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Stefan Messmann, Tibor Tajti eds.
The case law of Central & Eastern Europe
Enforcement of contracts

Abstract in Social Science Research Network
Having realized the importance of courts in shaping the contours of law outside the common law systems, this work uniquely endeavors to fill the gap by this collection of empirically-based analyses of developments in the economies and connected laws of Albania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine – as they have surfaced through court cases. As such it is a tool for understanding the unique legal environment of Central and Eastern Europe by way of casting a closer glance at legal and business problems connected to enforcement of contracts. The book covers not just issues of procedural nature like measures aimed at improving the efficiency of court enforcement and the work of bailiffs, the recently discovered provisional and preliminary measures, or enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards; but also such other issues as the fate of newcomer contracts (franchise, various types of secured transactions – including leasing – as well as transactions in securities) or the inherited penalty clauses in the region.

2 hardcover vols., 1087 pages, Berlin, Bochum, London, Paris: European University Press, ISBN 978-3-89966-285-6. 21×15 cm, 79 €.

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Website of the book: http://bou.de/9783899662856.html
Available directly from the Press at fax +49 234 701230, phone +49 234 701360 or email eup@bou.de (fastest), or through Amazon.de (2nd fast) or Amazon.com (3rd fast, shipping from the US).

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