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"Fachidioten" versus "Kulturmuffel"

Eine vergleichende Studie zur kulturellen Kommunikationskonzeption am Beispiel der 1. Dortmunder Museumsnacht

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On 27 October 2001 nearly 30,000 people flounced their town’s cultural institutions: The 1st “Night of the museum" in Dortmund was a great success. Almost 30 museums and other cultural institutions were open from 4 pm until 2 am. Did the success meet the expectations of the cultural experts with this new “means of communication”?
The "Night of the museum“ creates a discourse between completely different parties: on the one side the experts, on the other an audience, which is obviously not interested at all in cultural affairs. Usually both don’t care about each other’s specific interests. Their understanding of culture, art and its conveying differs strongly. 
Sonja Funke’s study is one of the first attempts to understand why even cultural events that are considered as most attractive by cultural experts often don’t appeal to the public. The author determines factors influencing the functioning and the failure of cultural communication.

Sonja Funke, Bochum, Bochumer Universitätsverlag, Bochum 20020901, 122 pp., ISBN 3-934453-37-6, 
Kommunikationsforschung Aktuell vol. 9, ISSN 1615-9713, EUR 14,83 

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