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Junhua Zhang, Martin Woesler (Hrsg.)
China's digital dream 
The impact of the Internet on Chinese society
[Mit Beiträgen aus Festlandchina, Singapur, Indien, den Vereinigten Staaten and Europa.]

© Bochum: The University Press Bochum 2002, 274 pp., ISBN 3-934453-90-2, EUR 39.00, China · Science & Scholarship 5, ISSN 1616-1556

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Download der ersten beiden Seiten jedes Kapitels mit den Abstracts (Englisch, 152 KB). (S. 3-10;19-20;35-36;71-72;93-94;109-110;129-130;149-150;175-176;201-202;221-222;239-240;269-270)

 Preface Martin Woesler pp. 9-18
1. The Internet and Civil Society in China and Southeast Asia Shanthi Kalathil pp.19-34
2. Telecom Taxonomy: How are the One Party States of East Asia Controlling the Political Impact of the Internet? Nina Hachigian pp.35-70
3. Internet Use in China – A comparative Analysis Guo Liang / Bu Wei pp.71-92
4. The Reality and Potential of Online Trading in China Haifeng Huang / Ren Ma / Lin Jian / John Liang pp. 93-108
5. Accession to the WTO and the Development of China’s Digital Media Xupei Sun pp. 109-128
6. The Internet transforms China into a Western styled information society Martin Woesler pp. 129-150
7. Assessing China´s Efforts in Constructing an e-government Peter Lovelock / John Ure pp. 151-176
8. Development of E-government in China – Present status and problems. Xinjiao Tan pp. 177-200
9. Technology, Markets and Nation-Building in Chinese Cyberspace Christopher R. Hughes pp. 201-221
[forthcoming 2nd edition additionally: CYBERWAR - paper by Junhua Zhang]
10. Is the “wolf” coming? - An empirical study on cultural information spread on Chinese websites Peng Lan pp. 221-238
11. Internet censorship focus: 'Human Rights not found' in the Chinese web Martin Woesler pp. 239-268
Contributors pp. 269-272

Excerpt How to access blocked sites from within China. (To be quoted only with reference to the source © Martin Woesler: "Internet censorship focus: 'Human Rights not found' in the Chinese web", Zhang Junhua, Martin Woesler eds., China's digital dream, Bochum: The University Press Bochum 2002, 274 pp., 239-268 : 259)
"[...] Go to http://www.freepublicproxies.com/ and [...] follow the instructions there to access the internet through an anonymous proxy server from abroad. (You may substitute “freepublicproxies” with “stayinvisible”, “anonymitychecker”, “findproxy”, “proxy4free”, “allproxies”, “proxymania”, “publicproxyservers”, “proxytester”, “pgzone”, “proxymatrix”.)
1. Choose an anonymous proxy server from the list (e.g.
2. Internet Explorer: Click "Service" > "Internet Options" > "Connections". [Version 5.x and later: Click "LAN Settings" in the "Local Area Network (LAN) Settings"] Enable "use a proxy server". In fields "Address" and "port" type proxy name (e.g. and proxy port (here: 80). If necessary enable "bypass proxy server for local addresses".
3. Netscape Communicator: Click "Edit" > "Preferences". Click "Category" > "Advanced" > "Proxies". Set "Manual proxy configuration". Click "View" at "Manual proxy configuration". Set proxies for following protocols: HTTP, FTP, etc."
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