhu Ziqing. Werke), 4 Bde Shanghai : Kaiming shudian 1953, Bd 3, S. 765 - 774
Zhu Ziqing 1927, Zhu Ziqing : “Hetang yuese ” (Lotosteich im Mondlicht), in: Xiaoshuo yuebao (Monatszeitschrift Erzählungen) 18 (10.7.1927, Heft 7)
Zhu Ziqing 1928, Zhu Ziqing : Beiying (Die Rückenansicht), Shanghai : Kaiming shudian (Kaiming Buchladen) 1928.10
Zhu Ziqing 1928a, Zhu Ziqing : “Shuo meng ” (Über Träume) in: Zhu Ziqing 1928
Zhu Ziqing 1928b, Zhu Ziqing : “Beiying ” (Die Rückenansicht), in: Zhu Ziqing 1928
Zhu Ziqing [1953], Zhu Ziqing : “Xin Zhongguo zai wang zhong ” (Das Neue China im Blick), in: Li Guangtian et al. (Hgg.): Zhu Ziqing wenji (Zhu Ziqing. Werke), 4 Bde Shanghai : Kaiming shudian 1953, Bd 3, S. 837 - 838
Zhu Ziqing [1953a], Zhu Ziqing : “Zhishi fenzi jintian de renwu ” (Die heutige Aufgabe der Intellektuellen), in: Zhu Ziqing. Werke 1953, Bd 3, S. 868 - 869
Hanswilhelm Haefs " Die Hieroglyphen der Naxi und die Wurzeln von Shangrila " Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 36-37;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Shangrila, Naxi.
Martin Gimm " Li Shangyin (812-858). Vermischte Epigramme" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 38-44;
Abstract: none.
Key words: China, Li Shangyin.
Martin Woesler " Bericht von der Jahrestagung der Neuengland-Konferenz der Vereinigung für Asienwissenschaften" Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 48-49;
Abstract: none.
Key words: none.
Reviews, Events and Index Mitteilungsblatt (Deutsche China-Gesellschaft) 42 (1999) 50-68
International Journal of Language and Translation Research (IJLTR) [English] ISSN 2750-0594, E-ISSN 2750-0608, since 2021
Editorial Board: Jorge Arús Hita, Azizeh Chalak, Lynn M. Burlbaw, Ching-Hsuan Wu, Hamid Marashi, Beatrice Dupuy, Omid Tabatabaei, Peter White, Mansour Tavakoli, Natalia Mikheeva, Hadi Salehi, Gabriella Klein, Ahmad Mohseni, Neil Murray
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IJLTR 1 (2021) 4 pdf for download"
Martin Woesler, Chen Yang, Hunan Normal University/China " Recategorizing Walter Benjamin as Non-deconstructivist based on a Comparison of Jacques Derrida’s and Benjamin’s Views on Translation" IJLTR 1 (2021) 4:1-13 DOI:10.12906/9783899664744_001
Abstract: According to traditional Western views on translation, conveying the meaning is the first aim. In Benjamin’s eyes, this is an acceptance of the “non-identity of languages”, harming linguistic development. With his understanding, Benjamin challenged ideas viewing language as a tool. For this challenge, he has been regarded by many scholars as a forerunner, re-belling against Western logocentrism. He also contributed to the develop-ment of translation studies, e.g. with his concept of a “pure language”. Another dominant figure of deconstructivism is Derrida, who also chal-lenged logocentrism. He has created many concepts like “la difference”, dis-semination, trance etc., which serve not only linguistics and philosophy, but also translation studies. In the history of Western translation, Benjamin has often been classified as a member of deconstructivism, even being compared with Derrida in regard to their deconstructive architectural concept of “absence” (MacArthur 1993). However, Benjamin’s understanding of translation differs from Derrida’s. This paper compares their comprehension of translation mainly regarding the aspects of “pure language” and “la différence”, metaphrase and relevant translations, “afterlife” and “rebirth” of the original. Their attitudes towards the five dimensions original work, author, translator, translation work and translation criterion respectively are explored. It is concluded that Benjamin does not belong to deconstructivism.
Key words:
Benjamin, Derrida, Translation, Deconstructivism, pure language, la différence
Basnett, S. & Lefevere, A. (Eds.). (1990). Translation, History and Culture. London and New York: Pinter Publishers
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Cai Xinle 蔡新乐. (2007). 相关的相关——德里达“相关的”翻译及其他 (The correlation of correlations - Derrida's "correlative" translation and beyond). Peking: China Social Science Press.
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De Man, P. 德曼. (2003). “结论”:瓦尔特.本雅明的“翻译者的任务" ("Conclusion": Walter. Benjamin's "The Task of the Translator"). Messenger Lecture, Cornell University, March 4, 1983." Yale French Studies 69 (1985): 25-46. Quoted from the Chinese Translation by Guo Jun 郭军, edited by Guo Jun 郭军 and Cao Leiyu 曹雷雨, 83-112.
Derrida, J. (2004). What is A “Relevant” Translation? Lawrence, Venuti (trans. & ed.). The Translation Studies Reader (Second Edition). New York: Routledge, 423-446.
Jiang, Xiaohua 蒋骁华, Zhang, Jinghua 张景华. (2007). “重新解读韦努蒂的异化翻译理论兼与郭建中教授商榷” (Reinterpreting Venuti's theory of alienated translation and discussing with Professor Guo Jianzhong). Chinese Translation (3), 39-44.
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Hueber Vermeer, H. (1978) „Ein Rahmen für eine allgemeine Translationstheorie“ (A Framework for an Ordinary Translation Theory); in: Lebende Sprachen 23, 99-102.
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Wang Yingchong 王颖冲. (2011). “再论德里达的 ‚relevant’ translation”. ("Re-discussing Derrida's 'relevant' translation"). Chinese Translation (5), 11-19.
Wei Jiangang 魏建刚, Sun Yingchun 孙迎春. (2013). “本体论抑或方法论——本雅明《译者的任务》再探” (Ontology or Methodology: A Re-examination of Benjamin's ‚The Task of the Translator’). Foreign Languages and Foreign Language Teaching (2), 72-76.
Wohlfarth, I. (2003). 一个马克思主义者的“创世纪" (A Marxist's "Genesis"). Translated by Guo Jun 郭军. Edited by Guo Jun 郭军, Cao Leiyu 曹雷雨, 27-42.
Zhu Gang 朱刚. (2006). 本原与延异:德里达对本原形而上学的解构 (Origin and Extension of Difference: Derrida's Deconstruction of the Metaphysics of Origin). Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
Reza Rahekhoda " Expansion in Film Subtitling: The Case of English-Persian Subtitles" IJLTR 1 (2021) 4:15-31 DOI:10.12906/9783899664744_002
Abstract: This study investigates the application of expansion in Persian subtitles of English films. More precisely, this study aims at classifying the different types of expansions used in subtitles as well as investigating the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the employment of each type, considering the time and space constraints which are peculiar to subtitling. To achieve this purpose, three English films, “The Net” (1995), “Contact” (1997), and “Mission Impossible 2” (2000), available with Persian subtitles, were selected for the study. To gather the required data, these films were watched and the Persian subtitles in which expansion had been used were identified and extracted along with their English dialogs. Then, the extracted Persian subtitles were classified based on the reason that gave rise to expansion in each case. Then, the appropriateness or inappropriateness of using expansion in the extracted Persian subtitles was descriptively investigated. Finally, an equivalent not containing any expansion was proposed for those cases in which the meaning could be fully transferred without this strategy. The findings of the study indicated that a number of reasons gave rise to the expansion of subtitles. These reasons range from explicitation (explicitation of visual, co-textual and contextual information), mistranslation and paraphrasing to subtitler’s preferences. Furthermore, it was found that the application of expansion was inappropriate in all cases except for those caused by explicitation of contextual information, since correct and shorter equivalents, which were equally capable of co
Key words: Audiovisual translation, expansion, explicitation, mistranslation, subtitling
Bahumaid, S. (2006). Collocations in English-Arabic translation. Babel, 52, 133-152.
Baker, M. (1992). In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.
Bielsa, E., et al. (2009). Translation in Global News. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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Cowie, A. (1981). The treatment of collocations and idioms in learner’s dictionaries. Applied Linguistics, 11(3), 223-235.
Hornby, A S. (2007). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
Lareau, F., Dras, M., B¨orschinger, B., Turpin, M. (2012). Implementing Lexical Functions in XLE. CSLI Publications.
Manning, Ch., D. & Hinrich S. (1999). Foundations of statistical natural language processing. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.
Minnaar, Rae-Ann. (2012). A Self-Reflexive Investigation into Effective Translation Strategies with Preference to Jeanne Goosen’s Louoond. MA Thesis.
Reah, D. (1998). The language of newspapers. London: Routledge.
Rohani, Ali, Esmaeili, M. (2010). A Contrastive Analysis of Sports Headlines in Two English Newspapers. Journal of Applied Language Studies. Vol. 4, No. 1.
Sughair, Yusraal. (2007). The Translation of Lexical Collocations in Literary Texts. B.A. Thesis. American University of Sharjah.
Venuti, L. (ed.). (2004). The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd edition. USA: Routledge.
Vinay, J. P., Darbelnet, J. (1995). Comparative Stylistics of French and English: a Methodology for Translation, (translated by J. C. Sager and M. J. Hamel), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Žvirblytė, Indrė, Petronienė, Saulė. (2012). Headlines of Online News Articles: Degree of Equivalence in Translation. Studies about languages.
Marzieh Alirezaei " Translation of English Collocations into Persian: Sport News Headlines in Focus" IJLTR 1 (2021) 4:33-47 DOI:10.12906/9783899664744_003
Abstract: This study was an attempt to find out which strategies are used in the translation of collocations in sport news headlines and making decisions regarding the extent of English collocations that are preserved in the Persian translations. For this purpose, one hundred collocations were selected from sport news headlines and were compared to their Persian translations. They were investigated based on Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) Model. The results showed that “Equivalence” was used more than other strategies, while the next most frequently-used strategies were “Borrowing”, “Literal translation” and “Transposition”. The least frequently-used strategy was “Modulation”. “Calque” and “Adaptation” were not used by the translators. Also, most of the collocations were preserved in the Persian translations.
Key words: Collocation, Headline, Translation Strategies, Sports News
Bahumaid, S. (2006). Collocations in English-Arabic translation. Babel, 52, 133-152.
Baker, M. (1992). In Other Words. A Coursebook on Translation. London: Routledge.
Bielsa, E., et al. (2009). Translation in Global News. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Boduch, Robert D. (1999). Great Headlines-Instantly! How To Write Powerful, Attention-Grabbing Headlines That Pull in More Prospects, More Customers and More Profits, Now!
Cowie, A. (1981). The treatment of collocations and idioms in learner’s dictionaries. Applied Linguistics, 11(3), 223-235.
Hornby, A S. (2007). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
Lareau, F., Dras, M., B¨orschinger, B., Turpin, M. (2012). Implementing Lexical Functions in XLE. CSLI Publications.
Manning, Ch., D. & Hinrich S. (1999). Foundations of statistical natural language processing. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.
Minnaar, Rae-Ann. (2012). A Self-Reflexive Investigation into Effective Translation Strategies with Preference to Jeanne Goosen’s Louoond. MA Thesis.
Reah, D. (1998). The language of newspapers. London: Routledge.
Rohani, Ali, Esmaeili, M. (2010). A Contrastive Analysis of Sports Headlines in Two English Newspapers. Journal of Applied Language Studies. Vol. 4, No. 1.
Sughair, Yusraal. (2007). The Translation of Lexical Collocations in Literary Texts. B.A. Thesis. American University of Sharjah.
Venuti, L. (ed.). (2004). The Translation Studies Reader. 2nd edition. USA: Routledge.
Vinay, J. P., Darbelnet, J. (1995). Comparative Stylistics of French and English: a Methodology for Translation, (translated by J. C. Sager and M. J. Hamel), Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Žvirblytė, Indrė, Petronienė, Saulė. (2012). Headlines of Online News Articles: Degree of Equivalence in Translation. Studies about languages.
Huannan Su, Fengyi Ma " Medical English Translation in Medical English Classes of Chinese Colleges: A Literature-based Review" IJLTR 1 (2021) 4:49-69 DOI:10.12906/9783899664744_004
Abstract: The current literature review intends to have a brief understanding of the general situation of medical English translation in medical English classes of contemporary Chinese medical colleges. Thus, in order to acquire an evaluation of the existing situation of medical English translation in contemporary Chinese medical colleges, this reviewing paper organically collects relevant literatures regarding medical English translation in contemporary Chinese medical colleges. Based on the results of this reviewing paper, a gap between a lack of certain series of practical medical English translation methods and the needs of applying necessary medical English translation methods is found ultimately. In view of this situation, the reviewers have reiterated the relationship between medical English translation and language learning and brought forward a translational enlightenment for the follow-up translational studies as well as future research regarding medical English translation in contemporary Chinese medical colleges.
Key words: Chinese Medical Colleges, Medical English Classes, Medical English Translation
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Huang, Y. (2012). The Translation of Long Sentences in Medical English. Changsha: Huanan Normal University Press.
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Xi, Y. (2009). “Faithfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance”, the Three Principles of Translation and Dynamic Equivalence: A New Exploration of the Similarities and Differences between the Three Translation Standards in China and the West and Their Reasons. Journal of Cangzhou Teachers College, 9, 40-42.
Yan, Z. (2007). A Preliminary Study of Medical English Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Maritime University.
Yang, T., & Liu, Z. (2009). On Medical English Translation. Journal of Mudanjiang Education College, 1, 72-73.
Yin, C. (2013). Application of Translation Strategies to English Translation of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Shanghai: Shanghai Normal University Press.
Zhu, S. (2015). The Current Status of the Medical Translation Industry and the Principles of Practice. Chinese Translation, 2, 111-114.
Nadia Pirmoradian, Azizeh Chalak " Iranian Students’ Attitudes Towards English Loanwords in Persian with a Focus on Gender Differences" IJLTR 1 (2021) 4:71-86 DOI:10.12906/9783899664744_005
Abstract: The English language has affected nearly every language community in the world. Persian is no exception as many English words have been borrowed in Persian. This study was nonexperimental quantitative-descriptive research employing an approach to examine the Iranian postgraduate students’ attitudes towards English lexical borrowings and if there was a difference between the attitude of male Persian speakers and female Persian speakers. To fulfill the purpose of this study, two sets of questionnaires were distributed among 60 Iranian students majoring in law and business through snowball sampling. The quantitative data were collected by means of two sets of questionnaires and entered into SPSS and the frequencies, percentages, and mean of the individual items were calculated and analyzed.
The data analyses showed evidence of positive attitudes of students towards English loanwords. The results also indicated that the growth of social media has a great effect in the use of English words which seems to be kept across both genders. All in all, it was concluded that attitudes towards English loanwords in Persian were positive, yet there was not a statistically significant correlation between Iranian female students and Iranian male participants. The study contributes to our understanding of the nature of lexical borrowings from English into Persian. Therefore, an implication of this study is that English loanwords must only be used appropriately and when necessary because misuses of them will result in weakening and deterioration of the Persian language.
Key words: Attitudes, Borrowing, Loanwords, Persian speakers
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IJLTR 1 (2021) 3 pdf for download"
Hadi Salehi, Somayeh Kiani, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Vocabulary Recall Improvement through Acronyms: A Case Study of Iranian Advanced EFL Learners" IJLTR 1 (2021) 3:1-14 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_001
Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the effects of using acronyms on improving vocabulary recall among Iranian EFL learners. To this aim, 20 advanced EFL learners were selected and randomly assigned to two groups; namely, experimental and control. The data collection instruments were a vocabulary test consisting of some multiple-choice items and a questionnaire for exploring the participants’ perceptions of using acronyms for improving vocabulary recall. Eighty target words chosen from a textbook entitled, General English Language (2nd ed.), authored by Jafari, were also provided as the materials of the study. The vocabulary test was administered to the participants as pretest and posttest prior to and after the treatment. The findings revealed that using acronyms had a significant effect on improving vocabulary recall among the learners in the experimental group. Moreover, the participants in the experimental group had positive perceptions of the effects of using acronyms on improving vocabulary recall. The findings of this research are beneficial for those who are concerned with English learning and teaching including learners, teachers and researchers.
Key words:
Acronym, EFL Learners, Language Learning Strategy, Memory Strategy, Vocabulary Recall
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Nasrin Khaleghi Zavareh, National Institute of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences/Iran " Translation of Culture-Specific Items from English into Persian: A Case Study of The Secret Garden" IJLTR 1 (2021) 3: 15-37 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_002
Abstract: In this study, the main purpose was to analyze the culture-specific items in three Persian translations of an English literary work, The Secret Garden. In order to achieve this objective, Newmark’s taxonomy of culture-specific items and Vinay and Darbelnet’s model of translation were used for identifying and classifying the translation strategies of culture-specific items applied in the three Persian translations of the book. To do so, first, the CSIs were extracted from the source text. Then, the translation strategies applied in culture-specific items of the three Persian translations were detected, compared and analyzed. The obtained results showed that the ‘equivalence strategy’ was the dominant translation strategy, and ‘particularization’ and ‘adaptation’ were the least frequently-used strategies. This finding has practical implications
Key words:
Culture, Culture-specific items, Translation strategies, Vinay and Darbelnet’s model of translation
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Mahdi Rostami Ravari, Neda Fatehi Rad, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Impact of Dialogue Journal Writing on EFL Learners' Self-Regulation and Reading Comprehension Performance" IJLTR 1 (2021) 3: 39-70 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_003
Abstract: Dialogue journal writing is an activity by which language participants can make a bond of written communication with their teachers and practice various aspects of the target language. This feature can make dialogue journal writing a learner-centered instrument to improve learners' proficiency in different aspects of language. With this in mind, the present study explored the impact of dialogue journal writing on self-regulation and reading comprehension performance of EFL learners in a language institute. To this purpose, an experimental pre-test, post-test research design was used. The participants of the study were 60 pre-intermediate participants who were divided into experimental and control groups of equal size (30). At the end of the treatment, the participants took a post-test and post-questionnaire of self-regulation and the scores were recorded carefully. The results of the study indicated that the employment dialogue journal writing has a significant impact on Iranian EFL learners’ reading comprehension skill and their self-regulation.
Key words:
Journal writing, self-regulation, reading comprehension ability, EFL learners
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Azar Bagheri Masoudzade, Islamic Azad University/Iran und Raziyeh Hashemi Lahijani, Kerman Institute of Higher Education/Iran " Communicative Language Teaching Method (CLT) and Final Examination of Iranian EFL Learners" IJLTR 1 (2021) 3: 71-90 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_004
Abstract: Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) aims at improving students’ abilities to communicate in a foreign language. This approach has been welcomed and employed by numerous EFL teachers. The current research attempted to probe the effectiveness of CLT method as a communicative approach on EFL learners’ achievements in their final examinations. It also aimed at exploring the EFL learners’ attitudes towards the use of CLT method in their language classes. A total number of 60 female students of elementary level was selected based on convenience sampling. A pre-test was administered to the participants at the beginning of the term to ensure that they had the same language background. Then, they were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups (30 students in each group). Communicative activities were employed with the experimental group while control group was exposed to traditional, non-communicative teaching method. The research lasted a term approximately six weeks. At the end of the experiment, a post-test (final exam) was assigned to both groups to determine whether CLT method had positively affected the EFL learners' achievement in final examination. In the last session, CLT questionnaire was distributed among the learners of the experimental group to explore their views (positive or negative) towards CLT method. The results showed that CLT method had a positive effect on the students' achievements in final examination. The experimental study has also illustrated the positive students’ attitude toward this communicative teaching method.
Key words:
Communicative, Language Teaching (CLT), Communicative Competence, Communicative Activities, Final Examination
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Narges Backtash, University of Tehran/Iran und Masoud Taheri, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Teaching-Learning Asymmetry: Why Don't Learners Learn What Teachers Teach" IJLTR 1 (2021) 3: 91-104 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_005
Abstract: Teachers of EFL, as well as teacher trainers, have always complained about mismatch between what they do in the language classes and the outcome of it in the real world. There has been much debate as to whether the mismatch results from learner variables, teacher inadequacies, program deficiencies, etc. The present paper reviews some existing learning perspectives and tries to come up with some hypotheses concerning the problem. One hypothesis put forward here to test in a comparative form is that the language learning environment and the strategies used by the teachers and learners do not match and therefore the efforts of both groups go down the drain. Implications of the possible confirmation of such hypothesis for language teachers are discussed and some conclusions are drawn on that basis.
Key words:
First language acquisition, second language acquisition, language testing
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Valeh Jalali, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Simplification: A Case Study of the Persian Translations of The Little Prince " IJLTR 1 (2021) 3: 105-119 DOI:10.12906/9783899664737_006
Abstract: The present study explores the application of ‘simplification, as a translation universal, in three Persian translations of The Little Prince, a novel by Saint-Exupery, to find out whether there is any significant difference among them in terms of using this translation strategy. The study also aims to determine which translation is the most successful in simplifying the text in translation. The three translations examined belong to Shamloo, Qazi and Najafi, respectively. To this purpose, Kludy’s (2003) classification is used as the theoretical framework of the study. So, the data regarding simplification are extracted from the three translations on the basis of the categories of this framework. Then, the frequency of simplification strategies present in the three translations is calculated and comparisons are made.
Key words: Simplification, Simplification hypotheses, Translation universals
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قاضی، محمد. )1389 .)شازده کوچولو. تهران: انتشارات امیرکبیر
نجفی، ابوالحسن. )1379 .)شازده کوچولو. تهران: انتشارات نیلوفر
شاملو، احمد. )1388 .)شازده کوچولو. تهران: انتشارات نگاه
pdf for download"
IJLTR 2 (2021)
Mona Lavenezhad, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Effect of Textual Integrity of Argumentative Texts on EFL Learners’ ReadingPerformance: Different Levels of Language Proficiency in Focus" IJLTR 1 (2021) 2: 1-25 DOI:10.12906/9783899664720_001
Abstract: The present study aimed at investigating the effect of textual integrity of argumentative texts on EFLlearners’ reading comprehension performance. It also aimed at checking the extent of such an effectamong learners with different language proficiency. To this purpose, 120 students learning English at Jihad Daneshgahi Institute in Isfahan were selected as the participants. They were selected from apool of 200 available and interested students and were divided into three groups of low proficient, intermediate and high proficient learners of equal size (40), based on their scores on an OQPT proficiency test. Then, 3 reading comprehension tests (cloze tests), with an appropriate level of text difficulty, were prepared by the researcher. In making the tests, the text in each test was either kept authentic in terms of textual integrity (i.e. text organization, cohesive devices, etc.), or manipulated to lose its textual unity and, thus, be more difficult to read and understand. The results of data analysis indicated that manipulated argumentative texts negatively affect EFL learners’ reading performanceat all levels of language proficiency. The results additionally revealed that text manipulation, i.e. textual integrity decrease, has a more significant effect on the reading performance of the intermediategroup participants. The findings of this study can have some implications for language teachers to become more alert to the effect of textual integrity of texts on reading comprehension performance of students when trying to understand argumentative texts. Furthermore, the findings might be constructive for materials developers, i.e helping them to prepare appropriate texts in terms of textualintegrity and readability, in line with the needs and levels of EFL learners.
Key words: English writing, Digital mind mapping, Mind Perception, Traditional mind mapping
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Maryam Askari, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Relationship between Two Translation Quality Assessments: Holistic Rating Vs. Waddington’s Model of Assessment" IJLTR 1 (2021) 2: 27-46 DOI:10.12906/9783899664720_002
Abstract: Translation quality assessment is one of the most significant and, at the same time, problematic areas of translation. The critical importance of this issue becomes more obvious in pedagogical contexts. The present study focused on the translation quality assessment undertaken in Islamic Azad University of Bandar-Abbas which offers translation training in both B.A and M.A levels. In this study, Waddington’s model of TQA, which is accepted as an objective model, was applied to the exam papers of the students, already assessed and scored by their instructors. The results obtained from statistical analysis of the data, that is, the two sets of scores, revealed that a correlation does exist between the scores obtained through applying Waddington’s model and the scores assigned to the papers by the instructors. Based on this finding, two conclusions were drawn: 1) the assessment carried out in the above-mentioned university is objective, and 2) Waddington’s model and its criteria are not that much objective, and has some shortcomings. One of the shortcomings, according to the findings of the present study, is that ‘the unit of translation’ has not been specified in the model. Thus, the researcher proposes to consider concept’ as the ‘unit of translation’.
Key words:
Holistic method, objective translation assessment criteria, translator training, Waddington’s Model
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Rana Rahimi Larki, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Relationship between Self-regulated Learning and Self-disclosure in EFL Classes: Speaking Competence in Focus" IJLTR 1 (2021) 2: 47-67 DOI:10.12906/9783899664720_003
Abstract: The present study aimed at investigating the relationship between self-regulated learning and self-disclosures in EFL speaking classes. To this end, 30 male and female Iranian EFL learners whose level of proficiency was intermediate participated in the study. Oxford Quick Placement Test (OQPT) was used for evaluating the participants’ general English knowledge and their self-regulations were assessed by Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). A pre-test was administered to evaluate how much the students were good at self-disclosure. The self-regulation strategies were taught directly to the participants in 10 sessions. After completing the treatment, the post-test was conducted to assess the participants’ improvement and to understand the relationship between self-regulation and self-disclosure. To measure the relationship between self-regulation and self-disclosure, Person Correlation was run. The results of the study revealed that there was a strong positive correlation between self-regulation and self-disclosure. In another words, self-regulation learning affected participants’ self-disclosure positively. The results of the study may offer implications for English teaching in general and teaching oral skill in specific.
Key words:
Competence, Oral Proficiency, Self-Regulation, Self-Disclosure
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Mahsa Soleimani und Hossein Vahid Dastjerdi, University of Isfahan/Iran " Impact of Opinion-Exchange and Information Gap Tasks on EFL Learners’ Willingness to Communicate" IJLTR 1(2021) 2: 69-87 DOI:10.12906/9783899664720_004
Abstract: The present study sought to investigate the effect of two types of tasks; namely, ‘information-gap’ and ‘opinion-exchange’, on EFL learners’ Willingness to Communicate (WTC). To this end, the needed data was collected from 90 female EFL learners in Koushesh Language Institute in Isfahan, Iran, and the participants were divided into one control and two experimental groups (A and B). The latter received treatments in one of the two experimental situations and were measured for their level of L2 Willingness to Communicate (WTC). Group A received ‘information gap’ for a period of 16 sessions, and group B received ‘opinion-exchange’ tasks. The control group received no task of specific type. At the end of the treatment, the participants filled a questionnaire on their WTC. The results indicated that members of both the experimental groups outperformed those of the control group. Furthermore, it was revealed that opinion-exchange tasks had better effects on the enhancement of the participants’ WTC. The findings of this study may be very beneficial for the teachers of the English language who wish to improve their EFL learners’ speaking ability. In fact, creating environments for learners to communicate in English inside and outside the classroom through tasks would enhance learners’ willingness to communicate.
Key words:
Willingness to Communicate, information-gap task, opinion exchange task
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Mehrdad Vasheghani Farahani, Leipzig University/Germany und Nemutallah Shomoossi, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences/Iran " Letter to the Editor - Social Isolation and Disconnectedness in Translators: An Overlooked Occupational Concern" IJLTR 1 (2021) 2: 89-92 DOI:10.12906/9783899664720_005
Abstract: none.
Key words:
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Drugan, J. (2017). Ethics and social responsibility in practice: interpreters and translators engaging with and beyond the professions. The Translator, 23(2): 126-142Special issue: Translation, Ethics and Social Responsibility. Doi: 10.1080/13556509.2017.1281204
Hyland, K. (2001). Bringing in the reader: addressee features in academic writing. Written Communication, 18(4): 549-74. Doi: 10.1177/0741088301018004005
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Katan, D. (2009). Occupation or profession: A survey of the translators’ world. translation and interpreting studies: The Journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association, 4, 187-209. DOI:
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Vasheghani Farahani, M., & Shomoossi, N. (2021). Teleworking translators during the COVID-19 pandemic: Social and personal experiences from Iran. New Voices in Translation Studies, 24, 117-126.
pdf for download"
IJLTR 1 (2021) 1
Shima Ghobadi, Nastaran Zahedian, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Advertisement Slogans in English-Persian Translations: In Search of Appropriate Persuasive Features" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1:1-16 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_001
Abstract: English advertisement slogans are rarely translated into Persian though they are almost everywhere around us. In the present study, due to the importance of the persuasive language and the rhetorical figures in advertisement slogans, couples of English-Persian advertisement slogans were analyzed to illustrate the persuasive characteristics used in them. The findings revealed that to sell the foreign products well in Iran’s markets, translators of related slogans should be aware of the persuasive language of advertisements and find the most appropriate translation strategy through analyzing them. It was also revealed in the analysis of the selected slogans and comparison of their translated versions that the Persian style of advertisements is in some ways different from their counterparts in English, yet they do share a number of features. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the translation of advertisement slogans should be regarded as a form of featured translation demanding translators’ sensitivity.
Key words:
Advertisement slogans, persuasion, cultural features, advertising slogans
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Hossein Heidari Tabrizi, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Pedagogical Quality of English Achievement Tests: An Untold Story of Iranian High School Students’ Oral Scores" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1: 17-29 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_002
Abstract: The test scores on students’ report cards is the only benchmark against which their English achievement are assessed for evaluative purposes in Iranian high schools. According to the rules and regulations, the average score of a student is required to be reported by English teachers, based on her/his performance on both oral and written tests. The present study aimed to discover if Iranian high school female students’ English scores on their report cards represent the real sum of their oral and written test scores. To do so, the average scores of 30 female students in Grade 11 at two Iranian girls’ senior high schools in Isfahan were compared with those of a researcher-made validated oral and written test. The results showed that the scores of the students on the newly-developed test were higher than those recorded on their report cards. The results of a paired t test revealed a statistically significant difference between the means of these two sets of scores, rejecting the common false presupposition about students’ low performance in oral skills. Teachers typically skipped the oral test and rated their students’ oral ability, just on the basis of their own intuition or students’ performance on the written test. It seems that the exclusion of the oral test leads to this difference in the scores. Thus, Iranian high school students’ English scores appearing on their report card are not a sound reflection of their performance on the oral and written tests.
Key words:
English Achievement Tests, Iranian High Language Assessing Quality, Students’ Oral Scores
Abbasi, S., Chalak, A., & Heidari Tabrizi, H. (2021). Impact of online strategies-based instruction on Iranian advanced EFL learners’ speaking scores. International Journal of Foreign Language Teaching & Research, 9(36), 21-37.
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Elaheh Mashhadi, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Naturalness in Translation: A Case Study of the Figurative Elements in the Persian Rendering of To Kill a Mockingbird" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1: 48-49 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_003
Abstract: The present research examines different translation strategies employed to render into Persian idioms and metaphors in the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. Actually, the aim of the research is to scrutinize the choices made by the translator when dealing with such elements, through comparing the source and target tropes in search of the most frequently-used strategies. To investigate possible strategies used to render idioms, Baker’s four-stage model was used, while for metaphors, the model proposed by Morneau was applied. As for estimating the naturalness of the translation, Venuti's concepts of domestication and foreignization were utilized. The collected data comprised 209 idioms and 39 metaphors. Analysis of the data revealed that the most frequently-used strategies for rendering idioms and metaphors were paraphrase and word-for-word translation, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that domestication was more dominant than foreignization in the Persian translation. The findings of the present study can be helpful for all those involved in the practice of translating literary works as well as novice translators, translation teachers and translation students.
Key words:
Translation strategies,Domestication, Foreignization,Naturalness, Paraphrase
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Zahra Haghshenas, University of Isfahan/Iran " A Cross-cultural Study of Animal Symbolism in the Persian Renderings of Children's Literatur" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1: 57-79 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_004
Abstract: Animals are among culture-bound items which make the translation practice a difficult task for translators and need specific considerations on the part of the translators. In fact, animals in each culture carry some symbolic meanings with themselves which are specific to that culture and are different from those carried in other cultures. Accordingly, the present study aimed at investigating the Literature. It also sought to find the effectiveness of using such strategies regarding the target audiences.To achieve these goals, eleven animal terms, with different symbolic meanings in western and Persian culture, were investigated in twelve western children’s books and their Persian translations. Then, based on Venuti's (1995) categorization of translation strategies, they were categorized into two main domestication and foreignization translation groups to see which group keeps more preferred strategy among Persian translators of children's literature. The effectiveness of using such strategies was measured by interviewing thirty Persian first grade students to elicit their strategies adopted by Persian translators to render the symbolic meaning of animals in children's knowledge about the symbol of animals and comparing them with the used strategies. The results showed that most of the Persian translators tend to foreignize these cultural terms. However, the results of the interview revealed that children recognize the native symbolic meanings of animals more than their foreign ones. It was concluded that the strategies used by Persian translators is not an appropriate one for translating cultural symbolic terms for Persian children.
Key words:
symbol, children's literature, translation strategy, foreignization, domestication
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Farzan Hasani, Islamic Azad University/Iran und Mohamma Reza Talebinejad, University of Isfahan/Iran " Ideology and Audience in the Translation of 'Geneca Joint Plan of Action': Focus on BBC, VOA, and Press TV" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1: 81-96 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_005
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate how and to what extent news agencies namely BBC, VOA and Press TV may manipulate a political or any given source text ideologically, as to suit their affiliations, how they present the news items and how that affects the audience. To this end, the researcher selected news items mainly in the form of audiovisual material broadcast by the mentioned news agencies regarding the interim agreement of Geneva. Drawing mainly on Van Dijk’s (2004) CDA Socio-Cognitive Framework, the news items which were mostly in form of audio-visual material were transcribed and then analyzed to find out what proportions of the information extracted from these news items were ideologically manipulated compared to the source text and in what order. It was revealed that Lexicalization, Evidentiality and Implication were the most prominent strategies used in BBC, Lexicalization, Number Game and Authority were the most used strategies in VOA and Lexicalization, Categorization and Negative Other-Presentation were the strategies mostly used in Press TV.
Key words:
Geneva Joint Plan of Action, BBC, VOA, Press TV, Lexicalization, Evidentiality and Implication
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Azizeh Chalak, Vahideh Rastgoo, Islamic Azad University/Iran " Perceptions of Language Learners towards the Use of Traditional vs. Digital Mind-Mapping Techniques in English Writing Class" IJLTR 1 (2021) 1: 97-115 DOI:10.12906/9783899664713_006
Abstract: The application of various creative teaching methods including mind-mapping has attracted English teachers. Instructors have always shown interest in establishing contexts that motivate and encourage learners to be more enthusiastic in their learning process. Mind-mapping is among the teaching and learning techniques evolved in this regard. The study aimed at comparing the perceptions of language learners toward the use of traditional and digital mind-mapping techniques in English writing classes. This descriptive study was conducted on 30 language learners of Shokouh Institute, Tabas, Iran. They were 14-17 years old with an intermediate level of English proficiency. The participants had already received both traditional and digital trainings and mastered the two techniques. The data on the participants’ perceptions were collected using questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis showed that the participants had positive perceptions toward mind-mapping, particularly digital technique. Based on the findings of the research, mind-mapping technique has helped the students organize their texts. Mind-mapping could also help English students to develop their writing skills in terms of organizing ideas. Consequently, mind-mapping would especially be suitable to assist students plan their English writing, since the technique stimulates them to obtain and establish a deeper understanding of the writing topics.
Key words
English writing, Digital Mind-mapping, Mind-mapping, Perception, Traditional Mind-mapping
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