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Jan Pelzl
Practical Aspects of Curve-based Cryptography and Cryptanalysis

Pelzl, Jan
Practical Aspects of Curve-based Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
European University Press
ISBN 978-3-89966-189-7
24.90 Euros [D] / 25.60 Euros [A]

208 pp. - 21 x 14.85 cm
1st ed. 08.12.2006
Series: IT-Security
Keywords: Cryptology
Algebraic Curve
24.90 Euros [D]      


Algebraic curves have a broad range of application in cryptology: on the one hand, elliptic and hyperelliptic curve cryptosystems are increasingly employed as public-key cryptosystems. On the other hand, cryptanalytical alorithms for attacking cryptosystems utilize algebraic curves. Examples include the elliptic curve method for solving the Factorization Problem (FP) or PollardÄs Rho method for solving the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP).

With this thesis, we contribute to both aspects of cryptology. We present algorithmic improvements in the field of cryptography, namely for Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptosystems. In the field of cryptanalysis, we propose different hardware architectures for cryptanalytical algorithms, resulting in a security evaluation of particular symmetric and asymmetric cryptosystems against attacks with special-purpose hardware. Our implementations in software as well as in hardware form the basis for such an analysis und stress the paramount importance of an efficient implementation or arithmetic primitives regarding the overall performance of cryptologic algorithms. In addition, we present the concept and realization of a cost-optimized and reprogrammable code-breaker which is based on contemporary low-cost FPGAs.

The book is available directly from the press, domestic phone 0800 7013600 (toll free), internationally +49 234 701360. blaetterwald.net universitäts-buchhandlung gmbh, querenburger hoehe 281, 44801 bochum, fax +49 234 701230, email info@blaetterwald.net. In Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the book is available also in the bookstores. Moreover, the book is available through Amazon.de also. Internationally, you may order here:

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This title is also available through German bookstores, and Amazon.de.