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Reihe China · Science & Scholarship

Link zu Deutsche Chinareihe, Mitteilungsblatt der Deutschen China-Gesellschaft
China's digital dream The impact of the internet on Chinese societ y, Zhang Junhua, Woesler, Martin, Bochum: The University Press, 2002.08.01, 274 S., ISBN 3-934453-90-2, 10 Abb., Stichwörter: , China · Science & Scholarship, Bd. 5, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 39,00
Tao Yuanming (Tao Qian): Der Pfirsichblütenquell. Gedichte , < b>Pohl, Karl-Heinz (Hg.), Bochum: Bochumer Uni.vlg., 2001.01.01, 215 S., ISBN 3-934453-30-9, Abb., Stichwörter: Pfirsichblütenquell, Gedicht, Pfirsich, Pfirsichblüte, China, China Science & Scholarship, Bd. 4, ISSN 16 16-1556, EUR 19,90
The Modern Chinese Literary Essay - Defining the Chinese Self in the 20th Century - Conference Volume , Woesler, Martin, ed., Bochum: The University Press, 2000.10.01, 327 S., ISBN 3-934453-15-5, 0 Abb., , Stichwörter: China, Chinese, Literature, Essay, China Sci ence & Scholarship, Bd. 3, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 35,79
The Chinese Essay in The 20th Century , Woesler, Martin, ed ., Bochum: The University Press, 2000.01.01, 496 (xlii, 205, 229) S., ISBN 3-934453-14-7, Abb., , Stichwörter: China, Chinese, Essay, 20th, Century, China Science & Scholarship, Bd. 2, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 25,00
China and Cyberspace. The Development of the Chinese National Information Infrastructure, Fries, Manuel, Bochum: The University Press, 2000.01.01, 220 S., ISBN 3-934453-13-9, 0 Abb., ed. Yi SongAn extensive, detailed study on the development and the hindrances of the internet in China. The report sums up findings dating from summer 2000. The author Manuel Fries analyses the climate for the implementation of a functioning information infrastruct ure, and the plans of "Informationizing" China. In English, Stichwörter: Internet, China, Modern, Cyberspace, Infrastructure, China Science & Scholarship, Bd. 1, ISSN 1616-1556, EUR 25,00