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Ally McBeal - Unisex und Geschlechterklischee? 

Aneignung eines populären Medientextes

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Images of popular culture serve as a mirror for unconscious socio-cultural patterns played out in the public space. In the TV series Ally McBeal, images of masculinity and femininity have inspired a worldwide (post-) feminist debate concerning the dynamics of gender. Based upon the popularity of the show, it would seem that Ally McBeal reflects the 21st Century notion that equality amongst the sex es has been achieved. In Uni sex and Gender - Cliché, a broad range of interviews were conducted with fans and devotees of the series to help explain the reasons for Ally McBeal‘s global appeal, while also revealing new ways to interpret images of gender. The discovery of Unisex and Gender - Cliché is predicated on how meaning is formed in a (post-) feminist context and played out, primarily in Germany and America, on a pop-cultural canvas. At the core, the exploration of Unisex and Gender - Cliché unveils the unconscious aspects of what it means to be a man or a woman.

Biographical Note:
Karolin Raabe was born in Düsseldorf, Germany, and studied communication, film, television and theatre at the Ruhr - University in Bochum, Germany. She has also worked as a research assistant for numerous projects at the Department of Communication in the field of media and communications.

Karolin Raabe, Bochum, The University Press Bochum, Bochum 20020915, 210 pp., ISBN 3-934453-40-6, 
Kommunikationsforschung Aktuell  vol. 8, ISSN 1615- 9713, EUR 19.90 

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