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Stefan Messmann, Tibor Tajti eds.
Investing in South Eastern Europe
Foreign Direct Investment in the Stability Pact Countries

Dr. Elemer Hantos

awarded the Dr. Elemer Hantos prize 2006

ed. Stefan Messman, Tibor Tajti
2 vols., XVII, 990 pages, Berlin, Bochum, London, Paris: European University Press, ISBN 3899661354. Several tables.
19.5 × 12.5 cm, 99 € / 99 $

Available through directly from the Press at fax +49 234 701230, phone +49 234 701360 or email eup@bou.de.
Website of the book: http://bou.de/

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These two volumes are an ambitious venture into the largely undiscovered legal ambient of a peculiar niche of Europe; South-Eastern Europe. Pioneering, unorthodox, but also greatly needed. It is an attempt to fill the gap and provide potential investors and generally all interested in the commercial law framework of the Stability Pact countries from the south-eastern region of Europe with a fairly detailed overview of all investment related fields of law in these two volumes. Undoubtedly, this book is unique, if for nothing else, then because it focuses on jurisdictions, the laws of which have been largely neglected so far; especially in the English language literature. One may just speculate whether and to what extent have these markets been bypassed by the major movements of foreign capital in the post-1990s? What more, it may be legitimately asked as well whether the modest results of the Stability Pact could be ascribed also to the fact that the law and legal ambient of these countries have remained a terra incognita virtually up until today? Admittedly, this train of thought has more than a meager justification. Though, nothing more is hoped for here than a modest contribution to the change of such state of affairs for the better. In addition to being a map that could be readily and directly exploited, it is also expected that the politicians, scholars and businesspeople from the region will also benefit from having more than a hearsay about the neighboring countries of the region. To the extent politicians, academics and all the others having a say in shaping the contours of local laws understand that the token of a genuine economic and social development and of becoming more than a commercial backwater is a race in creating and implementing of a maximally business friendly legal system; to the same extent will this compilation be a success.

Investment is the highest form of trust.
Trust needs a firm footing.

The Investment Guide to South Eastern Europe.

Available through directly from the Press at fax +49 234 701230, phone +49 234 701360 or email eup@bou.de.
Website of the book: http://bou.de/
3899661354.html (fastest), or through Amazon.de (2nd fast) or Amazon.com (3rd fast, shipping from the US).

You may order within the States or within Europe by email, fax or letter directly from the Press:

US: The University Press Bochum, c/o Ms Lei Song, 2504 Grant Ave #2, Redondo Beach CA 90278 USA, phone +1 310 379-9031, fax +1 209 729-5412, email us@BoU.de

Asia: The University Press Bochum, c/o Intec, Ms. Sylvia Weng, 225 Chaoyang Beilu, Jinglong dasha, 1809 shi, 100026 Beijing, phone +86 10 8595 2711, fax +86 10 8595 2712, email china@BoU.de.

Europe: The University Press Bochum, Querenburger Höhe 281, 44801 Bochum, Germany, phone +49 234 971 978 - 0, fax -6, on campus +49 234 (32-)11993, fax (32-)14993, email BoU@BoU.de 
