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Englische Publikationen, sortiert nach Erscheinungsdatum
China's digital dream The impact of the internet on Chinese societ y, Zhang Junhua, Woesler, Martin, Bochum: The University Press, 2002.08.01, 274 S., ISBN 3-934453-90-2, 10 Abb., Stichwörter: , China · Science & Scholarship, Bd. 5, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 39,00
Fast Algorithms for Parameter Estimation of Sensor Array Signals < /i>, Chung, Pei-Jung, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., 2002.07.01, 120 S., ISBN 3-934453-34-1, 0 Abb., Zugl.: Bochum, Univ., Diss., 2002, Stichwörter: Informationstechnik, Signaltheorie, Signaltheorie, Bd. 2, ISSN 1619-68 64, EUR 19,95
Wenlin Software for Learning Chinese, Chinese-English Ins tant Dictionary for Macintosh, DOS, and Windows, Wenlin Institute , Bochum: MultiLingua, 2002.07.01, - S., ISBN 3-932329-25-2, Abb., Stichwörter: , , Bd. , ISSN , EUR 449 Euro, Educational 349 Euro
Chinese Japanese Korean Partner (CJK Partner) / Chinesisch-, Japa nisch-, Koreanisch-Partner MultiLingual Series for Windows NT, 2000, and XP, TwinBridge Software Corporation, Bochum: MultiLingua, 2002.07.01, - S., ISBN 3-932329-24-4, Abb., Stichwörter: , , Bd. , ISSN , EUR 649 Euro, Educational 549 Euro
Chinese Partner / Chinesisch-Partner MultiLingual Series for Windows NT, 2000, and XP, TwinBridge Software Corporation, Bochum: MultiLingua, 2002.07.01, - S., ISBN 3-932329-23-6, Abb., Stichwörter: , , Bd. , ISSN , EUR 449 Euro, Educational 349 Euro
Europe and Humanitarian Aid - What future? Learning from Crises ; Bad Neue nahr Symposium within the Framework of Germany's Presidency of the European Union January 01 - June 30, 1999 ; Institut für Friedenssicherungsrecht und Humanitäres Völkerrecht , Fischer, Horst, Bochum: Bochumer Univ.-Verl., 2002.01.01, S., ISBN 3-934453-33-3, Abb., Stichwörter: , , Bd. , ISSN , EUR 
The Modern Chinese Literary Essay - Defining the Chinese Self in the 20th Century - Conference Volume , Woesler, Martin, ed., Bochum: The University Press, 2000.10.01, 327 S., ISBN 3-934453-15-5, 0 Abb., , Stichwörter: China, Chinese, Literature, Essay, China Sci ence & Scholarship, Bd. 3, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 35,79
Facts oder Fiction? Eine kommunikatorstudie zu den Determinanten für Fakes im Fernseh-Boulevardmagazin , Morgenthaler, Julia, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., 2000.08.01, 234 S., ISBN 3-934453-05-8, 3 Abb., Julia Morgenthaler, geboren 1973 in Hagen, studierte nach dem Abitur Publizistik und Kommunikationswissensc haft an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum und an der Kansas State University in den USA. Von 1993 bis 1998 freie Mitarbeiterin bei der Tageszeitung Westfalenpost. Diverse Praktika beim ZDF und bei verschiedenen TV-Produktionsfirmen. Stipendien für Programme in den USA, in Finnland und in Ghana., Stichwörter: Fernsehen, TV, Kommunikation, Facts, Fiction, Kommunikationsforschung Aktuell, Bd. 1, ISSN 1615-9713, EUR 14,83
The Chinese Essay in The 20th Century , Woesler, Martin, ed ., Bochum: The University Press, 2000.01.01, 496 (xlii, 205, 229) S., ISBN 3-934453-14-7, Abb., , Stichwörter: China, Chinese, Essay, 20th, Century, China Science & Scholarship, Bd. 2, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 25,00
China and Cyberspace. The Development of the Chinese National Information Infrastructure , Fries, Manuel, Bochum: The University Press, 2000.01.01, 220 S., ISBN 3-934453-13-9, 0 Abb., ed. Yi SongAn extensive, detailed study on the development and the hindrances of the internet in China. The report sums up findings dating from summer 2000. The author Manuel Fries analyses the climate for the implementation of a functioning information infrastruct ure, and the plans of "Informationizing" China. In English, Stichwörter: Internet, China, Modern, Cyberspace, Infrastructure, China Science & Scholarship, Bd. 1, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 25,00
Superconductivity in granular metals , Beloborodov, Igor S. , Bochum: Bochum University Press, 2000.01.01, 86 S., ISBN 3-934453-11-2, Abb., Igor Beloborodov studied in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He gained his Ph.D. in 2000 from the Ruhr-Universität in Bochum. He currently holds a Postdoctoral research position at the University of Colorado in Boulder. His research intere sts are in the area of theoretical condensed matter physics with an emphasis on electronic properties of mesoscopic and disordered systems., Stichwörter: Superconductivity, Metal, Granulate, Physik, Bd. 1, ISSN 1616-281 1, EUR 14,83
Language Partner 2000. CD , Woesler, Martin, ed., Bochu m: Bochum University Press, 2000.01.01, - S., ISBN 3-934453-04-X, Abb., incl. Manual, Stichwörter: Language, Modern, -, Bd. , ISSN , EUR 204,01
Language Partner 2000. Manual , Woesler, Martin, ed., B ochum: The University Press, 2000.01.01, 127 S., ISBN 3-934453-01-5, ca. 200 Abb., , Stichwörter: Language, Modern, -, Bd. , ISSN , EUR 7,64
Old Eurasian and Amerindian Onomastics , Graves, Charles, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1997.04.01) 2002.02.01, viii, 254 S., ISBN 3-934453-61-9, Abb., Eurasian, Amerindian, Onomastics , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 38, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 35
Language in the Würm Glaciation. Acta colloquii , Figge, Ud o L. (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1996.02.01) 2002.02.01, x + 197 S., ISBN 3-934453-52-X, Abb., Language, Würm Glaciation, ACTA , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX) , Bd. 27, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 38
The Asian Origins of Amerindian Religions , Graves, Charles , Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1995.10.01) 2002.02.01, 268 S., ISBN 3-934453-60-0, Abb., Amerindian, Religion, Asian , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 37, ISSN 143 9-4073, EUR 35
The Emergence of Homo sapiens and his Languages in Tropical Asia. Linguist ic Evidence for a Hoabinhian Alternative to Engineer Anderson's Thesis , Schuhmacher, Wilfried, Francisco, Juan R., Seto, F., Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1994.11.01) 2002.02.01, 93 S., ISBN 3-934453-58-9, Abb., Homo sapiens , Emergence , Language, Asia, tropical, Hoabinhian Alternative, Anderson , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 35, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 14
Writing: Its Evolution and Relation to Speech , Röhr, Heinz Markus, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1994.11.01) 2002.02.01, 363 S., ISBN 3-934453-46-5, Abb., Writing, Evolution, Speech , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 15, IS SN 1439-4073, EUR 25
Simple Forms: An Encyclopaedia of Simple Text-Types in Lore and Literatur e , Koch, Walter A. (ed., Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1994.07.01) 2002.02.01, 424 S., ISBN 3-934453-16-3, Abb., Text, simple, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semio tics (BPX), Bd. 4, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 39
Proto-Religions in Central Asia , Graves, Charles, Boch um: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1994.03.01) 2002.02.01, 223 S., ISBN 3-934453-57-0, Abb., Proto-Religion, Central Asia , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 34, ISSN 1439-4073, E UR 35
Nostratic, Dene-Caucasian, Austric, and Amerind. Materials from the First International Symposium on Language and Prehistory. Ann Arbor, 8-12. November, 1988 , Shevoroshkin, Vitaly (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1993.2) 2002.02.01, 569 S., ISBN 3-934453-56-2, Abb., Language, Nostratic, Dene-Caucasian, Au stric, Amerind., ACTA First International Symposium on Language and Prehistory. Ann Arbor, 8-12. November, 1988 , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 33, ISSN 1439-4073, E UR 45
The Roots of Literature , Koch, Walter A, Bochum: Bochu mer Uni.vlg., (1993.12.01) 2002.02.01, 256 S., ISBN 3-934453-59-7, Abb., Literature, Root, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 36, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 39< /font>
The Biology of Literature , Koch, Walter A, Bochum: Bo chumer Uni.vlg., (1993.07.01) 2002.02.01, 288 S., ISBN 3-934453-45-7, Abb., Biology, Literature , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 14, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 35
Dene-Sino-Caucasian Languages. Materials from the First International Inte rdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 8-12 November, 1988 , Shevoroshkin, Vitaly (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1991.7) 2002.02.01, 264 S., ISBN 3-934453-55-4, Abb., Language, Dene-Sino-Caucasian ACTA First International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory, Ann Arbor, 8-12 November, 1988 , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 32, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 35
Cultural Semiotics: Facts and Facets. Fakten und Facetten der Kultursemiot ik , Grzybek, Peter (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1991.06.01) 2002.02.01, 182 S., ISBN 3-934453-72-4, Abb., Kultur, Semiotik, Fakt, Stichwörter: , Bochumer Beiträge zur Semiotik (BBS), Bd. 26, ISSN 1437-3335, EUR 19
Language in the Upper Pleistocene , Koch, Walter A, Bo chum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1991.04.01) 2002.02.01, 65 S., ISBN 3-934453-53-8, Abb., Language, Pleistocene, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 28, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 14
Lexical Archaisms in Slavic: From Nostratic to Common Slavic , Kaiser, Mark, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1990.07.01) 2002.02.01, 151 S., ISBN 3-934453-51-1, Abb., Archaism, Slavic, Nostratic, Common , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BP X), Bd. 26, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 17
Semiotics in the Individual Sciences. 2 vols., vol. 2 , Koc h, Walter A. (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1990.06.01) 2002.02.01, total 872 S., ISBN 3-934453-43-0, Abb., Semiotics , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 10 II, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 59 zusammen
Semiotics in the Individual Sciences. 2 vols., vol. 1 , Koc h, Walter A. (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1990.06.01) 2002.02.01, total 872 S., ISBN 3-934453-42-2, Abb., Semiotics , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 10 I, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 59 zusammen
Geneses of Language. Acta Colloquii , Koch, Walter A. (ed.) , Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1990.05.01) 2002.02.01, xvii, 444 S., ISBN 3-934453-44-9, Abb., Language, ACTA, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 11, ISSN 14 39-4073, EUR 39
Issues in Slavic Literary and Cultural Theory. Studien zur Literatur- und Kulturtheorie in Osteuropa , Eimermacher, Karl, Grzybek, Peter, Witte, Georg (eds.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.11.01) 2002.02.01, 600 S., ISBN 3-934453-49-X, Abb., Literary Theory, slavic, Cultural Theory, Osteuropa , Stic hwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 21, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 59
Culture and Semiotics , Koch, Walter A. (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.07.01) 2002.02.01, xviii, 179 S., ISBN 3-934453-20-1, Abb., Culture, Semiotics, illust. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 7, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 28
Reconstructing Languages and Cultures. Abstracts and Materials from the Fi rst International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory in Ann Arbor, 8.-12. Nov. 1988. 2nd ed. , Shevoroshkin, Vitaly (ed.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.06.01) 2002.02.01, 176 S., ISBN 3-934453-48-1, Abb., Langua ge, Culture ACTA First International Interdisciplinary Symposium on Language and Prehistory in Ann Arbor, 8.-12. Nov. 1988. 2nd ed. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 2 0, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 30
Humor: A Semiogenetic Approach , Vogel, Susan, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.06.01) 2002.02.01, 384 S., ISBN 3-934453-41-4, Abb., Humor, Semiogenetics , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 9, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 30< /font>
For a Semiotics of Emotion , Koch, Walter A. (ed.), Boc hum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.03.01) 2002.02.01, viii, 254 S., ISBN 3-934453-62-7, Abb., Semiotics, Emotion , Stichwörter: , Bochumer Beiträge zur Semiotik (BBS), Bd. 4, ISSN 1437-3335, EUR 24
The Wells of Tears. A Bio-Semiotic Essay on the Roots of Horror, Comic, an d Pathos , Koch, Walter A., Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1989.03.01) 2002.02.01, 87 S., ISBN 3-934453-50-3, Abb., Horror, Comic, Pathos, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cult ural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 24, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 19
Hodos and Kosmos: Ways Towards a Holistic Concept of Nature and Culture , Koch, Walter A., Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1987.12.01) 2002.02.01, 93 S., ISBN 3-934453-47-3, Abb., Holism, Nature, Culture, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semi otics (BPX), Bd. 18, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 15
Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics , Koch, Walter A, Boch um: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1986.10.01) 2002.02.01, xxiii, 313 S., ISBN 3-934453-19-8, Abb., Culture, Semiotics , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX), Bd. 6, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 3 5
Haiku East and West: A Semiogenetic Approach , Yamada-Bochy nek, Yoriko, Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., (1985.05.01) 2002.02.01, xiv + 591 S., ISBN 3-934453-36-8, Abb., Haiku, Semiogenetics, illus. , Stichwörter: , Bochum Publications in Evolutionary Cultural Semiotics (BPX) , Bd. 1, ISSN 1439-4073, EUR 59