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The Great Altar of Pergamon as ,State Monument' of the Attalids
On the role of the historical context in the discussions about dating and interpretation of the Friezes [in German]

Christoph Michels

Der Pergamonaltar als ,Staatsmonument' der Attaliden

Published 12/31/2003, ISBN 3-86515-227-9, 119 pp., 6 black&white photos, 21 cm x 14,8 cm, paperback, 13.90 €, Series History, ISSN 1613-6217, vol. 1


The great altar which can be visited today in the Pergamonmuseum in Berlin is one of the most famous and best preserved monuments of antiquity and has been the object of numerous studies since its rediscovery in 1864. In spite of this immense interest it has not been possible – due to the very sparse nature of the evidence – to arrive at a universally accepted dating of the building based on the archaeological material. The function of the structure generally called “altar” also remains obscure. Hence archaeologists have tried to relate the altar, whose impressive friezes are given a political message, to the decades of the 2nd century B.C. that are currently being discussed, which were so eventful for the Attalid Empire. During this period the kingdom of Pergamon considerably increased its territory thanks to its alliance with Rome and experienced its cultural heyday.

The theories concerning genesis and purpose of the Altar of Pergamon which are based on the historical context stand in the centre of this study.

Author [description in German only by now]
Christoph Michels, geb. 28. Januar 1977 in Daun in der Eifel. Studium der Fächer Geschichte (Schwerpunkt Alte Geschichte), Klassische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte seit 1997 an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Magister 2003. Seitdem wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft am Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte.

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